1st United Methodist Church

Deming NM 88030

We have a contract with a gentleman who has his own cleaning service. This is a copy of what we ask him to do. FYI, we have a rather large facility so this is almost a full time job. He cleans the preschool as part of this contract.

Cleaning Duties:

Offices (front three offices, choir room and one in SS wing):

3 x weeklyEmpty trash cans; clean office wing restrooms ((Empty trash cans; check to assure adequate supplies, keep extra roll of toilet paper on back of each tank, damp mop floors, clean toilets, clean faucets, mirrors & counters, dust high/low areas)

Weekly Dust all high and low areas including computers and other equipment, bookshelves

Vacuum, moving chairs, trash cans, etc. as able

MonthlyClean inside windows

4x yearClean outside windows, both sides

YearlyDo a thorough cleaning of all surfaces including marks on walls, tops of doors, Vacuum in corners, move furniture to vacuum underneath (desks are exceptions), etc.

Vacuum office chairs, wipe down vents, doors, clean covers on lights.


Twice weeklyEmpty trash cans; check to assure adequate supplies (keep extra roll of toilet paper on back of each tank). Damp mop floors, clean toilets, clean faucets, mirrors & counters, dust high/low areas

MonthlyWipe down stall doors and walls, toilet paper dispensers, handicap rails

YearlyStrip & re-wax floors

Scrub around base of toilets and around faucets on sinks (lime away as needed).

Do a thorough cleaning (moping, dusting, wiping down, etc. of all surfaces including tops of doors, marks on walls

Wipe down vents, doors, clean covers on lights, etc.

Classrooms (including upstairs classrooms):

WeeklyEmpty trash

Vacuum and/or damp mop floors, moving chairs, trash cans, etc. as able.

Assure all classrooms have a minimum of two tables surrounded by 10 chairs except Shepherd room (4 tables in a square, surrounded by chairs), office across from nursery (1 table with 8 chairs) and Memorial classroom (with three crosses on wall) which should be the same as Shepherd room

Dust all high and low areas including counters and blackboards.

MonthlyBuff hard floors

Clean inside windows

4 x yearClean outside windows inside & out

YearlyStrip and re-wax floors (where applicable),

Do a thorough cleaning (mopping, dusting, wiping down, etc.)of all surfaces including marks on walls, tops of doors, vacuuming in corners, moving furniture to vacuum underneath (desks are exceptions), etc.

Wipe down chairs, wipe down doors/vents, clean covers on lights.


WeeklyVacuum & damp mop floors (including in front of funeral door)

Dust all pews, rails, piano, organ, sound desk, etc.

Empty trash cans

Pull trash/old bulletins out of pew racks

Dust all high/low areas and uncovered equipment

4 x yearClean windows inside and out

YearlyDo a thorough cleaning of all surfaces including marks on walls, tops of doors, Thoroughly mop floor including corners, vacuuming in corners, moving furniture to vacuum underneath (pews/desks are exceptions), etc.

Vacuum all pews

Wipe down doors

Nursery (including nursery bathroom):

2x week (Mon&Fri)Empty all trash cans

Wipe down the entire toilet

Clean sink and counter in bathroom

Check to assure adequate supplies in bathroom

Weekly (Friday)Vacuum all rooms

Damp mop the floor and bathroom floor

Dust all high/low areas

MonthlyClean inside windows

4 x yearClean outside windows inside & out

6 x yearWipe down all hard furniture with a disinfectant, including counter tops and doors

YearlyStrip & re-wax floors

Scrub around base of toilet and around faucet on sink (lime away as needed).

Do a thorough cleaning (moping, dusting, wiping down, etc. of all surfaces including tops of doors, all furniture, marks on walls

Wipe down vents, wipe down doors, clean covers on lights, etc.

FH/MAC Kitchens:

WeeklyDamp mop floors

Empty trash cans

Assure adequate towel/can liner supplies are stocked under sinks

Dust all high/low areas

Wipe all counter tops

MonthlyBuff hard floors

Clean windows

Wipe down outside of appliances

2 x yearClean all exhaust fan vents

Clean all stoves & ovens

YearlyStrip & re-wax floors

Scrub around base of sinks and walls

Scrub around faucets on sinks (lime away as needed)

Do a thorough cleaning (moping, dusting, wiping down, etc. of all surfaces including tops of doors, all equipment, marks on walls

Wipe down vents, wipe down doors, clean covers on lights, etc.


WeeklyDamp mop

Dust all high/low areas (window sills, tables, etc.)

MonthlyBuff floors

YearlyStrip & re-wax floors

Do thorough cleaning into corners, along baseboards, etc.

