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Depending on the assigned system(s) you will be working in groups of 2 or 3 people. This project will have three parts:

1. A 1 class period high school level classroom presentation about your system and your disease. You will create an engage activity for your audience and you will evaluate studentunderstanding of your presentation by creating a criterion specific,30-question multiple-choice quiz, that your team will collect and grade. Quiz scores will be turned in to Ms. Fisher.

2. A trifold poster representing your system and disease(audience=elementary).

3. A book about the system and disease written for elementary students, including an 8-minute presentation.

I am confident you will experience success and enjoy a feeling of accomplishment in completing this project. However, you will need to be an independent, motivated worker, yet work cooperatively within a team to produce your final products.

You will be given very little class time for group planning. Since this will be the only class time for the body book, you will need to make arrangements with your group members as to how and when to get together outside the classroom. With busy schedules this can be difficult so it will be important to use a calendar to schedule meeting times. Each person will have certain strengths that may include: research, writing, artwork, story boarding, power point design, talking in front of a class etc. Be sure to identify your strengths early.

The Class Presentation

For the most part you will decide your group members and will be randomly assigned one of ten systems for your class presentation and your body book. You will be creating a “Public Service Message” regarding your system and your disease. You and your group will be responsible for teaching your class the material needed for an understanding at the high school level. Each person will have a speaking part in the presentation. The body book will be discussed later in this packet.

To aid in developing the framework or rough draft (RD) of your presentations, address all of the following:

  1. Identify the structures in the system that you are researching.
  2. Explain what each structure contributes to the function of the system, as well as the body.
  3. Identify where in the body the system is located. What body cavities, regions, etc.
  4. Identify several diseases that affect the system and their importance to public health. (you can cull the list later).
  5. How much information is appropriate for the audience?
  6. What types of illustrations will increase the understanding of your audience.
  7. How will you present your information in an interesting and engaging way over a one day period?

The Class Presentation

1. Your score will be on a scale of 0 (not present) to 5 (exemplary) and will be weighted.

2. Criteria (weighted):

Engage Activity (an activity that will engage the learners)=4

System Structuresand location (names of structures & locations)=4

Information (specific for each system and given on a separate sheet)=11

Organization (smooth flow of dialogue, planning & sequence)=10

Diction (speakers can be heard and understood by everyone)=3

Props/visual aids (creative, skillfully used & meaningful, mostly visuals (art/graphics with a max of 10 words per slide)=4

Impact (holds audience attention, interest & gets across message)=3

Treatment Challenges(discuss difficulties faced regarding treatment)=4

Audience evaluation (a measure{test/quiz} of what learners learned)=3

Maximum score =weighted criteria X 5 = (230 points)

The Poster/Trifold

Create a color poster of your system on a 3-sided poster board. All text on the poster is to be typed in minimum size of 18. Posters will be displayed during the classroom presentation and will be part of the Body Book presentation.

1. Your score will be on a scale of 0 (not present) to 5 (exemplary) and will be weighted.

2. Criteria (weighted):

Appearance(strong attention to visual detail; immaculate)=2

Impact (poster is compelling and creates interest in audience)=2

Theme(function of system)=1

Information(specific for each system and given on a separate sheet)=4

Design elements(shows creative use of color, space, shape & texture)=2

Graphics(enhance clarity and serve a strong purpose in the poster)=2

Creativity (poster is unique)=1

Maximum score =weighted criteria X 5 = (70 points)

The Body Book


1. Your book needs a front cover that will include the title and the authors listed alphabetically.

2. Number the pages of your book.

3. Use size 18 or larger for the text. Illustrations should be clear, neat and meaningful. Adding color DO NOT USE PENCIL, unless you are using colored pencils for the illustrations.

4. The information of the book must be based on each of the eight topic points assigned. These may

be the chapters of your book.

5. After you have addressed the eight required topic pointsplace a page that gives a brief description

of the engage activity you did with the elementary students.

6. Following activity description page, include an “About the Authors” page, describing each

author, his/her interests and goals. Include a picture, if available.

7. Following the Author’s page, include a complete works citedpage, using proper format. Your

textbook and at least four other sources will suffice.

8. Your book needs a back cover. The back of the book needs to have an abstract. The abstract is a

paragraph describing what the book is about.

1. Your score will be on a scale of 0 (not present) to 5 (exemplary) and will be weighted.

2. Criteria (weighted):

Format (all requirements met)=5

Impact (book is compelling and creates interest in audience)=1

Design elements(shows creative use of color, space, shape & texture)=5

Organization (smooth flow of dialogue, planning & sequence)=8

Originality (own thinking and creativity are evident)=3

Information (specific for each system and given on a separate sheet)=11

Mechanics (fewer than 3 errors in writing, punctuation & spelling)=1

Engage Activity (an activity that will engage the learners)=5

Sources (More than 4 sources used, different types & referenced)=1

Maximum score =weighted criteria X 3 = (200 points)

You will receive a 5 point stamp for notes on each of the 8 presentations you observe = 40 points

You will take eight-nine30-question quizzes based on the notes worth 30 points each = 240 points

Presentation230 points

Poster 70 points

Body Book200 points

Participation Notes 40 points

Presentation Quizzes240-270 points

Total Project Score 780-810 points

Systems & Poster Required Topic Points(Information)


  1. Describe the general functions of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Identify the major organs and distinguish between arteries, veins, arterioles, venules and capillaries.
  3. Identify the structures and functions of the heart and the pathway of blood through the heart and through the body.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  5. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  6. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  7. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  8. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the digestive system.
  2. Identify the major organs of the system, their functions and locations and include the accessory organs functions and locations.
  3. Describe the importance of eating each type of macromolecule and how the products of carbohydrate, lipid & protein digestion impact the body’s cells.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  5. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  6. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  7. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  8. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the lymphatic system.
  2. Identify the major organs and the locations of the major lymphatic pathways.
  3. Describe primary and secondary immune responses and distinguish between active and passive immunity and describe how a vaccine works.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  5. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  6. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  7. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  8. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the muscular system.
  2. Describe the structure of a skeletal muscle and the structure of a muscle fiber (cell).
  3. Describe what supplies the energy and what role oxygen plays in contraction, fatigue and cramping.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.

