2 Acrobatic International Cup end Camp

For Clubs 2016

24-29 march

Hello dear Acrobatic - Friends!

FISAC has the pleasure to invite you to the second edition of the International Acrobatic Cup.

FISAC aims to popularize and develop the gymnastic disciplines in Italy and in Europe , after the success of the International Cup of Teamgym, now in its sixth year with tens Countries and Clubs partecipants, aims to organize the first edition of the International Acrobatic Cup.

This secondedition will take place in a double legs, with the hope that in future other important locations will add. FISAC, to help clubs to participate, in collaboration with the National Technical Center, Academy Village of Cesenatico, will offer participants substantial economic facilities.

The Acro International Cup is a way to give to all gymnasts from the age of 8 years (already done) the possibilities to compete internationally in Acrobatic with their own Club.

Organisers will accept all rules and the directives for equipments.

Organisers will inform the Teams in the invitation about the facilities and the equipments.

All competitions will be organised by National Federations and/or Clubs. Due to this, invitations must be sent directly to organiser of each competition. Registration for the competition must be done 2 months before each competition.

Organisers will give more informations about sending the tariff forms.

Cup is open to the official FIG categories and to some new experimental categories (see the age in the “RULES”):

Clubs need to bring they own judges (1 or 2).

* Preferably national brevet judges.

* In every competition we will have AT LEAST one international judge as a head judge of the competition.

Winner of the cup is the team which has collected the highest amount (more a “bonus” for the ranking position in each competition step) from the best two competitions in the same category. The ranking will be counted after the last competition.


Dates and Venues:

27-28 march


For accreditations , registration and booking:

Accommodation Package

For all the partecipants to the International Acrobatic Cup:

  • Full Accomodation (Room + Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner) in multiple beds rooms from 2 to 6 beds with bathroom in, only 35,00 euro each person per day.

Competitions fee and use of the training gyms.

  • Each Clubs 1 Coach and 1 Judge completely free, if the clubs have more than 10 gymnasts.
  • Entry fee will be pay by the partnership (10,00 euro)

For Parents and other people:

  • Full Accomodation (Room + Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner) in multiple beds rooms from 2 to 4 beds with bathroom in, only 35,00 euro each person per day.

1)Mainz,Germany 30-31/10 - 01/11 2015
2)Cesenatico,Italy 27-28/03 2016 (Definitive leg, after
that will be the final ranking)

Provisional Registration February / 01 / 2016
Important dates and deadlines
Competition definitive Registration February/ 22 /2016

International Acrobatic Cup 2015 Ranking and Prices


Classification of each step: At each step will be a classification by category and section according to the final score from each categories. In relation to the classification step, each participating combinations will be assigned to a score in relation to its position (Bonus) eg:

First Team + 2,00 points

Second Team+ 1,50

Third Team+ 1,30

Fourth Team+ 1,10

And so on ….

Final Results: In all the compositions and categories are admitted to the final classification only combinations that have participated in at least 2 steps of the International Cup and the classification will be drawn up taking into account the sum of the two best steps more the “Bonus”.

Prizes: The prizes are at the discretion of the individual stages of O.C. of each step. The final classification of awards are offered by the "Village Academy" with any other prizes offered by other sponsors.

Prizes: The prizes are at the discretion of the individual stages of O.C. of each step. The final classification of awards are offered by the "Village Academy" with any other prizes offered by other sponsors.


  • 1 ° place, one week stay at the A.V. (Academy Village- Cesenatico- Italy) + 1 coaches, completely free.
  • At the 2nd one week stay at the A.V. + 1 coaches, with 50% discount.
  • At the 3rd, one week stay at the A.V. + 1 coaches, with 30% discount.

*Prizes will include 9 athletes + 1 coach

The above conditions will be valid only if in the final rankings will be 3 or more combinations in each categories.

Sponsored by:

Il Presidente

(Bianchi Cesare)


Federazione Italiana Sports Acrobatici e Coreografici

Italian Federation of Acrobatic and Choreographic Sports

V.le C.Colombo, 35 – 47042 Cesenatico (FC) – Italia

Tel./Fax +39 0547 84935 – Mobile +39 380 2982176

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