Thursday 24 May 2012 at 7.30 p.m.
1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel
1. Attendance / Cllr IM Mackenzie (Chairman)Cllr L Gilbert
Cllr RC Parry
Cllr DE Savage
Cllr S Ranger
Mr DR Cowgill Clerk
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (s12/13/03) to receive apologies from Cllr Guthrie
3. Declarations of Interest / Cllr Gilbert declared an interest as a Cheshire East Councillor in all planning applications. He indicated that if he made any comment he has expressing an initial view on any applications discussed, and would consider the matter further at Borough level, taking into account all of the relevant information and representations available at Borough level that are not available at this meeting.
4. Minutes / RESOLVED (s12/13/04) to approve the minutes of the Committee meetings held on 19 April 2012 and 17 May 2012.
5. Matters arising / The Clerk reported on the following:
1. Station Booking Office – The Clerk reported that rumours re closure were denied officially.
6. Planning applications / The Committee considered the application listed below and RESOLVED (s/12/13/05) to comment as follows:
12/1781C / 86 Portree Drive, CW4 7JF
Single storey rear extension
No objection
7. Electronic communication / The Committee received a verbal report from Cllr Savage:
1. Further information is awaited from some suppliers - required to deal with legal requirements for storage and retrieval
2. Various levels of access could be used and the report will need to cover these.
3. A system of naming and indexing of documents and reports will be required.
4. Consideration needs to be given to periods of storage.
5. Likely costs would be £150 for hardware and £500 for software.
RESOLVED (s12/13/06) the points be noted and the final report be awaited.
8. Local Plan / 1. The Committee considered progress since the last meeting:
· The Clerk was waiting for further information about affordable housing matters.
· In the meantime the Council should proceed with the production of the Vision using the Middlewich template, now converted to Word. The Clerk to organise the necessary meeting.
2. The Committee considered the current LDF consultation – Interim Planning Policy: Release of Housing Land RESOLVED (s12/13/07) to comment that the proposal should be supported as an interim measure.
9. Parish Council office and succession / The Clerk reported on issues regarding his retirement for consideration by the Committee:
Retirement of Clerk in 2013 – It is anticipated that the Clerk will retire at the end of April or at the Annual Meeting in May 2013. Present discussions assume that that terms will be agreed between Nicola Clarke (the current Assistant) and the Council for her to be appointed Clerk, but it should noted that the terms have not yet been prepared or agreed. The Chairman of the Council and the Clerk should prepare a draft contract based on the NALC model and terms for remuneration and pension for consideration and the Council should aim to reach agreement by December 2012
Lease - Despite some comments about the cost, the Council should continue to have an office for administration purposes and as a visible presence in the village; also to hold small meetings. The Council should work towards renewing the existing lease when it expires in 2014 (subject to satisfactory terms being agreed) but if other premises became available at an appropriate time these should be considered
Additional staff – It is recommended thast an assistant be appointed rather than rely on a Clerk working longer hours because this provides necessary flexibility. The Council should advertise for an assistant in December 2012 with a view to interviews in January 2013. The current Assistant should consider a job specification for the new assistant and proposals as to how they would work together
Office and equipment – The Assistant should consider what equipment is required to run the office in the future, bearing in mind that existing equipment will be about 5 years old when the succession takes place; also new software will be required by then. This needs to tie in with the report on electronic communication
Co-ordination meeting – In due course, a meeting needs to be arranged between the Chairman, Clerk and Assistant to co-ordinate proposals and to produce issues for the Strategy and Finance Committee to consider. This needs to be resolved before the budget process starts in October / November 2012.
LSD - When appropriate the Amenities and TS Committees need to consider if other staff or hire of services is required.
RESOLVED (s12/13/09) to recommend the Clerk’s proposals for approval and action
10. Diamond Jubilee / Cllr S Ranger reported on final arrangements for the event.
11. Cycle Shelter / Following further damage to the cycle shelter the Committee considered options:
RESOLVED (s12/13/10)
1. To note that a further meeting with the Police is being organised.
2. The Clerk to make enquiries about an insurance claim and the cost of repairs.
12. Partnership / 1. The Clerk reminded members of the joint meeting between the Parish Council and HCP on Monday 28 May 2012 at 7.30 p.m.
2. Agree that discussion should be based on the production of a Vision based on the Middlewich Strategy document to be prepared by the Council; and progress of the Partnership on fund raising and implementation of the Parish Plan.
3. Cllr Ranger reported on the last HCP meeting.
13. Council committees / The Committee discussed the division of functions between the Council’s committees.
RESOLVED (s12/13/10)
1. To recommend that no changes are made.
2. This Committee should take a strategic role in planning of projects and producing the Vision.
14. Summer newsletter / The Committee considered items for inclusion including Jubilee events, Highway/Traffic issue and Trees.
15. Future meetings / The following items were suggested for future agendas:
1. Vision
2. Strategic issues
16. Chairman’s and Clerk’s reports / The Clerk reported on a consultation by the Audit Commission on the appointment of a new external auditor for 2012/13 onwards. Any objection to the appointment of BDO LLP had to be expressed by 29 June 2012. There were no concerns expressed by the Committee.
Meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 5 July 2012. Until approved they are draft minutes.
Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record: