Megan Nyre
1st Place Winner, Quotes Category
Computing is the cornerstone of modern technology…, the wind in the sails of today’s economy…, and the dawn on the horizon for future advancements…
Faisal Bataineh
2nd Place Winner, Quotes Category
Computing carried engineering from the wonders of the Pyramids to the endless depths of today's Internet.
Bhushan Bopardikar
3rd Place Winner, Quotes Category
The real revolution in computing will dawn...when computers don't just provide answers…but start asking questions…
Prateek Saxena
Contributor, Quotes Category
Wisdom makes man perfect; Computing makes engineering perfect.
Kyung Yoo
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing was born to survive us, the Engineers who were born to survive our world for the better and sweeter.
Bhushan Bopardikar
Contributor, Quotes Category
The Globe shrinks…as Computing explodes…to brush that off as coincidence would prove nothing but ignorance.
Rohan Dhote
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing is like electricity, the latter lights up everything, while the former lights up knowledge.
Andreea Bighirel
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing keeps blossoming into a fruit that nourishes the technical, the social and the economical world.
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing is like a gateway to a whole new Universe!
Alison Brownell
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.-E. W. Dijkstra
I like this one because I think it makes you think. Computer Science is such a large field of study and you can do so much with it, much like we are learning in class some of the various aspects. Much like Astronomy is not just about telescopes but also stars, planets, etc...
Glen Bradford
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing in Engineering brings forth a virtual reality of human ingenuity.
Brendan O’Brian
Contributor, Quotes Category
Engineering without computing is like acting without a script.
Jerry Desouza
Contributor, Quotes Category
Engineering without computing is like trying to cross the Atlantic in a row boat.
Edwin Hage
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing... the Engineer's better half.
Kheireddin Maani:
Contributor, Quotes Category
All programmers are directors while all computers are lousy actors.
Contributor, Quotes Category
Hardware in a system as organs in a being.
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing is like an angel’s voice to engineering.
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
Technology advances computing into the days of the future.
Aaron Hanlon
Contributor, Quotes Category
The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing is the key to tomorrow’s success.
Pourmehr Sarram
Contributor, Quotes Category
In today's competitive and ever-changing jungle of commerce, the only way to claw up the success chain and stand on the winning edge is to fully understand, take advantage of, and incorporate computing.
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing opens up an entire new window of opportunities.
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
Computing drives us into the world of tomorrow.
Polina Dracheva
Contributor, Quotes Category
Because information can only grow in size, it is opposite of a natural resource, yet the same as most natural living things.
Karl Suttie-Kadish
Contributor, Quotes Category
A world without computing is chaos.
Mirey Cukurel
Contributor, Quotes Category
Let nature do all the work when all you do is taking a bite from the apple.
Brady Mclaughlin
Contributor, Quotes Category
I'm a Mac!