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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
Austintown Board of Education Meeting
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
4:00 PM Work Session with Executive Session at the Central Office
5:30 PM Regular Session Austintown Middle School
Board MembersAdministration
Mrs. Kathy Mock, President Mr. Vincent Colaluca, Superintendent
Dr. David Ritchie, Vice President Mr. Jeremy Batchelor, Assist. Superintendent
Mr. Louis Chine, MemberMs. Mary Ann Herschel, Treasurer
Mr. Kenneth Jakubec, Member
Mr. Harold Porter, Member
Mission Statement of the Austintown Schools
The mission of the Austintown Local School District, building upon a tradition of excellence with a vision for the future, is a commitment to guarantee all students a state of the art, global education which stimulates critical thinking, curiosity of the unknown, and lifelong learning through a progressive curriculum, integrated technology, a dedicated and dynamic staff, and outstanding community support.
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
- Call to Order
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
Mr. ChinePresent / Absent
Mrs. MockPresent / Absent
Dr. RitchiePresent / Absent
Mr. JakubecPresent / Absent
Mr. PorterPresent / Absent
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
- Work Session
1)Exit Conference for Audit – MaryAnn Herschel
- Executive Session for the purpose of discussion with regard to employment of personnel.
- Re-Call to Order- Pledge of Allegiance- Mission Statement
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
Mr. ChinePresent / Absent
Mrs. MockPresent / Absent
Dr. RitchiePresent / Absent
Mr. JakubecPresent / Absent
Mr. PorterPresent / Absent
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
Student RecognitionAAC Champion Boys Cross Country Team
Coach Paul Farr
AAC Champion GirlsCross Country Team
Coach Amy Diefenderfer
Assistant Superintendent ReportJeremy Batchelor
Building ReportsBuilding Principals
Public Comment Segment 1 Items specific to February 11, 2015 Regular Session Agenda
- Upon the recommendation of the Treasurer approve the agenda for the Regular Session ofFebruary 11, 2015.
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Upon the recommendation of the Treasurer approve the following Items A-Cby consent action*:
- Approve monthly financial statement, purchase orders over $5,000, and transfers for the month of January 2015.
- Approve minutes from the following public meetings:
1)1/13/15 Work Session w/Executive Session
2)1/13/15 Organizational Meeting
3)1/13/15 Regular Session
4)1/29/15 Special Work/Executive Session
- Authorize the treasurer to request an amended certificate of estimated resources and approve an amended appropriation resolution.
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent approve the following Items A-Cby consent action*:
- Personnel
- Ralph Moretti, Tutor effective 1/16/15
- Laura Host, Transportation-Driver effective 2/19/15
Non Bargaining Unit
- Charlotte Litzinger, Tutor; from RTI Tutor at AMS to AYP Tutor at Fitch effective 1/20/15
- David Grimm, Transportation-Driver; from Floating Driver to Regular Route Driver effective 2/3/15 replacing A. Mraz
- Steve Wash from Physical Education Grs. K-5 at AES/AIS to Physical Education Grs. 6-8 at AMS effective 2015-16 school year.
- Lauren Ohl, Food Service at Fitch; 9 month, 3.75 hour; effective 2/2/15 replacing B. Warburton ( 9:50 AM – 1:35 PM)
- Tanya Naze, Transportation-Driver(Floating); 9 month, 3.5 hour; effective 2/3/15 replacing D. Grimm
- Vicki Conley, Transportation-Driver; Mid-day run; 4 days per week, 2 hours per day; effective 2/3/15 replacing A. Mraz
- Paul Cassano, Head Boys Track AMS (blue); 10%
- Brian Forgac, Head Boys Track AMS (Red); 10%
- Brad Clyde, Assist. Boys Track AMS (Blue); 9%
- Chris Flauto, Assist. Boys Track AMS (Red); 9%
- Brian Beany, Head Girls Track AMS (Blue);10%
- Jaclyn Ogilvie, Head Girls Track AMS (Red); 10%
- Jeff Gessler, Assist. Girls Track AMS ( Blue); 9%
The following position was offered to school employees and no employee made application:
- Samantha Kozbial, Co-Assist. Softball Coach; 5.5%
- Robert Jones, Co-Assist. Softball Coach; 5.5%
- Kevin CallahanGirls Softball Coach
6)Leave of Absence:
- Taylor Cowles; unpaid leave of absence effective 6/1/15 to 6/5/15; personal
- Amy Diefenderfer; unpaid parental leave tentatively set for 4/27/15 through 5/1/15; dates of unpaid parental leave are dependent on the arrival of the baby.
- Karen Bradley, unpaid medical leave effective 1/29/15; tentative return to work date 3/2/15
- Rebekah Cefalde, unpaid parental leave effective 4/27/15 until the end of the 2015-16 school year.
