Dr. Ji
SOC 164
Quiz 1-16
Quiz 1
I. Multiple Choice
1. Approximately what percentage of the United States population marries at least once?
b. 65
2. Currently about ______% of all Americans adults are divorced.
3. Which of the following persons is LEAST LIKELY to remarry after divorce?
a.a noncustodial father
b.a women with no children
c.a custodial father
d.a woman with three children
4. About ______of all people getting married currently will likely get divorced.
d. two-thirds
5. Which is NOT typically found in currently used definitions of the family?
a.two or more people
b.commitment of its members
c.procreating/ having children
d.shared resources
6. Which of the following had the highest rate of increase between 1960 and 1998?
a.percentage of childbirths outside of marriage
b.percentage of teenage mothers who are unmarried
c.divorced individuals per 1,000 married individuals
d.percentage of adult life spent with spouse and children
7. The percentage of all births to teenagers is about______% nationally?
8. Which American ethnic group has the highest percentage of single parents?
c.African American
d.Asian American
9. The average number of children per family in the United States currently is
10. By the late 199s, ______percentage of United States families was stepfamilies.
11. The median age for first marriage is ______years for men and ______years for women.
a.22.3; 21
b.24.56; 22.5
c.26.7; 25
d.27.4; 25.3
12. Extramarital sexual relationships in the mid 1990s ranged from ______percent for men and ______percent for women.
a.20-30; 5-10
b.30-50; 10-40
d.60-75; 50-60
13. Which is NOT true according to Waite and Gallagher?
a.married people live longer than unmarried or divorced people
b.single people are overall happier than married people
c.married people have more satisfying sexual relationships than single people have.
d. married women are less likely to experience domestic abuse than cohabiting and separated women.
14. Cohabitation has increased since the 1950s and 1960s
a. twofold
b. fourfold
15. Of those who get divorced, about ______% eventually remarry.
II. True/False
1. Most social scientists agree that the social institution of the family is in serious danger of totally disintegrating.
2. Although the number of single-parent families increased in the 1970s, the number has leveled off since the late 1980s.
3. Families in which both parents work full time account for the majority of U.S. families.
4. The median age for first marriage has been on the increase over the past three decades for men but now for women
5. The rate of cohabitation has increased dramatically among both previously unmarried and divorced individuals since the 1960s.
6. The divorce rate, although it increased during the 1960s and 1970s stabilized in the 1990s.
7. Following divorce, women are likely to remarry more quickly and more frequently than men.
8. Fifty percent of teenage mothers are unmarried.
9. While a majority of the U.S. population is married, that majority continues to decrease over time.
Dr. Ji
SOC 164
Quiz 2
I. Multiple Choice
1. Which term is used to refer to the geographic origins of the minorities of a particular country or culture?
a.cultural identity
b. ethnicity
2. The largest ethnic minority group in the United States is.
a.African Americans
b.Asian Americans
d.American Indians
3. The fastest growing minority group in the United States is
b.African Americans
c.Asian Americans
d.American Indians
4. Which is NOT a usual characteristic distinguishing an ethnic group?
a.religious views
d. physical characteristics
5. In which type of society is descent traced through females?
6. Which type of norm refers to newly married couples establishing a separate, autonomous residence, apart from either partner’s kin group?
7. Research conducted be Gary and associates of strong African American families found that their strengths exhibited differences along two variables from those of healthy white families, with more importance placed on ______in African American families.
a.work and health
b.religious values and kinship ties
c.education and religious values
d.kinship ties and health
8. Which ethnic minority group places the well-being of the entire family system over individual goals?
a.African Americans
c.American Indians
d.Asian American
9. Olson and Palacio list all but one of the following principles for appreciating diversity. Which is NOT a principle listed by them?
a.Members of the majority group tend to take disproportionate responsibilities for prejudice against minority groups.
b.Stereotypes of any group reinforce existing beliefs.
c.Some individuals do not find their cultural heritage very interesting or important.
d.People who have a diverse cultural background often feel less strongly about their heritage.
