5 Jan, 2011
1. Attendance:
- LEC Staff: Zachary Storch, Elliot Park, Steven Ishizu, Trevor Hook, Michael White, Mark Ishizu (Section) and Andrew Cowland (Section).
- LEC Advisers: Edwin Chun, John McMillan Sr, Terry White, Bob Hann, Terry Kai, Joel Yap, Pete Thornton, Rick Goodwin, Blane Nagareda, Stephen Cowland, and George Kamimura.
2. Chapter Reports:
- Ka’ala: Chapter Chief Elliot Park reported that Ka’ala Chapter did not hold a meeting in December. Members of Ka’ala chapter selected a replacement headdress and 3 chapter members participated in staffing the Council/OA Winter Camp.
- Kamehameha: Chapter Chief Steven Ishizu reported Kamehameha Chapter met on December 15th and had 20 youth and 10 adults in attendance. In December Kamehameha held a Brotherhood conversion and inducted 4 new Brotherhood members, discussed the preparations for the Spring Camporee and held their annual Christmas party. 15 members of Kam Chapter also participated in staffing the Council/OA Winter Camp.
- Kapiolani: Chapter Chief Trevor Hook briefed that Kapiolani Chapter met on December 20, with 8 youth and 2 adults present. During the month of December, Kapiolani Chapter participated in an Arrow of Light ceremony for Pack 1 and prepared for the Lodge LLD and banquet scheduled for February 5-6th. Next chapter meeting will be on January 24th.
- Huki Lau: Chapter Chief Michael White
- Ko’olau: Chapter Adviser Mr. Yap reported the chapter met on December 15th with 6 youth and 4 adults present. The chapter discussed future chapter elections and their support for Winter Camp. 3 members of Ko’olau Chapter participated in staffing the Council/OA Winter Camp.
- Ko’olina: No representative from Ko’olina Chapter was present at the LEC. 4 members of Ko’olina Chapter participated in staffing the Council/OA Winter Camp.
3. Old Business:
- Winter Camp (Z. Storch): The Aloha Council/OA Winter camp was held at Camp Pupukea from December 27 to January 1st. 26 lodge members participated in staffing the camp and 64 council youth attended. The lodge will work closely with the council staff to better advertise the event for next year’s camp. Special thanks to the following arrowmen who served in key staff positions: Youth Camp Director: Zachary Storch, CD Adviser: Keith Miner, Youth Program Director: Sean Miner, PD Adviser: John McMillan Sr., Council Staff Adviser: Jeff Jones, Ranger: Thomas McMillan, Camp Commissioner: John McMillan Jr., Youth Commissioner: Steven Ishizu, Aquatics Adviser: Rick Goodwin, Shooting Sports: George Kamimura; Archery Director: Joel Yap, Camp Medic;Sandy Brown, Chief Cook: Terry White
- LLD / Lodge Banquet(T Hook): Kapiolani Chapter took the lead for the 2011 LLD. The Lodge LLD will be held on February 4th and 5th. The schedule for the event will include 3 training courses including: How to put on a quality chapter meeting and Working with adults. After the completion of the LLD training portion, the lodge staff will conduct the annual 18-month planning meeting and fill out the Lodge calendar for the next 18 months. The banquet, will immediate follow. Members may participate in any portion of the event an separate pay schedules are in place.
4. New Business:
- Vigil Selection Committee (Mr, Cowland): The lodge Vigil nominations were completed in early December. Arroman Steven Ishizu chaired a five-man team who made the Vigil selections for 2010. The lodge had total of 7 slots based on the total population. A total of 2 youth and 2 adults and one Arrowman at large were selected. The results of the nominations will be announced at the Lodge LLD/Banquet scheduled for February 4-5.
- Summit Corps (M. Ishizu) Section Chief Mark Ishizu briefed the fine points of this year’s summer Summit Corps. The lodge is offering scholarships for any member who wishes to participate in this year’s Summit corps. Arrowmen are advised to contact Mr. McMillan or Mr. Hann for details.
6. The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.
Minutes submitted by: Zach Storch, Lodge Chief
Approved by: Mr. McMillan, Lodge Adviser