2. Critique the Solution to This System. If It Is Incorrect, Find the Correct Answer

2. Critique the Solution to This System. If It Is Incorrect, Find the Correct Answer





5.04 Linear Systems

1. Solve this system.

Answer: (,)

2. Critique the solution to this system. If it is incorrect, find the correct answer.

Proposed Answer:

Add the equations together using the addition method to get:

Solve for y:

Plug the solution for y back into one of the original equations and solve for x:


3. Critique the solution to this system. If it is incorrect, find the correct answer.

Proposed Answer:

Multiply the second equation by -3 and then add the equations together using the addition method.

Solve for y:

y = 1/3

Plug the solution for y back into one of the original equations and solve for x:

6(1/3) – 3y = 1

2 – 3y = 1

-3y = -1

y = 1/3


4. Solve the system.

Answer: (,)

5. Solve the system.

Answer: (,,)

6. Solve the system.

Answer: x = , y = , z =

7. Create a system of equations and solve the problem.

You have 37 coins that are nickels, dimes, and pennies. The total value of the coins is $1.55. There are twice as many pennies as dimes. Find the number of each type of coin in the bank.

Answer: Let n be the number of nickels, d be the number of dimes, and p be the number of pennies. The system is

Enter Equation 1 here

Enter Equation 2 here

Enter Equation 3 here

The solution is pennies, dimes and nickels.

8. Create a system of equations and solve the problem.

You have 36 coins that are nickels, dimes, and quarters. The total value of the coins is $5.00. The number of quarters is 1 more than the number of dimes, and the number of dimes is 1 more than the number of nickels. Find the number of each type of coin in the bank.

Answer: Let n be the number of nickels, d be the number of dimes, and q be the number of quarters. The system is

Enter Equation 1 here

Enter Equation 2 here

Enter Equation 3 here

The solution is quarters, dimes and nickels.

9. Johnny invested $20,000. A portion returned 5% and another portion returned 8%. The total interest earned on the investment was $1150. Write a system of equations for this situation and determine how much of the original investment was invested at the 5% rate and how much was invested at the 8% rate.

Answer: Let x be the amount invested that earned 5% and y be the amount invested that earned 8%. System of equations:

Enter Equation 1 here

Enter Equation 2 here

Solution: x = $, y = $.

10.A concert is being held in your hometown. 1500 tickets are sold. Adult tickets are $10.50and child’s tickets are $7.50. If a total of $13950 worth of tickets were sold, determine how many adult tickets and how many child tickets were sold.

Answer: Let x be the number of adult tickets and y be the number of child tickets. System of equations:

Enter Equation 1 here

Enter Equation 2 here

Solution: x = and y =