10. Which ethnic group places special importance on it identification with living in harmony with nature, a spiritual orientation to life, and traditional religious practices?
a.African Americans
c.American Indians
d.Asian Americans
11. Discrimination against Asian Americans is most likely fueled by
a.fear of competition
b.religious prejudice
c.economic envy
d.all of the above
12. The ethnic group LEAST likely to have a “safety net” of extended family in place for nuclear families who are under stress is
a.Caucasian families
b.African American families
c.Latino families
d.American Indian families
13.A typical “family tree” kind of genealogy reflects______norms for tracing one’s descendent.
d. geometrical
14. The United States ethnic group with the lowest rate of intercultural marriage is
a. African Americans
b. Latinos
c.American Indians
d.Asian Americans
15. The most critical criterion for identifying an individual’s ethnic group is his or her
II. True/False
1. The term race is based on scientific classification.
2. Latino families today tend to be characterized my male dominance and authoritarian fathering.
3. Strong family traditions are most likely to develop in consanguineal rather than conjugal family systems.
4. Family patterns tend to operate smoothly in groups in which plural marriages are the custom.
5. The criterion of age always supersedes that of gender in matriarchal and patriarchal kin groups.
6. The rate of child mistreatment among lower-income African Americans is higher than among lower-income whites.
7. The extended family system has increased in strength and incidence over the past 20 years as discrimination has increased.
8. Intercultural couples are somewhat more likely than same-culture couples to divorce.
9. The relative number of people in a group is not what determines whether it is a minority or majority group.
10. Classification of humans into ethnic groups is necessary but difficult.
Dr. Ji
SOC 164
Quiz 3
I. Multiple Choice
1. Which conceptual framework focuses on family members’ roles and tasks as they move through various stages of the life cycle?
a.symbolic interaction
b. family systems
c.family development
d.social exchange
2. Which concept reflects our learning about ourselves based on how we perceive others react to us?
a.definition of the situation
b.role taking
c.symbolic interaction
d.looking-glass self
3. Family tasks are
a.roles taken by family members
b.necessary household chores
c.emotional struggles families deal with
d.challenges families face over time
4. Which of the following is NOT reported as a common family crisis among strong families?
a.marital problems
b.economic problems
c.a serious illness or surgery
d. a death in the family
5. Which type of family is characterized by the premise that “nothing is constant in life but change”?
6. The ______type of family is characterized by controlled emotions, strictly defined roles, and strict but unspoken rules about expression of feelings.
a.rigidly enmeshed
b.rigidly disengaged
c.chaotically disengaged
d.chaotically enmeshed
7. Which type of relationship is found in a couple who have been married for one year, the “honeymoon effect” has worn off, and their togetherness is more balanced than earlier in their marriage?
a.structurally enmeshed
b.structurally cohesive
c.flexibly disengaged
d.rigidly connected
8. This same couple has not been together for five years since they started dating: they have a year-old baby and their life together has been stabilized. They are functioning as a ______family.
a.structurally enmeshed
b.structurally cohesive
c.flexibly disengaged
d.rigidly connected
9. A study of family cohesion among 1,000 nonproblem families, conducted by Olson and his colleagues found that the highest percentage of young couples without children felt ______
10. Among nonproblem families with teenagers, the highest percentage of couples felt ______according to Olson and his colleagues.
