1 Working alongside the employer- Joint policies
Equality and Diversity is a cornerstone of training at KM Training and Kieran Mullin and as such, this area along with Health and Safety, has warranted joint policies with the employer.
· KM Training has an Equality and Diversity Strategy which incorporates actions from identified development needs
· There is a joint Equal Opportunities statement displayed in every salon and all staff and learners are asked to adhere to it.
· There are complimentary KMT/ KM EO policies
· Information for learners:
Safeguarding Leaflet
All KM staff were given a presentation about the updated safeguarding policy (May 2011) and a copy of the leaflet has been given to all learners through KM head office. Should a learner experience bullying or harassment they should be aware of the procedures in place to complain. Cyber bullying has been addressed at work through the phased introduction of ‘K 9 web protection’ on all workplace computer stations.
If a complaint is made then a record is made in our monitoring system, appropriate action is taken and the relevant personnel are informed. Complaints are analysed and any trends are noted. Trends should be discussed at the assessor/ trainer meetings and action is taken and changes are made as appropriate. This feeds into the self assessment report. Incidents are reported to either Kieran Mullin or Teresa Mullin and recorded.
Learner Entitlement Leaflet
This explains to new learners what support they are entitled to and what facilities KM Training can offer them.
2 Equality and Diversity Awareness Raising
This is phase 4 of the induction process and involves understanding the EO policy, harassment and learner entitlement leaflets. In addition, ideally it will also include the use of video and group discussion during the induction period with tutors and the year group.
3 Learner ED Monitoring
This is now conducted through ILP Review forms and fedback to Teresa Mullin or at KMT staff meetings.
4 Monitoring of recruitment
Learners are asked on their application form to fill in an ethnic origin category, these are analysed against local economic statistics.
Gender- the male: female ratio in the industry is 1:10, we aim to recruit to meet that as a minimum.
Disability – learners with disabilities (including dyslexia) are encouraged to seek employment with KM Training. We expect to make reasonable steps to support these learners. However, where we deem our existing or altered provision is not suitable for supporting the learner to reach their full potential (as per our mission statement) then we deem the learner unsuitable for our learning courses. For example, forms of deafness can be supported but blindness, wheelchair bound learners or learners with no limbs may be unsuitable for training programmes in this industry, simply due to the nature of their disability.
We use cream/ blue paper instead of white for dyslexic candidates and fonts of arial and comic sans as recommended by a range of organisations such as Bangor University Dyslexia Support.
We aim to recruit suitable applicants from all ethnic backgrounds. All candidates are recruited on their individual merit. However many candidates who wish to specialise in Afro-Caribbean hairdressing will tend to seek training in specialist salons who offer this provision. Kieran Mullin Ltd. does not currently offer Afro Caribbean chemical services except cutting.
Qualifications in the hairdressing sector that relate to recruitment and selection
With the introduction of the NVQ 2 in Hairdressing and NVQ 2 in Barbering and QCF, we can now market and offer separate qualifications as part of the Apprenticeship framework.
Recruitment of a range of learners is considered including merit and age. However, suitability is subject to applicants prior achievement/ profile and the availability of funding through partner providers and placements at the employer.
5 Implementation of the Equality and Diversity Policy
All ED incidents will be reported and appropriate action taken by KM Training management. All learners should be aware of whom to approach if they wish to follow the ED grievance procedure.
Monitoring of ED
As part of their Individual Learning Plan Reviews, learners are asked to feedback regularly on whether they have any ED issues arising and if so, how have they been dealt with. Tutors will feed this back to KMT management with the learners’ approval. Incident forms will be completed and analysed to ensure incidents are dealt with effectively. Learners will review and feedback their experience of ED implementation bi-annually through course reviews. These feed into the self-assessment process and continuous improvement.
Clients feedback their views as part of general salon conversation and through their involvement in client satisfaction surveys. These feed into the Self assessment process.
Observation of lessons and internal verification activities provides the opportunity to monitor how staff implement ED as part of training and assessment. Candidate appeals are recorded by IVs. ED issues arising should be discussed immediately or be addressed as part of the appraisal process, as appropriate.
Staff Meetings (KM and KMT)
Issues arising will be discussed at appropriate meetings and clarification on any outstanding issues provided. These have included:
o Harassment Procedure for learners
o Safeguarding
KMT staff are asked to feedback on the progress of learners and as part of this regularly review any relevant ED issues are discussed.
Review of Policy
The KM Training ED policy is reviewed annually and updated in line with contractual obligations and legislative changes.
KM Training will advise the employer, Kieran Mullin, of any ED issues/ legislation arising in order that outstanding issues are incorporated into the KM business development plan (e.g. impact of Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and that their ED policy be updated.
6 Assessment Procedures for Candidates with Dyslexia/ Specific Learning requirements
· Documents
o City and Guilds- Access to Assessment
o KMT- Assessor Guide/ Internal Verifier Guide
o City and Guilds- Scheme Hairdressing/ Barbering Assessors Guide
· Dyslexic candidates/ ALS Learners
o Candidates should be registered as dyslexic with City and Guilds if this is known at the time of registration (using codes in Access to Assessment document as per candidate needs). If tests are completed post registration then, C&G should be notified as appropriate. External Verifiers should be notified of dyslexic candidates (IVC to use APU).
o Candidates with ALS are notified to the partner provider as appropriate.
