1. When you click the Login button you will be directed to the portal terms and conditions. Please read and accept these to continue to the login page.
2. Enter your User name and password in the appropriate fields and click Log On.
User Name should resemble:
first name.last name
3. If you are required to change your password, the following screen will appear. Fill in the information and click Log on to proceed.
Password Requirements:
o Must be a minimum of 8 characters
o Must contain capital and lower case letters
o Must contain at least 1 number or special character
4. If you have successfully entered/changed your password, you will be taken to the private site where there is additional information and access to enter your product information into our system.
Help & Troubleshooting Tips
If your password doesn’t seem to be working, you may need to reset your password.
From the portal home page, click the “password” link located underneath the login button. You will need to enter your Username in the Username field and click on the SUBMIT button.
If you have entered information that matches our records, you will receive an email within a few minutes with a new temporary password.
If you have entered information that does not match our records, you will not receive an email. There is a notification given if you have entered incorrect information, but it is easy to miss. This is what you will see if you have entered information that does not match our file.
Once you receive your temporary password, login using the steps above. **Please note, after you enter in your new temporary password it will say that password has expired. Please then enter a new password you create.
If you seem to be stuck in a password reset loop, it means your temporary password is not being entered correctly. Sometimes an extra space is copied/pasted and the system thinks that your password is wrong. To copy and paste your temporary password, highlight the password from Right to Left to avoid accidentally copying a space. See the difference below.
Copied from Left to Right = WRONG / Copied from Right to Left = RIGHT1 | Page