1. Comstock mare

4. Mares in pen around the hay roll

2. Mare w/ infection coming out below ear drum

3. Mare w/ infection coming out below ear drum

mare had a draining infection coming out of her face, very swollen glands and had been this way did not

see him treating her and she had been this way since she came there, he claimed he made a comment that

she was gong to cost him a $1,000 in medicine to fix it, she is very wild and had a very sad dull eye to her,

but also look at how thin and wormy hay belly.....

5. Kiger colt from Expo

6. Kiger colt from Expo

This is a colt yearly, they bid and bought from the Reno show in July, they said he was donated by Steen

Kiger ranch, he is the grandson to Spirit....I bet he did not look like this in Reno....and Ray was a bully to

this colt, handles him with no respect and will cause him to become a nasty stallion. Claimed he is worth

$5000 right now, I asked him why don/t you sell him and put the money into your rest of the rescues????

Oh he'll be worth $10,000 next year...ya think looking like this.....Hello anybody home.....geee

7 NDA foal with messed up hind foot

This is one of the several pairs of foals he had, they have the Z on neck of some of them. This colt is

wormy, ears bend over, hind ankle joint would pop in and out could not keep weight on his foot, walks

with a limp, Ray claims he was this way when he got him so lets see July or March, still wild, hoofs really

long and Ray doesn't know what is wrong since he has not been vet seen..

8. Mares with foals

9. Foals born there

Both of these foals were born here....mares are way under weight for being there at least 6 months, foals

were very wormy looking, really thin pencil necks, of course their hoofs had not been done on any of

them, and that's not a bad thing when you have lots of area for them to be in but these are kept in a pen.

10. pregnant and unhealthy NDA mares.

11. Colt with fever, face covered with flies and yellow nasal discharge being sent out for adoption

12. Colt with fever, face covered with flies and yellow nasal discharge being sent out for adoption