1st Whitby Scouts
Chief Scout’s Award
Requirement Booklet
Name: ______
Earning My Chief Scout’s Award
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 World Conservation Badge
· Two environmental challenge badges
· Conservation Issue Project
· Think Globally, Act Locally
3 Standard First Aid
3 Explore World Scouting
3 Challenge Badges
4 Challenging Program
· Citizenship Activity Area
4 Challenging Program
· Leadership Activity Area
5 Challenging Program
· Personal Development Activity Area
6 Challenging Program
· Outdoor Skills Activity Area
7 Community Service
There are three distinct areas of achievement in the Scouts Canada Scout Program. They are the Voyageur Award , Pathfinder Awards and the Chief Scout's Award. Typically you work on the Voyageur Award beginning in your first year and your Pathfinder in your second and third year. You will work on your Chief Scout’s Award in your third and fourth year.
The requirements for the Voyageur and Pathfinder Awards are found in the Scout’s Handbook. To complete the Chief Scout’s Award, Scouts Canada requires you to develop a challenging program with your Troop Scouter re-touching apon the four categories of Citizenship, Leadership, Personal Development & Outdoor Skills at a higher level of achievement than previous levels. The Chief Scout’s Award rewards efforts that go above and beyond the Voyageur and Pathfinder Awards.
To assist you, contained in this booklet are the minimum expectations to earn your Chief Scout’s Award based on what other Scouts have accomplished before you. While it is designed to be challenging, it can be attainable. A recipient of the Chief Scout's Award will have demonstrated the personal desire to reach a little farther, to work a little harder and to put even more back into the community.
There are five major areas that will be touched on to complete your award.
· World Conservation Badge
· Community Leadership Project
· Standard First Aid
· Challenge Badges (Seven Additional)
· Community Service (30 hours)
Using The Booklet
Once you have completed the requirements for Pathfinder, you may begin on your Chief Scout's Award. Accomplishments made within previous levels cannot be included in this award. This is above and beyond the other levels.
Unlike the previous levels, you are expected to plan, work on and achieve your requirements largely on your own. You are required to present your progress to your Troop Scouter on a regular basis in writing.
Using this booklet will help you organize and keep track of your progress. Mark and keep notes. Attach any proposal or summary where required to the back of the booklet.
World Conservation Badge
Earn the World Conservation Badge, which includes two additional environmental challenge badges , a conservation project and an environmental activity.
a. Choose TWO of the following you have not already earned. Circle the ones you want to complete.
Completed Agriculture, Fish & Wildlife, Horticulture, Forestry, Soil & Water Management, Recycling, Naturalist
a. Choose a conservation issue of importance to Canada and the world, and complete a project that includes some recognizable work in your community. Provide a report.
c. Take a leading role in planning and conducting an activity of your choice which focuses on the concept, "Think globally, act locally". Provide a report.
Standard First Aid
You are required to take and pass a Standard First Aid Course
Explore World Scouting
Complete the World Scouting requirements outlined in the Scout Handbook.
Challenge Badges
You must have earned at least one Challenge Badge from each of the seven categories of Athletics, Outdoors, Home & Family, Personal Development, Science & Technology, Culture & Society and Environment. All in all you will be earning at least seventeen challenge badges. Fill out the following check list as you complete your challenge badges
Badge (Voyageur Award) / Category1.
Badge (Pathfinder Award)
Badge (Chief Scout’s Award) / Category (see page 4-5)
Completed Circle each category as you complete them.
Date:______Athletics, Outdoors, Home & Family, Personal Development, Science & Technology, Culture & Society and Environment
Challenging Program
Complete a challenging program under the direction of your Troop Scouter, that touches apon the four areas of Citizenship, Leadership, Personal Development & Outdoor Skills. This program should stretch your abilities in all ways. You may work on these requirements in your 3rd and 4th years. No requirements worked on during your Voyageur or Pathfinder Levels can count toward your proposal. Before beginning on your Challenging Program, you need to select what you are going to do and submit a plan. As you then proceed with your requirements you will be documenting and submitting a final report. This report is forwarded with your application for the Chief Scout's Award to the Area Commissioner.
The following is a guideline to the level of achievement expected. Read the and refer back to the requirements.
Citizenship Activity Area
Propose, plan and execute a Community Leadership Project of your choosing. You may work with another organization such as Rotary or CLOCA, but you must demonstrate leadership in your project by making key decisions in selecting a project, submitting a proposal, getting proper approval, obtaining financing, obtaining other volunteers if needed, executing your project and following up with a summary
Date:______Describe what you accomplished :______
Leadership Activity Area
1. Troop Event - Plan and run a Troop activity or event of your choosing. Submit your plan to the Troop Scouter, with details of what, where, when and any costs. Provide a notice of your activty to other Scouts at least two weeks prior to the event. Provide a summary of your event about what you did, how it went and what you learned. The event should be more than just a meeting.
Date:______Describe what you accomplished :______
2. Demonstrate Active Leadership - Show a consistent ability and good attitude toward providing active leadership within the Troop. This includes wearing the uniform properly; providing a good example in language, attitude and behaviour; show a willingness to help less experienced Scouts gain confidence in their own abilities; Consistently fullfill duties of Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader or other positions within the Troop with strong attendance. It is more than just 'being' a Patrol Leader, you must show the initiative as if the Troop Scouter could step out of the picture and the patrol/troop would still run successfully with your guidance. Note: This requirement will be evaluated by your Troop Scouter and your fellow Scouts.
Date:______Describe what you accomplished :______
Personal Development Activity Area
1. Develop and follow a personal fitness program for at least six months. Document your program.
Date:______Describe what you accomplished :______
2. Challenge Badges – You should earn at least the following
Earn ONE of the following you have not already earned. Circle which one you earned.
Completed Special Needs Awareness, Cultural Awareness, Heritage
Earn ONE of the following you have not already earned. Circle which one you earned.
Completed Engineering, Science, Space Exploration
Outdoor Skills Activity Area
Earn THREE of the following you have not already earned. Circle which one you earned.
Completed Exploring, Advanced Tripping, Winter Scouting, Water Tripping, White Water
Note: When planning your camps/expeditions, you are encouraged to plan one patrol activity, which will be without your leaders, excluding any water activities. This will be at the discretion of your Troop Scouter and with permission from your parents.
You goal should also be to have collected 100km in hiking camps or equivalents since your Voyageur Level
Camp Date Distance Travelled
Community Service
Complete 30 hours of community service preferably not in Scouting. These hours are in addition to the hours spent on the Community Leadership Project below. All hours must be completed after you have earned your Pathfinder Award. Your troop Scouter is looking for more than park clean-ups or helping out in beavers. You must show a genuine effort to plan how you intend to complete your hours that are meaningful to you and your community.
You are responsible for planning and initiating your community service on your own. Present your proposal to your Troop Scouter before beginning. Keep a log.
Community Service Description Date Hours