Systems & Poster Required Topic Points (Information)(continued)


  1. Describe the general functions of the nervous system and special senses.
  2. Identify the major structures of the brain and their functions and the relationship to the special sense organs.
  3. Distinguish between the central & peripheral nervous system and the autonomic nervous system and its sub-levels (sympathetic and parasympathetic).
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the respiratory system.
  2. Identify the major structures of the system and their functions and describe the mechanics of breathing (ventilation & inspiration).
  3. Describe how air and blood exchange gases across the alveolus to a capillary and how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported by blood.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the skeletal system.
  2. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons, and between bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.
  3. Describe how bones provide lever systems in order to move the body.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the urinary system.
  2. Identify the major organs of the system, their functions and locations in the body.
  3. Describe how urine is formed, distinguishing between filtration, tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the endocrine system.
  2. Describe what hormones are, what they influence, and how they contribute to negative feedback mechanisms in the body.
  3. Name and describe the location of the major endocrine glands, the hormones they secrete and their functions.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.


  1. Describe the general functions of the reproductive system.
  2. Describe the anatomy, the major organs, their functions and locations in the body. (both male and female (include menstrual cycle)).
  3. Describe the Human Life Cycle from fertilization to death including the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  4. Choose a disease that PRIMARILY impacts this system and explain the symptoms of the disease.
  1. Identify each part of the system that is impacted by this disease, and how the disease impacts that part.
  2. Explain how the disease is obtained, how it is spread, and the frequency of the disease in the population.
  3. Describe the importance of the disease to public health (does this disease cause public health concerns and why).
  4. Explain how a person can prevent the disease—focus on habits and personal choices that contribute to prevention.
    Systems Presentation Schedule 2017

Period: __4__

System / Date of Presentation / Rough Draft
Presentation &
Poster / Group Members
  1. Skeletal
/ Tuesday, February 28th / Friday, February 17th / N/A
  1. Muscular
/ Thursday, March 2nd / Friday, February 17th / Eileen W & Laura T
  1. Nervous
/ Thursday, March 9th / Friday, March 3rd / Imani C & Yeweon L
  1. Lymphatic/ Immune
/ Thursday, March 16th / Friday, March 10th / Dylan L & Sam P
  1. Endocrine
/ Thursday, March 23rd / Friday, March 17th / Kate D & Emily B & Claire M
  1. Digestive/ Nutrition
/ Thursday, April 6th / Friday, March 31st / Brandon M & Camryn B
  1. Cardiovascular/ Blood
/ Thursday, April 20th / Friday, April 7th / Jenna B & Atlas F
  1. Respiratory
/ Thursday, May 4th / Friday, April 28th / Philip K & Hailey B
  1. Urinary
/ Thursday, May 11th / Friday, May 5th / Andrew T & Kaoru T
  1. Reproductive/Human Life Cycle
/ Tuesday, May 23rd / Friday, May 12th / N/A
Body Book / TBD / Friday, May 5th / ALL

Systems Presentation Schedule2017

Period: __5__

System / Date of Presentation / Rough Draft
Presentation &
Poster / Group Members
  1. Skeletal
/ Tuesday, February 28th / Friday, February 17th / N/A
  1. Muscular
/ Thursday, March 2nd / Friday, February 17th / Dayton T & Alex S
  1. Nervous
/ Thursday, March 9th / Friday, March 3rd / Sabrina M & Joey G
  1. Lymphatic/ Immune
/ Thursday, March 16th / Friday, March 10th / Abby G & Hannah B
  1. Endocrine
/ Thursday, March 23rd / Friday, March 17th / Hayley R & Dani K
  1. Digestive/ Nutrition
/ Thursday, April 6th / Friday, March 31st / Jaedyn S & Kali T
  1. Cardiovascular/ Blood
/ Thursday, April 20th / Friday, April 7th / Kaelin W-K & Aleia W
  1. Respiratory
/ Thursday, May 4th / Friday, April 28th / Raven S & Katie Y
  1. Urinary
/ Thursday, May 11th / Friday, May 5th / Caleb & Christian B
  1. Reproductive/Human Life Cycle
/ Tuesday, May 23rd / Friday, May 12th / Gabi G & Karissa S
Body Book / TBD / Friday, May 5th / ALL

Systems Presentation Schedule2017

Period: __6__

System / Date of Presentation / Rough Draft
Presentation &
Poster / Group Members
  1. Skeletal
/ Tuesday, February 28th / Friday, February 17th / Claudia K & Alicia Z
  1. Muscular
/ Thursday, March 2nd / Friday, February 17th / Payson S & Jackson M
  1. Nervous
/ Thursday, March 9th / Friday, March 3rd / Kenzie K & Camille A
  1. Lymphatic/ Immune
/ Thursday, March 16th / Friday, March 10th / Nick M & Ben F
  1. Endocrine
/ Thursday, March 23rd / Friday, March 17th / Tanarra D & Caitlyn F