2 Feb Public Comments [direct transcription]

In creating a successful Tiny Home Village, what are the elements that you believe are necessary?

·  Safety, and homes should include all amenities. A community garden is necessary. A pantry where people can drop off food (non-perishable). The prevailing wage will be by-passed by requiring a not profit co. This has been done before. The city is trying to by-pass existing law through legalize on a parking structure.

·  Small measures to decrease noise to residents indoors go a LONG way to foster peace between neighbors (hydraulic cylinders on doors so they don’t slam shut). Security is critical. Must be well-lit with lights placed high enough so they cannot be blocked / vandalized. Units facing inwards towards central courtyard. Industry standard best known method minimum I social service. Full-time employee for every 30 residents. All units ADA accessible so no one is turned away. Does Fair Housing Act allow exclusion/discrimination against families for communities other than 55+ senior living communities?

·  To avoid bickering with neighborhoods, select an area away from it all. Give every resident of THV a free bus pass. Get city bus to add THV to a bus route. Add a patrol beat location there to randomly check on it for resident safety.

·  Community and private space. Residents are very involved and take ownership of community, Residents rise to a level of self governing. Access to healthcare, social services, someone to help them reintegrate.

·  Multi-function furnishings. Bed without climbing into a loft. Little porch. Design of actual home is vital, the builder of the homes can make of break the success of the project, there is a TV channel that showed more than 50 home design/projects. HGTV was the channel.

·  Sense of responsibility and ownership. Variation in selection criteria, unit accommodations to satisfy varying needs. Balance of private/community space.

·  Must have a care manager on premises; provide guidance in self-governance; have on call mediator to help with problems that occur

·  Cost: Legacy Ft. Worth, $19,900 with $1500 +/- each to transport to Albuquerque; 3 in Santa Fe @ $29,900

·  While providing housing is a great benefit it is simply not enough; just as it is not enough to provide only services (for instance substance abuse treatment, mental health counselling, etc) Both aspects of homelessness need to be addressed before real progress can be made.

Group Discussion Comments / Note Cards


·  Permanent Housing

·  Visually appealing – cute like real homes

·  Reuse vacant motes

·  A kitchen or community lockers vs. cooking in own home

·  Location: access to services, neighborhood acceptance and noise control

·  New tenants must paint or modify houses to decrease production cost and increase involvement and personal investment

·  Sweat equity – each resident helps to build their home

·  Design: full facilities, meaning bathroom, sink, toilet, shower; partner with building programs, UNM, CNM or Habitat for Humanity

·  Common Area: range of set ups, cul-de-sacs, access for women, animals and disabled

·  Multi-purpose space for workshops, classes (i.e. Zumba) or game night

·  Easy access to public transportation and services (necessary occupant and volunteer services)

·  Compact bathrooms and kitchens; community bathrooms? Solar power? Self-contained bathrooms/shower

·  Southwest facing for solar gain

·  Each has a small porch and multi-functional furniture

·  Earth bag building

·  All amenities in home

·  Community Garden / farm

·  Community organizations can design/fund/build Tiny Houses based on standards and needs provided

·  Services: legal advisors, Alanon/AA meetings; trades services – sewing , art and gardening; GED assistance; plumbing/electrical apprenticeships

·  Multipurpose room, library with books and videos

·  Self-sustaining

·  Modular design for ease of off-side construction and flexibility

·  Vary design to offer possibilities to different ages/abilities/dispositions

·  On-site mental health services

·  Input from the homeless; access to resources; how does this connect with city/federal resources; how will this be funded? Transitional services; library? Internet?

·  Homes could have a nook/small living area so residents can have their own space to live/decompress

·  Individuality of homes to create ownership (not barracks) take care of it better

·  Propose Central Ave abandoned hotel properties

·  Sink toilet and microwave in each house

·  Laundry room?

·  Village shall economically comply with Isaac Benton’s concerns listed on handout of 2/02/17

Governance and Safety

·  Transitional housing 6 months to one year and then re-evaluation

·  Self-governance rules; who sets them and who enforces?

·  Engage the surrounding neighborhoods to gain acceptance

·  Comprehensive intake services; alcohol and drug free campus

·  Include veterans

·  Guidelines/rules for inhabitants / case management and self-governance

·  Governance transitional or permanent housing / curfew or no curfew? / Mentors or “house moms”; who are residents?

·  Screening? Minimum requirements, and turnover

·  Operator/manager has experience and track record of success

·  Do not exclude alcohol/drug users; unrealistic expectations that one strike equals out

·  Input from homeless community / more input from homeless population, what will work?

·  Survey homeless population on input of where to build

·  Segregate addicts and non-users

·  Donations/inventories can be maintained by residents to give them a sense of ownership in the community

Micro-Enterprise / Outreach

·  Neighborhood acceptance and involvement

·  Community mapping: need community buy in and support (skin in game with neighbors and THV residents)

·  Rent and sweat equity from THV residents

·  Screen similar to apartment renters

·  Monthly or bi-monthly potlucks at site where neighbors outside the THV are invited

·  Residents to learn and do landscaping

·  Location/resources

·  Handout (informational? Newsletter like?) for the community that is around the village

·  Village to change the perception of the homeless

·  Neighbors informed about every step including site selection and zoning

·  A workshop

·  Gardening/farming

·  Community gardens and solar

·  Initial project must be successful to encourage subsequent projects of the same type

Volunteers and Support

·  Addiction and support services

·  Access to resources

·  On-site social services

·  High schools could sponsor a tiny home – from actual construction to volunteering time (technology)

·  Pairing with drug/alcohol recovery services

·  Collaborate with CNM for skilled building

·  Peer counselling training through NAMI

·  Social work services, support services, skill building, outpatient therapies-BH connection to services; EBT and TANIF and Medicaid

·  Collaborative efforts with HCH Saint Martins and the Rock

·  Job/skills training and enrichment

·  Support services needed; integration

·  Get the VA on board

·  Full time social worker

·  Middle of the night crisis counselling

·  Substance abuse recovery support services

·  Goals for self-improvement with support provided

·  Use UNM School of Architecture and churches as a source of labor and increased involvement

·  Shuttle vans for services

·  Support services, harm reduction programs / Blue Cross Blue Shield vaccines and testing, needle exchange, van

·  Services managed by a non-profit

·  Day care