11. Which conceptual framework studies families as an interconnected group or system?
a.social exchange
b.symbolic interaction
d.family systems
12. According to Betty Friedan (1985), the “feminist frontier” is
a.public policy
b.the family
c.the legal system
d.the workplace
13. Economic stress affecting a family is an example of
a.centrifugal force
b.chaotic cohesiveness
c.centripetal force
d. family coordination
14.A family therapist likely would advise a couple that is too _____ to develop separate interests and spend more time apart.
a. disengaged
b. cohesive
15. The rigidly enmeshed family is characterized by
a.strict enforcement of family rules by the father, who is the center of the family
b.an outwardly unpleasant but passively controlling structure
c.a lack of consistency in rules and roles
d.love-hate relationships bound by mutual dependence
II. True/False
1. Narrative therapy, developed out of social constructionist and postmodern thinking, seeks to develop a new story for the individual and the family that works better than the old approach.
2. Families do change the kind of system they have as changes occur in the family life cycle.
3. Stinnett and his colleagues believe that the quality of commitment necessitates putting individual freedom in second place behind family goals.
4. Disengaged relationships are those characterized by high levels of independence.
5. Most families tend to work to maintain the status quo rather than to effect change.
6. The following statement expresses a feminist point of view: “The unconstrained individual never existed anywhere.”
7. Olson and his colleagues found that in 1,000 nonproblem families, adolescents saw their families as significantly higher in cohesion than did their parents.
8. Research findings do NOT offer strong support for the notion that balanced families are more functional than unbalanced families
9. Balanced families do NOT function at extreme levels of cohesion and flexibility.
10. The extreme low level of cohesion is referred to as disengagement.
Dr. Ji
SOC 164
Quiz 4
I. Multiple Choice
For questions 1-5, select either a) males or b)females to fit the type of communication skill listed.
1. Use good listening behaviors
2. Use conversation in a competitive way
3. Tend to talk more
4. Use conversation in a more affiliative way
5. Are more focused on responding
6. Which of the following does NOT apply to positive communication cycle, as identified by Olson (1997)?
a.being more willing to be assertive
b.becoming more dominant
c.being able to control things
d.becoming more self-confident
7. The ______component of communication is usually straightforward and verbal in the way it is given.
8. ______refers to the means of getting out of a double bind situation.
c.Circular causality
d.Nonverbal communication
9. Which of the following is NOT one of the ten communication approaches that will destroy intimacy?
a.Speak for yourself, not for others
b.Avoid talking about your relationship
c.Often talk about the weather and daily events
d.Assume any issue will disappear over time
10.A parent tells his 13-year-old daughter, “Yes, I think you’re beautiful,” but continues to point out how her teeth need braces, how she could stand to lose a few pounds, and how she wouldn’t wear clothes like her peers wear because she doesn’t look good in those styles. Such a double bind is
a.dangerous, because mixed messages produce serious mental health problems.
b.very common in family life, since all family interaction about sensitive or painful topics involve mixed messages.
c.best dealt with by acknowledging and commenting on the inconsistency.
d.probably not heard as a mixed message by the daughter, because adolescents pay more attention to the direct statements their parents make about them than to inconsistent, indirect ones.
11. Nonverbal communication
a.is relatively unaffected by one’s cultural background.
b.primarily involves facial expressions and eye contact.
c.tells others something about the individual sending the message.
d.all of the above.
12. A car salesperson is most likely to engage in which goal of listening?
a.persuasive listening
b.directive listening
c.attentive listening
13. Which of the three goals of listening is likely to be the most efficient?
a.persuasive listening
b.directive listening
c.attentive listening
14. ______behavior is exemplified by the receiver’s achieving the desired goal at the sender’s expense.
a. passive
b. aggressive
15. Which element is usually at the core of the success or failure of a relationship?
d.emotional stability
II. True/False
1. According to Tannen, women “nag” because they believe that men really would want to cooperate if they only understood the request.
2. As found in the Gender communication Quotient quiz, female managers communicate with more emotional openness and drama than male managers do.
3. Noncommunication is a form of communication.
4. The “blame game” is what occurs in a linear causality model rather than a circular causality model of interpersonal communication.