- Debbie Mackey, unpaid medical leave effective 1/26/15 to 2/12/15
- Patricia Reider, unpaid leave of absence effective 3/16/15 for a period of three years until 3/16/18.
7)Falcon Pride Online / HOPE Tutor for the balance of the 2014-15 school year; ($16.00 per hour, limited to no more than 7 hours per day; 4 days per week; not to exceed 28.75 hours per week):
- Rachel HanniHOPE
8)RTI Tutor for the balance of the 2014-15 school year; (Limited to 640 total hours or 112 days per school year); $16.00 per hour; limited to no more than 5.75 hours per day; not to exceed 28.75 hours per week)
- Lauren CobbAMS
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
9)Intervention Tutorfor the balance of the 2014-15 school year;$16.00 per hour; limited to no more than 5.75 hours per day; not to exceed 28.75 hours per week)
- Jamie DiemertAIS
10)Home Instruction Tutor for the balance of the 2014-15 school year; as needed basis at a rate of $18.10 per hour for AEA members:
- Tina KubackiAEA
11)Saturday School Monitor; $18.10 per hour limited tone monitor per Saturday; no more than 4 hours per Saturday on a rotation basis:
- Joleen Libert (Sub)
12)Student Trips:
- Robotics Club to travel by Charter Bus to the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio 3/26/15 to 3/28/15 for competition. This trip is self-funded; advisors and parents will serve as chaperones; days missed from school are within in parameters of board approved policy.
- Robotics Club to travel to Cincinnati, Xavier College to complete April 2-4, 2015 for competition. This trip is self-funded; transportation provided by advisors and parents
who will serve as chaperones; day missed from school is within parameters of board approved policy.
13)Youth Camps:
- 2015 Fitch Little Volleyball Little Spikers Program for girls in the Austintown Local School District entering Grades 3 to 6; Austintown Middle School every Sunday starting 9/13/15 and ending 10/4/15;cost $50
- 2015 Fitch Volleyball Camp for girls in the Austintown Local School District; Grades 5 and Grade 6; Austintown Fitch Gym starting 6/18/15 to 6/19/15; cost $50
- 2015 Fitch Volleyball Camp for girls in the Austintown Local School District; Grades 7 and Grade 8; Austintown Fitch Gym starting 6/25/15 to 6/26/15; cost $50
- Softball Skills Camp for girls in Grades K-5 on 3/14/15; Cost: $15 ($10 when registering two children, $5 for three children); T-shirts provided. Location: AMS gyms
- Softball Skills Camp For girls in Grades 6-8; 3/14/15 and 3/21/15 Cost: $20 ($15 when registering two children, $10 for three children); T-shirts provided. Location: AMS gyms
- Approve the recommendation for 88 sixth grade students in Royal Blue House at AMS to travel on three school buses, along with 9 adult chaperones, to the Carnegie Natural History Museum in Pittsburgh, PA on 5/18/15; travel expenses in the amount of $700 were paid through the Target Field TripGrant; remaining travel expenses to the district are $622; scholarships reduced student paid admission fees from $9 to $7; adult chaperones given free admission. Departure is 8:30 AM and return is 2:00 PM; day missed from school is within adopted board policy.
- Approve the recommendation to employ Frank Palocyi as a Dual Enrollment Class/Intro to Statistics instructor at Fitch High School effective 1/12/15 to 5/15/15 at a flat fee of $2400; limited to three days per week.
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2/11/15 Austintown Board of Education Meeting w/Work and Executive Session
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
*End Consent Item
- Approve the recommendation to again accept a $1,000 donation from General Motors Lordstown in support of the robotics club.
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Approve the resolution to declare transportation impractical for the following identified student as presented pursuant to the requirements of the Ohio Revised Code 3327 and the procedures set forth by the Ohio Department of Education. This resolution follows careful evaluation of all other available options prior to consideration of impracticality.
Student NameGradeSchoolSelectedParent/Guardian
Mathew Luknis7thSt. RoseJill & Donald Luknis
Julianna Frengler 7 th St. Rose Neil & Pamela Frengler
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Austintown Local School District and the Austintown Education Association to modify the Agreement in effect from 8/29/12 to 8/29/15 by adjusting the start date of the 2015-16 school year to August 21, 2015 and approve the tentative school calendar for the 2015-16 school year as presented.
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Approve the recommendation for the Austintown American Legion Memorial Post 301 to hold Memorial Day services at Fitch High School on Monday, May 25, 2015 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Fees have been waived.
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Time, Date and Place for March Regular Session Board Meeting
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
- Public Comments Segment 2 – Topic of Speaker’s Choice
- Board Comments
- Adjournment
Motioned by ______; Seconded by ______
Vote: Mr. Chine, Y N; Mr. Jakubec, Y N; Mrs. Mock, Y N; Mr. Porter, Y N; Dr. Ritchie, Y N
The forgoing is a correct record of the proceedings of the Austintown Board of Education meeting held on February 11, 2015.