· Hairdressing/ Barbering Assessment times (E3/ E4)
o All candidates are to be given the choice to complete tests on-line and/ or in an oral or written format.
o E3 questions- guidance states that they are meant to be completed written but candidates can be given the choice- 4/5 minutes per question
o E4 questions- can be completed orally at assessor’s discretion. 4/5 minutes per question but no more than 10 minutes per question.
o All candidates are subject to competence times on practical work
· Key Skills Externally Marked Exams
o When dyslexic candidates are registered for exams then the appropriate category code needs to be used.
o TL (Time allowed) for candidates given extra time * up to 25 % extra time can be given at the centre’s discretion. Awarding body procedures to be followed.
· Certification
o When claiming a certificate, we should record the appropriate access to assessment code for acknowledgement on our candidate’s certificate.
Contact: www.city-and-guilds.co.uk
7 ED Staff Developments
KMT staff development is on-going and forms part of daily activities:
o As part of teaching, assessment practices, lesson observations monitoring.
o Staff feedback at meetings on learners
o Attendance at various LSIS and EMFEC network and training events
o On-line training for Safeguarding and ED through LSIS and other providers
o EO Video- building awareness in the workplace
o Review and discussion of ED policy
8 Equal and Diversity and the Common Inspection Framework
Materials and Teaching Methods
o Negative allusions to race, religion or disabilities are avoided by using imagery rater than characters when available in KMT materials.
o With the introduction of separate Hairdressing and Barbering Qualifications it has been impossible to avoid reference to gender during teaching or as part of teaching materials. However, where possible and practical, apprentices are given the option to complete additional vocational units to ensure that KMT, with KM, promote diversity of vocations in under-represented career choices.
o Overtly sexist pictures are not displayed in the workplace. Pictures promote hairdressing products only and are generally obtained from product manufacturers.
o Learners identified with dyslexia are registered with City and Guilds to allow them extra time in examinations
o All learners are given the option to have E3 question papers completed online, orally or written.
o Learners with dyslexia are given in so far as possible, worksheets on blue or coloured paper paper/ coloured monitor screen of choice or and encouraged to read with a coloured acetate.
o ALS learners receive additional 1: 1 tuition.
o A variety of teaching and learning methods can be accessed which can respond to varied learning styles e.g:
o Visual - video, demonstration, CD Rom
o Auditory - workbooks, discussion, chalk and talk, tutorials, CD Rom
o Kinesthetic - block work, clients, theory activities, simulated activities, CD Rom
Learning resources and accommodation allow all learners to participate fully
o All learners have full access to resources and accommodation which are adapted as appropriate.
o All learners have access to specialised training accommodation, assessment opportunity and work-experience opportunities in which to fulfill their potential either in Derby or Scunthorpe.
Programme of work, socially inclusive, ensuring equality of access and opportunities for learners including Every Child Matters Outcomes.
o KMT is an employer provider. As such programmes are socially inclusive, ensuring equality of access and opportunities for employed learners who have been accepted by the employer as suitable for an apprenticeship.
o The salons encourage under represented genders to both hairdressing and barbering.
o We regularly have dyslexic learners on our programmes who are identified at interview and provided with support as appropriate either through the our learning partners.
o We aim to purchase and use resources which are sensitive to the needs of the learner by being age-appropriate (eg For Skills on-line) and vocationally based (ATT) as well as developing our own where possible. Furthermore, resources which are insensitive to gender, race, religions or disability issues are avoided or taken out of operation.
Explicit aims, values and strategies promoting equality for all that are reflected in work.
o Promotion of ED
Themed topics throughout the year, supported by ILP review questions.
o Policy
KM Training has a policy on equality of opportunity. Kieran Mullin also have a policy which is regularly reviewed. In addition City and Guilds have an equal opportunities policy that we are subject to, which specifically includes access to assessment for learners.
o Incident Reporting (See Earlier)
o Method of Review
· Staff Meetings
· SA Process
o Method of implementation
· See earlier
o Action taken to promote training to under represented groups
o Proportion of learners from specific groups is comparable with the local population
Effective measures to eliminate oppressive behaviour, including all forms of harassment
o Learners are protected at all times, including in the workplace and in training.
KMT/ KM Policies, staff CRB checked and have training in safeguarding.
o Learners know about safeguarding and harassment is and what to do if they are subjected to it
KMT Leaflets and contracts
o Effective systems and procedures for dealing with safeguarding
Incident reporting directly to team leaders/ directors
o Records show how the system is effective
Issues have been dealt with promptly
Effective procedures for dealing with appeals and complaints
Records show that KMT address complaints and grievances promptly and effectively. If learners or staff had a complaint they are all aware of the procedures to follow as these are recorded in the information literature and policies provided to them by KMT and KM
Data shows:
-that learners who require support are progressing equally as well as learners who do not require support as appropriately according to needs.
-under-represented groups are encouraged to actively participate in programmes.