National Association of Black Storytellers, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland


P. O. BOX 67722 · BALTIMORE MARYLAND 21215 · (410) 947-1117


September 24, 2012


Festival Director Dylan PritchettCo-Festival Director, Janice Curtis-Greene


Adopt-A-Teller Coordinator

Bunjo Butler




“In the Tradition…”

Annual National Black Storytelling Festival and Conference

Baltimore will be the center of the Black Storytelling world! On November 14 - 18, 2012, The National Association of Black Storytellers, Inc. (NABS) along with their Baltimore-based affiliate, GRIOTS CIRCLE OF MARYLAND, INC. will present the 30th “In the Tradition…” Annual National Black Storytelling Festival and Conference” at The Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards and throughout the Baltimore community. The first "In the Tradition..." A Festival of Black Storytelling was held at Morgan State University in Baltimore in 1983 and now returning “home” to Baltimore; Hence this year’s theme, "Coming Home…Our Family Tells Stories!"

In 1982, nationally renowned storytellers, Baltimore’s first officially appointed Griot – the late, great Mary Carter Smith of Baltimore, Maryland, and esteemed Linda Goss of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and, now, residing in Baltimore, began a storytelling Festival titled “In The Tradition…” These visionaries then created the National Association of Black Storytellers, Inc., so that more opportunities would be afforded the African American storytellers to perpetuate the African oral tradition and preserve the folklore of African people.

The National Association of Black Storytellers is proud to present this one-of-a-kind event as we return to the wonderful city of Baltimore where we started! Thousands of youth and adults, schools and libraries, will experience the spirit of Black Storytelling. Festival and Conference goers will find themselves mesmerized with a unique learning experience in storytelling workshops during the day and enjoy performances of nationally renowned Black storytellers in concerts in the evenings. The Baltimore public and attendees from all over the country are invited and encouraged to participate and attend.

This year’s celebration features the following amazing storytellers and artists:

Charlotte Blake Alston (PA)Sonia Sanchez (PA)

Karima Amin (NY)TAHIRA (DE)

Victoria Burnett (CA)Keepers of the Culture (PA)

Dr. Rex Ellis (DC)The Griots’ Circle of Maryland (Baltimore)

Kala JoJo (PA)Janice Curtis Greene (MD)

Diane Ferlatte (CA) Mitch “Gran’Daddy Junebug” Capel (NC)

Diane Macklin (MD)Sarai Abdul-Malik (PA)

Zahra Baker & Emily Lansana/”In The Spirit” (IL)

Highlights will be:

* Master Workshops -presented by Poet Laureate of Philadelphia, activist and world-renown poet Sonia Sanchez & another presented by outstanding author Sharon Draper!

* Scholars Panel – “Genesis of Our Stories”…Where our stories come from!

*Workshops - Stories Stitched in Quilts * Storytelling in Childhood Education * creating Your Ancestral Story Cloth * Beginning a Youth Literacy Program 8 Experiencing Storytelling Through Rhythm, Song & Dance * Starting a Sustainable Non-profit Business for Tellers * Black Language From The Black Side

* Concert – Opening Gala * Elders’ Luncheon * “In The Tradition…” Concert * Youth & Adults Liars’ Contests * Anansi Tales * Bre’r Rabbit Tales * Zora Neale Hurston * Spiritual Breakfast

As for our storytelling concerts, ALL of our concerts are family-friendly and are excellent offerings for school groups, mentoring program adults and youth as well as those who just love Black Storytelling! Concert tickets are sold at the door. Friday and Saturday night concert tickets are $15 for adults; all other concerts are $10 for adults; Youth tickets (18 and under) are $5 for ALL concerts! Group discounts are available.

Since the first Festival and Conference in Baltimore, NABS has traveled around the nation; most recently, New Orleans ('04), Tampa ('05), San Diego ('06), Atlanta (’07), Cincinnati (’08), Little Rock (’09), Minneapolis (’10), Atlanta (’11) and, for the fourth time, BALTIMORE!



Dylan Pritchett at 757-561-6658,

Janice Curtis-Greene at 443-253-1804,

Bunjo Butler at 443-622-0273,


Press Release – National Association of Black Storytellers, Inc.

Celebrating 30 Years of “In the Tradition…” September 24, 2012