RoBotHead Traits
1. Decorative Trim: A = Straight Dominanta = CurlyRecessive
Genotype / AA / Aa / aaPhenotype / Straight / Straight / Curly
2. Light Sensors: B and bCodominant
Genotype / BB / Bb / bbPhenotype / 4 Sensors / 3 Sensors / 2 Sensors
3. Orifice Size: D and dD = normal (like left diagram)d= narrow (like right diagram)
Genotype / DD / Dd / ddPhenotype / Normal / Normal / Narrow
4. Sound Sensors: E and eCodominant
Genotype / EE / Ee / eePhenotype / Normal
(like left diagram) / 1 Normal
1 Small / Both Small
(like right diagram)
5. Cabinet Shape: F = Round dominantf = Square recessive
Genotype / FF / Ff / ffPhenotype / Round / Round / Square
A Genetic Variation Simulation
1. Get a Parent RoBotHead Sketch Sheet and a RoBotHead Inheritance Sheet.
2. Turn all of the RoBotHead Gene Cards upside down on your table and mix them up.
3. Each person needs to select 10 RoBotHead Gene Cards (two of each color). Do not look at the face down side yet.
4. Carefully read the RoBotHead Inheritance Sheet to understand the various genetic combinations that are possible and the phenotypes that will result from each combination of alleles.
5. Examine your cards and write your RoBotHead’s genotype on the line labeled Parent Genotype on the sketch sheet. When writing genotypes, only the letters of the same kind are written together with the capital letter written first.—AA or Aa, BB or Bb etc. )
6. Use the RoBotHead Inheritance Sheet to identify the phenotype and then draw your Parent’s RoBotHead’s phenotype on the sketch sheet.
7. When finished, pair up with another student and copy their parent robot to the other side of your Parent RoBotHead sheet. Be sure to bring your cards with you.
8. Working with your partner, place all 20 of the parents’ Gene Cards face down on the table.
9. Choose a specific RoBotHead trait, like sound sensors, and roll the die. If a six is rolled, get a colored Mutation Card for that trait. Next, randomly turn over two Gene Cards for that trait and set the three cards aside. (If the roll of the die does not produce a six, randomly select 2 Gene Cards for that trait and set them aside.)
10. Repeat step 9 for all of the other four RoBotHead traits. Record the results below.
Trait / Card 1 / Card 2 / Genotype / Phenotype / Mutation (NO or list the mutation)Decorative Trim
Light Sensors
Orifice Size
Sound Sensors
Cabinet Shape
11. Obtain a large Baby RoBotHead Sketch Sheet and write your “baby’s” genotype on the line labeled Baby Genotype. Use the RoBotHead Inheritance Sheet to identify the phenotype and then draw the “baby,” including any mutations, on the sketch sheet.
1. Was the “baby” identical to either “parent”? Use the parent genotypes to help explain your answer.
2. Was the “baby” identical to any other “babies” created in the classroom? Why or why not?
3. How many different types of babies were created? (Look carefully!)
4. Did your “baby” have any type of mutation? If yes, describe the mutation and then write a short paragraph to answer these two questions:
a. How do you think this mutation will affect its ability to survive?
b. How do you think this mutation will affect its ability to mate and/or reproduce?
5. Are BotHead babies clones? Explain your answer.
6. Does your phenotype determine genotype or vice versa? Explain your answer.
7. Based on the results of you and your partner-- Why do I look different than my parents or my siblings?