“Kaffir Boy” by Mark Mathabane

1. Where does Granny take the narrator?

2. Where does the story take place? (geographic location)

3. What does the narrator do while he is waiting for the bus?

4. What does the narrator see on the bus?

5. What is the narrator worried that the bus driver may do to him?

6. In this story, what can be interpreted as a symbol of apartheid?

7. What does the narrator’s grandmother explain to him about South Africa?

8. In the beginning of the story, why does the narrator say that his feelings were “naïve”?

9. What does Granny do which arouses the “moral horror” of the narrator?

10. To what is the narrator’s consciousness awakened to?

11. Who are the Afrikans?

Identify 3 restrictions imposed upon Blacks and Coloureds under the rule

of apartheid:




15. What does the term “kaffir” mean?

Bonus: What does the word “pseudonym” mean?