FEBRUARY 06, 2014

7:00 PM (est) Meeting called to order by President, Roger Ruark

Board members in attendance: Roger Ruark, Tim Ligon, Barney Liebman,

Don Humphrey, Greg Baldwin, Jeff Loomis,

Lenny Reeves, Bryan Maphet, “Hank”

Hannon, Steve Rece, Eddie Moran & Ken


Update review of Board Member’s and family health status.

Term Lengths of Board Members: Bryan Maphet and Jeff Loomis to serve

one (1) year terms to replace former resigned Board


Financial Review: Don Humphries handed out P/L Statement. Year 2013

ended with MGA membership at 203 members. Current

membership is at 189 members.

Board suggested a 2 page report for source and

application of funds to be presented at next meeting in


Don Humphries handed out proposed 2014 Budget with

explanations of proposed budget. Steve Rece motioned

to accept proposed budget, Greg Baldwin seconded

the motion. Board voted to accept the proposed budget

Budget Approved.

Merger Committee: No new news reported other than the purchase of

Townelake Hills Golf Club was finalized on 02/01/14.

Tournament Committee: Greg Baldwin informed the Board that the MGA

schedule for 2014 will decrease from 6 MGA

sponsored tournaments to 4 tournaments in 2014

Roger Ruark handed out tentative 2014 Tourney

Schedule to be ratified by Jim Haslem at a forth-

coming meeting with Roger.

Schedule Approved by Board.

Social Committee: Eddie Moran stated that apporoxemiatley $ 680.00

additional funds will be allotted towards the Social

Committee in 2014. Possible allocation of these funds

may be used at one of the early Saturday Men’s play

and for a possible MGA event, TLH vs. BMAC.

Social Committee schedule to be determined and

handed out at a later meeting.

Wednesday Nite League: Tim Ligon stated that he did not expect any

changes in the coming year.

Greg Baldwin suggested possible day change.

Tim to meet with Featherstone’s to determine

food and beverage availability. Report at next


Saturday Morning Play Day: Jeff Loomis acknowledged the outreach to

attract more lower handicap players by the

creation of different type of matches to be

played on Saturday mornings.

Proposed a tournament to create funds in

order to purchase a Swan for the lake at # 9.

Jeff to send out a questionnaire to members

for suggestions concerning Saturday play.

Jeff to bring a proposed format schedule for

Saturday play to next meeting.

Communications: “Hank” Hannon to initiate a Membership

Drive to attract new members both from

BMAC and from TLH.

Philanthropy Committee: Tim Ligon expressed concerns with funds

from The 8” Cup Tournament being

donated to Cherokee County Special

Olympics concerning some possible

exposure if fraudulent usage by the

charitable organization is realized.

Greg Baldwin offered to take over the chair

of this committee as Tim suggested that he

may have problems with chairing the

distribution of charitable funds to C.C.S.O.

Greg’s offer was to chair was accepted by

the Board removing Tim from this


A vote was taken concerning the distribution

of the 8” Cup For A Cause funds to the

Cherokee County Special Olympics and

was tabled until more research into the fund

allocation to C.C.S.O. was available. Greg

to contact C.C.S.O. and ask for “financials.

Topics For The Next Meeting: To secure a final schedule for all, both

MGA and Club events approved by Jim


Discussion Points – Tee placement for

tournament play.

Continue conversation on the allocation

of donatable funds from the 8” Cup For A

Cause Tournament.

Motion to Adjourn Meeting: Tim Ligon

Seconded: Eddie Moran

Next Board Meeting: March 05, 2013 7:00 pm