2:00 p.m.CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME Cheryl Thingvold

  • Overview of agenda/update
  • Add DOE projects to agenda.Moved by Pam Benton, seconded by Louis Lillard
  • Introduction/Approval of new Board members & Special Appointees

Attendance: Gale Jones; Linda Villadóniga; Jackie Cinotti-Dirmann; Dr. Betty Green; Yee Chen Robson; Alysse Rasmussen; Myra Johnson; Susan McDonald; Dr. Vivian Bosque; Pam Benton; Linda Markley; Cheryl Thingvold; Gudrun Martyny; Ester Wright Gonzalez; Carol Wise; Alice Hill; Frank Kruger-Robbins; Oneal Martin, Luis Lillard, Deanna Scheffer, Dr. Lauren Doyle-McCombs


  • Meeting guidelines and procedures / Roberts' Rules Carol Wise


  • Advocacy initiative
  • FFLA Scholarships
  • Linda Markley related that student winner had great experience.She suggested more publicity for student scholarshipsto FFLA from FLICU. Scholarship money does not roll over.
  • Bringing college students a benefit to FFLA for future membership.



  • 370 registered for Conference. Final report will be given in January meeting.
  • $28,000 food and beverage bill. Will subtract $250 internet fees
  • Dinner Gala: Menu of surf and turf for same price as chicken
  • Breakfast: added eggs at same price as pastry

Linda Markley suggested a letter of appreciation be written to Radisson Manager Dan Anderson, expressing appreciation and for his cooperation and help with the Conference.

Several board members mentioned a special thanks should go to Christa Markley, Linda’s

daughter, for her extensive time and effortbefore and during the Conference.

Jacki Cinotti moved that FFLA award a stipend of $1000 to Christa for her graphic design and videography produced for the Conference. Christa has volunteered to develop a spread sheet

of expenses for future Executive Board and Directors. After discussion, Jacki amended the

motion to change the stipend amount to $1500. Motioned seconded by Deanna Scheffer. Motion passed. Annamarie Tijerino suggested that we revisit Christa’s stipend in January for any further work completed.

Gudrun Martynyreminded the Board that webmaster Oneal Martin had been awarded a $700 stipend for his updates and new web design.

Conference Donations: Still to be collected. These include:

  • $500 Vista
  • $1000 OrangeCounty
  • $500 from EF

Linda Markley mentioned that Exhibitors were thrilled with the gifts and passport idea.

Susan McDonald mentioned exhibitors indicated they were glad to be at this Conference rather than the concurrent one in Texas. In addition, Linda indicated the Exhibitors appreciated interactingwith the participants who came by their booths. Linda extended a thanks to all the Board members for their help and support before and during the Conference to make it a success.She also suggested that working with local committees gets more teachers involved in FFLA.


Carried over from WednesdayCheryl

Problems with current descriptions as to their inaccuracy describing student performances was brought up and discussed. Several ideas were suggested to facilitate

changes to these descriptions. One was to make all members aware of the content of these descriptions through the FFLA website. Pam Benton suggested contacting the DOE with our concerns. She mentioned that failure to make more realistic adjustments will effect both teacher evaluations and students. Carol Wise mentioned that we represent all parts of the state and as such, we have a powerful voice. Another suggestion was to send a letter

from FFLA to the DOA indicating our concerns.

Linda Markey gave the Board members some background information on the writing of the descriptions. She informed us that originally Lori Rodriguez from DOE had contacted Linda wanting a list of experts to design standards. Various meetings were held for design committee members, via teleconferences, but members sometimes were not advised of

these meetings or the times selected were not compatible with their teaching schedules. Therefore teacher imput was limited. Also questioned was the legality of adopting the course descriptions without adhering to the Florida Sunshine Laws. After additional discussion, Jackie Cinotti moved that the Executive Board draft a letter to Mary Jane

Tappen concerning the current course descriptions and copy to Linda Markley. Lauren McCombs seconded; motion passed. Any additional comments by Board members can be sent to Cheryl Thingvold. Cheryl will contact ACTFL via Emily Spinelli to advise her of what has taken place here in Florida. It was also mentioned that other organizations and/orindividuals who advocate World Languages be contacted, including Peggy Boyles, as well as parents of students currently studying any World Language. Gudrun Martyny volunteered to send an email blast to all FFLA members to advice of the situation.

Annamarie Tijerino abstained from all voting on DOE issues.

Policy and Procedures Manual update:Cheryl and Linda

  • Regional Directors' responsibilities were outlined.
  • Cheryl passed list of required meetings including January, May, and pre-conference meeting in October
  • FLAN: issues include winter, spring, summer. Winter and spring issue are sent electronically; summer conference issue is distributed in hard copy form.
  • Other Board Member responsibilities were discussed
  • Record of motions and Historian's report should be sent to Dr. Betty Green.
  • Most Valuable & Hall of Fame program need a backup person to keep records.
  • Linda Markley volunteered to create a spreadsheet with valuable teacher winners in the past
  • Committee to update Hall of Fame and other honorees

Update of Technology Initiatives:

  • Today's Meet: screen tool on-line for virtual meetings
  • Wimba – Virtual January Board Meeting
  • Facebook – FFLA Board / Friends of FFLA
  • Website-switching to other company was discussed due to expenses and space

Webinar: Linda said preconference webinar was successful

An official to letter of thanks Dr. Mike Tushelli, UF. A stipend,.a donation,

or scholarship to him was discussed. No final decision was reached.


  • President's Report, 2012 Conference Cheryl Thingvold
  • Dates, theme, hotel details, call for presentations which are due May 1st. Dates for Conference are Oct. 18-20th.
  • Possible speakers; pre-conference workshops were discussed with field trips to Jax Port, Historic St. Augustine, Archeological dig at Ft. Caroline or Florida School for Deaf and Blind
  • A suggested speaker is Paul Sandrock and additional suggestions should be emailed to Cheryl
  • “Connections” is one of the Conference themes
  • IALLT for technology and speakers, Florida Council for the Humanities,
  • Information for upcoming Conference should be sent to ACTFL, SCOLT and FLDOE
  • New deadline for submitting proposals – May 1, 2012, so the Board members will have them for review at the May Board meeting. Presenters will be notified by June 1
  • FFLJ is now online and the deadline for articles is June 1st. Deanna Scheffer suggested that articles should relate to the Conference theme.
  • FFLAN requests, deadlinesJacki Cinotti-Dirmann

November 15th for winter issue.

  • ACTFL and SCOLT conferences update
  • ACTFL - Denver, November 18-20.
  • SCOLT – Pam Benton will attend as President-elect. In Atlanta, March 22-24; Joint conference - FLAG - SCOLT - SEALLT
  • Future Board meetings
  • January meeting: Electronic meeting on Wimba will be 21st.
  • May meeting: Will be on site at Renaissance at World Golf Village,Saturday, May 19th
  • Executive board meeting May 18th

Other new business

  • DOE Projects: Duval Ct.has grant todevelop assessments for Fr. German, Latin,

for state exam items. Interested persons should contact Anna for more info.


Jackie Conitti-Dirmann motioned to adjourn; Frank Kruger-Robbins seconded.