5. Many authorities indicate that about 30% of all face-to-face communication is nonverbal.
6. One’s ability to be assertive is primarily related to one’s personality style.
7. Double binds are more likely to occur if the relationship component is clear rather than unclear.
8. Self-disclosure requires the individual to be both aware of the information to be disclosed and predisposed to disclose the information.
9. Self-disclosure can be easier to engage in with strangers than with acquaintances and friends, depending on the circumstance.
10. Men talk more than women in a group because they are attempting to clarify who has more power.
Dr. Ji
SOC 164
Quiz 5
I. Multiple Choice
1. According to the authors, a ______operates on a continuum—from exchanges on daily events to crises.
a.Couple and Family Map
b. conflict generation model
c.hierarchy of conflict
d.“dance of anger”
2. Which phase is marked by the highest level of tension when conflict occurs?
a.problem solving
b.expression of feeling
c.discussion of ideas
d.need for decision
3. Which phase in a conflict hierarchy is exemplified by a decision’s being made that could turn out to be ineffective?
a.problem solving
b.expression of feeling
c.discussion of ideas
d.need for decision
4. According to Borcherdt, which human emotion has created the greatest destruction not only for individuals, couples, and families but also for social groups and nations?
5. According to Alberti and Emmonds, which is a MYTH rather than a FACT concerning anger?
a.most anger is directed towards those close to us, not towards strangers
b.anger is universal among human beings
c.venting “releases” anger and therefore “deals with” it.
d. aggression leads to further aggression, not resolution.
6. The Couple and Family Map Model describes people who value self-reliance and privacy as
7. ______are likely to be inflexible but reliable, according to the couples and Family Map model.
8. Except for housework and child care, our society encourages women to be
a. pursuers and underfunctioners
b. distancers and underfunctioners
c. distancers and overfunctioners
d. pursuers and overfunctioners
9. Our society encourages men to be
a. pursuers and underfunctioners
b. distancers and underfunctioners
c. distancers and overfunctioners
d. pursuers and overfunctioners
10. Which was cited by Olson and Olson (2000) as the greatest strength of happy as compared to unhappy couples?
a. ability to resolve differences
b. having serious disputes over serous problems
c. having similar ideas about the best way to resolve disagreements
d. partners understanding each other when discussing problems
11. Crosby’s rule for fair fighting that has to do with avoiding misperceptions is
a. owning you own feelings first
b. avoiding accusations and attach
c. checking out your own perceptions
d. repeating messages you think you received
12. Which of the following is a destructive approach to resolving conflict?
a. prevent stagnation
b. accept mutual blame
c. express feelings—both positive and negative
d. focus on the person rather than the issue
13. The ______style of conflict resolution is likely to be used by people who are highly assertive yet concerned for others
a. collaborative
b. compromise
c. accommodating
d. competitive
14. Which strategy for negotiating within intimate relationships is characterized by keeping focused on the discussion?
a. clarifying the issue
b. finding out what each person wants
c. identifying various alternatives
d. solidifying the agreement
15. Omitting ______as a strategy for negotiating within intimate relationships can often lead to unsatisfactory negotiations and repetitive fights.
a. clarifying the issue
b. finding out what each person wants
c. identifying various alternatives
d. solidifying the agreement
II. True/False
1. The more intimate the relationship, the more chances there are for interpersonal conflict.
2. Love is the opposite of hate.
3. The common divorce scenario is not fireworks as much as it is a gradual loss of closeness.
4. A couple in which one partner is an overfunctioner and the other is an underfunctioner is complementary.
5. Around and Parker found that the fights of most newlyweds who fight last hours rather than minutes or days.
6. Crosby maintains that it is useful to refer to verbal conflicts as fights rather than to gloss over them.
7. In general, issuing ultimatums can be useful in “fair fighting,” as long as both partners agree to this.
8. It is preferable to put off resolving very difficult issues, especially when one or both partners react emotionally to them.
9. Accommodation as a style of conflict resolution is marked by assertive and cooperative behavior.