October 2014


1.Important Dates

2.Letter from Community Spiritual Director

3.Letter from Community Lay Director

4.Walk #83 followup

5.Childcare Ministry Opportunities

Gathering Saturday, October 18th PICNIC at Acton Campground 5:00pm Bring a side dish and join the fellowship. Vote will be held to elect new board members so please plan to attend this very important gathering.

A letter from your Community Spiritual Director:

The Bible tells us in Romans the 8th Chapter and the 26th verse; 26 Likewise the Spirit also helps our weakness. For We Know Not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning’s that cannot be uttered.

The beginning of wisdom is learning what we don’t know. You always know you’re in the presents of a fool when they think they know everything. Have you ever noticed that you can’t teach somebody that knows everything anything? The beginning of wisdom is understanding our limitations and being comfortable with the fact that We Know Not. Uncertainty can be defeating if we let it. Our whole life we will be doing things we have never done before. Everything has a first time. We can’t be in uncertainty and worship at the same time. When we get in the presence of God, I mean really get in His presence, our stress level goes down. AMEN! We need to experience the presence of God. Participate, get involved in worship! Come into His presence!! God is waiting on you!! You’re not waiting on God! God is waiting on you to say I Don’t Know!

The chapter starts out saying; There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. No judgment, it’s over, it’s settled, Why are you walking around guilty? You are so aware of your guilt that you are unaware of your freedom. That verse is not a condition, it’s a description. Verse one starts in love, verse 39 ends in love. The middle is what we need to look at. Starts good, ends good, but the groaning is in the middle. In verse 22 we know, in verse 28 we know, but in the middle verse 26, we know not. Don’t be afraid of the “know not”. God doesn’t want us to be afraid of uncertainty. The one that thinks they know everything, that’s what you need to be afraid of. You can’t teach an arrogant person

to worship because you can’t get them off the throne long enough to put Christ on the throne. AMEN! What are you willing to loose before you humble yourself? Failure WILL humble you down. “I KNOW” is your idol. Worshiping at the shrine of our own opinion will kill everybody under us. There is no room for Godin a mind full of self. AMEN! We can’t worship when we are in control, we can’t win when we are in control.

We have to humble ourselves in the “know not”. It’s in the middle where the glory falls, in the “know not”. The glory of God is always in the middle!! It’s not in what you know, where the glory falls; it’s in what you don’t know; that’s where the glory falls! God’s strength is made perfect in the “know not”. God wants to give you glory right in the middle of it, when you’re in the middle of distress, when you’re in the middle of a loss, in the middle of loneliness, in the middle of sorrow, in the middle of pain, in the middle of …. I NEED GOD IN THE MIDDLE!!! I don’t know this and I don’t know that, but I know I need you God!!I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know!

But God I do know that all things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

God has made a provision for our confusion. When we say “We Know Not”, the Holy Spirit steps in! I NEED GOD IN THE MIDDLE!!! I NEED GOD IN THE KNOW NOT!!! AMEN!!

Decolores, Bro. Troy Mattingly, Community Spiritual Director

Greetings from your Community Lay Director…

Hello, I hope everyone is having a blessed fall. September was a very busy month for the Campbellsville Emmaus Community. God blessed us with three wonderful walks. I would like to thank the Lay Directors Mike Smith, Sheila Yankee, Tracy Perkins, and their teams. Thank you for being obedient servants of our Lord and sacrificing your time so these pilgrims could have a new experience in their walk with Christ.

The Spring Adult Walks will be in April. Steve Lawson was named Lay Director for Men’s Walk 85 it will be April 9-12, 2015. Kim Yankey was named Lay Director for Women's Walk 86 it will be April 16-19, 2015. Please be in much prayer for Steve and Kim as they begin to form their teams for the spring walks.

The High School Chrysalis’ will be held this next January and February. The Girls Chrysalis will be January17-19 and the Boys Chrysalis will be February 14-16. Lorie and Mike Richerson will be leading those Chrysalis Flights. Also be in prayer for Lorie and Mike as they put their teams together and begin the team formations.

If you know a High School Junior or Senior who is interested in attending the Chrysalis please get them signed up and be willing to sponsor them. It would be a blessing to see these high school flights filled up before the first of the year.

Our Oct 18 Gathering is the Emmaus Picnic @ 5:00 at Camp Action (Please bring a side dish).We will be having election for new board members. We will be electing 4 Laity and 1 Clergy. The following have been nominated:

Carolyn Baker Paul Benskin Michelle Jeffries Cheryl McKinney

Keith Morris Steve Morris Greg Rice Darrell Smith

Patti Strader David Taylor Dennis Tobin Andy Warren

Milt Williams Bill Adams (Clergy) Troy Long (Clergy)

See you at the picnic!

Decolores, Terry Lile Community Lay Director

WALK #83 Followup from Shelia Yankey:

Romans 8:38-39

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I have been blessed to be Lay Director on Walk #83. It was announced on April 13 that I was to be Lay Director of this Walk, little did I know on the 16th my Mom would become ill and die on the 18th. God directed me into a path that he guided to put a team together. This came at a time he knew that I needed to focus on him and the love he had for me, which brought me to our theme “He Loves Us”.

I pray for the pilgrims on their 4th Days, as we all know how difficult they are coming off of a high for Jesus. Its not easy in this world of trials and tests, but if they will just take the tools that was given to them on those 3 days and apply them we know the ground was plowed and the seed was sown. The women was shown and felt love that weekend in ways they had never seen before and definitely left knowing How Jesus loves them.

We all come off saying what a good walk, but every walk has it’s own unique weekend. I pray for the upcoming walks #84 & # 85. Let us remember community that we need to show these new pilgrims that we support them by attending the gatherings not just at team dedications when we are working a walk. I pray for our community and love each and everyone for the love and support shown to me and my family since our walks.


Sheila Yankey WALK #83


The Emmaus board has always tried to provide childcare for our monthly gatherings and special services during each walk. Over the years it has been hard at times to find volunteers to do this each month and the board feels that is a very important service to provide to our Emmaus family. To help with this issue the board has voted to offer this as a paying position to our youth groups in the community. This will give our youth groups a way to earn money for their youth camps, trips, Revivals or any need they may have. It does not matter the size of your youth group all that is needed is at least 2 adults from your church and 1 or more of your youth to come on your scheduled date and time. If your youth group is interested please e-mail me- and I will put your group in a spot.

Thank you!! Lisa Wilkerson, Emmaus childcare coordinator

Emmaus Childcare schedule for 2014

  • Church youth groups will be paid $100.00 for special service and $50.00 for gatherings.
  • Checks will be made out to the church youth group.
  • At each function listed the group will consist of at least 2 Adults 18yrs or older and 1-3 youth.
  • Special Services -Groups are expected to be at Big B from 7:45pm-10:30pm
  • Gatherings -Groups are expected to be at listed church from 6:45pm-8:30pm
  • The youth group leader may ask members of their church to help. This will free up the youth to attend a special service for a friend or family Member.
  • Groups will be paid for showing up even if there are no children that night.
  • Donations will still be taken from parents that want to contribute this will help with cost of snacks for each evening.

October 18-Gathering-PICNIC at Acton – NO CHILDCARE SERVICES

November 15-Gathering at St Andrew UMC

December 13-Gathering at Abundant Life church, Lebanon

REMEMBER you can go to the website and sign up to receive a newsletter each month, read prayer requests online, download Emmaus forms, and stay informed of gatherings and other events. We want everyone to stay informed, so if you know of someone who does not get a newsletter, tell them how they can sign themselves up on the newsletter page of the website.