2-14-2016 Readings: The Nature of Soul, Part II - Healing
From Esoteric Psychology, Vol. I, A. Bailey/The Tibetan
“Soul” . . . constitutes the spiritual entity, a conscious psychical being possessing life, quality and appearance – a unique manifestation in time and space of the three expressions of the soul:
1. The soul of all the atoms, composing the tangible appearance.
2. The personal soul or the subtle coherent sum total, which we call the Personality, composed of the subtle bodies—etheric or vital, astral or emotional, and the lower mental apparatus. . . .[These three vehicles humanity shares in some capacity with the animal, vegetable, and mineral kindgoms.]
3. The soul is also the spiritual being, or the union of life and quality. When there is union of the three souls, we have a human being. . . .
All forms are differentiations of the soul, but that soul is one Soul, when viewed and considered spiritually. . . .
Thus, we have three things to bear in mind as we read and study:
1. The synthesis of life……………………spirit.
2. The unity of consciousness…………….soul.
3. The integration of forms……………….body.
These three always have been at-one, but the human consciousness has not known it. It is the realization of these three factors and their integration into the technique of living, which is, for man, the objective of his entireevolutionary experience. …
- Man’s form nature reacts in its consciousness to the form nature of Deity. The outer garment of the soul (physical, vital and psychic) is part of the outer garment of God.
- Man’s self-conscious soul is en rapport with the soul of all things. It is an integral part of the universal Soul, and because of this can become aware of the conscious purpose of Deity; can intelligently cooperate with the will of God, and thus work with the plan of Evolution.
- Man’s spirit is one with the life of God and is with him, deep-seated in this soul, as hissoul is seated within the body.
These are words, which are formulated in an endeavor to convey an idea of order, of plan, of universal synthesis, of the integration and incorporation of the fragment in the whole, and of the part with the all. (55-59)
Excerpts from Esoteric Healing – A Practical Guide Based on the Teachings of the Tibetan in the Works of Alice A. Bailey, by Alan Hopkins
In trying to simplify the profound laws of healing [Laws I – X and six Rules listed on pp. 532-536 of Esoteric Healing by A.A. Bailey/The Tibetan] I have distilled the essential qualities of esoteric healing into seven statements. . . . These statements [in bold print] could best be used as meditation seed thoughts to ponder.
1. All disease is the result of inhibited soul life. Everything that exists in the world—form pebbles to people—is a soul embodied. Everything in the world is subject to illness. For one reason or another, the ensouling principle is not able to express itself properly. Such inhibition makes for disharmony resulting in sickness and dis-ease.
2.Diseaseis the result of a person’s past, inheritance, and the environment both inner and outer. The source of inhibition is explained by this law. What one sows, one reaps. But what ones sows is also dependent on other factors: where the seed comes from, where it grows, under what conditions it grows, and so on. Causes create effects, as is obvious to us in our everyday lives. The decisions one makes today will affect and change us tomorrow, but not in a deterministic way. To undo our misdirected actions, words, decisions, etc., may take a lot of guts and pain and brain. The “environment” refers to causes that exceed our capacity to comprehend. These causes belong to a distant past, but which we have to work out in the present for the purposes of the future. This second statement is related to the . . . term, karma.
3. The conflict of integrating the person’s outer personality self and the inner spiritual self is further cause of disease. “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” is an old saying. A conflict between the desires and ambitions, hopes and fears, stresses and strains of the personality as opposed to the aspirations and spiritual ideals and purposes and visions of the soul can lead to a breakdown in the fabric of the body.
4. The soul is the healer of form. Only when the healer truly contacts the soul and works with it according to the soul’s laws and purposes, and only when the soul convinces the personality to be submissive to the soul’s plan, can healing be brought about and its effects made permanent. . . . To properly heal, the form requires the person as soul-personality to really understand esoteric teleology, the cause and purpose of our existence.
5. A person’s imbalance is healed when the flow of life energy is directed, unimpeded, to the appropriate major energy center. This refers to the practical aspect of esoteric healing. . . . The seven endocrine glands are the outer expression of the seven major etheric centers. All healing work is the full utilization of the subtle energies controlled by these major centers. The physical result will always be via the endocrine gland or glands of the center or centers involved.
6. To release imperfection, the healer must use harmlessness. For effective healing that is safe and permanent, the will of the healer or any forcing process, spiritual, mental or physical, must never be used. Only that lofty quality of love may be used. What is love? In healing, it is the energy of harmlessness. Stated in this way, using the word “harmlessness” ensures the healer should at no time use force, or display methods, whether of thought or action, that would endanger the patient. . . . Love is the governing attitude of the healer, and while the healer uses this great energy, no harm can be caused either to the patient or to the healer.
7. The word of the soul governs both life and death. This refers to the free will under which all human beings live . . . determining how the healing should be used. Will it be to promote life in the world or to promote life out of the world, which we call “death”? Death in this respect would be regarded as a positive step for the patient. The esoteric healer knows that there is no death, that death does not exist, that death as seen by the ordinary world is really consciousness without the dense body, a new reality for the individual.
Excerpts from Esoteric Healing, by A. Bailey and The Tibetan
1. When the soul controls the form involved, there is health.
2. The soul is the builder of the form, the constructive force in manifestation.
3. This is true of both the microcosm and the macrocosm.
4. The results are wholeness, right relation and correct activity.
5. When the soul is not in control, and the forces of the form nature are therefore the controlling factors, there will be ill health.
6. The builders of the form are the physical, astral, and mental elementals (often called the “lunar lords”).
7. These, in their triple totality, compose the personality. . . .
It all comes back again to the source of the major energy controlling the body. Though the soul is the source of all life and consciousness, for eons all the soul does is to preserve the form in life and in consciousness, until such time that it has reached the state in evolution where it (body) is a useful and suitable instrument (and will become increasingly so) for the soul to employ as a medium of expression and service. Karma then determines the quality and nature of the physical body. It can be healthy because it has not been misused in the the particular life or lives conditioning a particular incarnation, or unhealthy because it is paying the price of error. Good health is not necessarily dependent upon conscious soul contact. That can and does produce good health, but it is also dependent, in the majority of average cases, upon the life and intentions of the personality – in this life and in previous lives; it is not until the will of the personality is towards spiritual betterment and a cleaner, purer life that the soul can be of real assistance. (608-9)
The healer has always to remember the following sequence of facts:
1. The fact of the soul, working through
2. The mind and the astral body, whose energies condition
3. The etheric vehicle, a vortex of energies focused through numerous centers, both major and minor.
4. The seven major centers, controlling definite areas of the body via
a. The nadis. [A Hindu term representing aparalleling etheric system to that of the bodily nervous system]
b. The nerves.
c. The endocrine system. [Glands]
d. The blood stream.
These four groups of conditioned aspects of the man concern life and consciousness, or the two major aspects of the soul when in manifestation upon the physical plane. (548)