Wipe down walls, marks on walls

Wipe down vents, wipe down doors, clean covers on lights, etc.

Little Lambs:

see nursery schedule except do their cleaning on Fridays

MonthlyWipe down outside of appliances


WeeklySweep, then damp mop floor

MonthlyBuff floor

Clean windows on doors

YearlyStrip & re-wax floor

Do thorough cleaning into corners, along baseboards, etc.

Wipe down walls, marks on walls, wipe down doors

Fellowship Hall:

WeeklySweep then damp mop floors, moving folding chairs

Vacuum rug in sitting area

Wipe off counter tops

Clean sink in coffee counter

Dust all high/low areas

MonthlyBuff floors

Move sitting area furniture to do that floor

Dust pictures

Dust rail in front of sliding wall

YearlyStrip & re-wax floors

Do thorough cleaning into corners, along baseboards, etc.

Wipe down walls, marks on walls

Wipe down vents, wipe down doors, clean covers on lights, etc.

Scrub around base of walls

Scrub around faucets on sink (lime away as needed)

Do a thorough cleaning (moping, dusting, wiping down, etc.) of all surfaces including tops of doors, all equipment/furniture, marks on walls

Wipe down vents, wipe down doors, clean covers on lights, etc.

Vacuum all furniture


WeeklySee if any light bulbs/ballasts are out and replace

Sweep off outdoor carpet in front of sanctuary doors (in patio area)

MonthlyCheck exit lights and advise if replacement bulbs needed

2x yearSweep or vacuum interior floors of all closets in building, moving stuff as able

As neededSet up and take down tables and chairs for special events

Do top to bottom thorough cleaning on Mac kitchen (as scheduled) after use

Weslaco First United Methodist Church
Weslaco, TX

Job Duties for Building Steward

Pay periods: The 15th and 30th of each month, fill in time sheet and turn in prior to pay date with work you have done up to that time. (For instance, you may need to turn in your timesheet on the 13th, and then your actual work time for the 14th and 15th will go on the NEXT timesheet. Be sure and turn in your timesheet the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the 15th and 30th since our secretary is only in the office Monday-Thursday.) Hourly wage: $ 8.25 / hour.

Regular cleaning duties: (clean whenever good for you) Sanctuary, narthex (entrance lobby area), restrooms (6 in this building: in pastor’s office, by kitchen, 1 in each choir annex, 2 in narthex), parlor, kitchen areas, 3 offices, food pantry room, choir room with 2 side annexes, fellowship hall, nursery, classrooms that we use (just one in summer), sweep walk; all restrooms cleaned, mopped, re-stocked with paper prod. vacuumed & trash out on weekly basis (Tuesday am trash is picked up). It’s probably best to do sanctuary and bathrooms in the latter half of the week (or weekends) so it is fresher for Sundays. Sanitize our nursery toys – which means if it’s a plastic toy that goes in their mouth, soak it in light bleach water, rinse well, and dry (air dry OK). Use the education building’s big kitchen sink or a bucket.

PREP SANCTUARY FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING CHILDREN’S CHAPEL (vacuum any communion crumbs and remove bulletins, used Kleenex, and any other obvious trash from pews; put prayer bears up on platform steps or choir seats). Then anytime after their chapel return prayer bears to pews (random, just set them out), and check hymnals, Bibles, and prayer cards and envelopes are in pew racks. Sharpen pencils periodically.

FIRST SUNDAYS: The first Sunday each month is Communion. Prep for it by replacing movable steps with the Lord’s Table altar; then sometime afterward reverse them back. The Wednesday chapels don’t mind whether table is up or down.

GENERAL PARLOR SET UP GUIDE: Parlor needs to be set up sometime after Thursday, and before Sunday morning with rows of chairs lecture style for SS class (12 total for summer, 20 for winter Texan season). In general, set parlor back up two tables in center for Monday-Friday (you can do this Sunday afternoon or Monday). The exception is the Tuesday after the 3rd Monday in each month (just check the calendar) for Leadership Board meeting –set head table horizontal to altar wall and chairs arranged in horseshoe facing the one head table.


You will be contacted for any special events, check calendars in office regularly and your mailbox, email, phone. We will request you to clean after dinners and weddings.

Replace light bulbs, minor repairs as needed. Report any needed major repairs.

Replace A/C filters in both buildings on monthly basis.

Make sure cups, coffee, paper towels, toilet tissue, cleaning supplies, etc. are available and restocked. Tell secretary when need to re-order bulk supplies.

Accounts are available at Wal-Mart and ACE hardware for purchasing non-bulk supplies. Let Diane know when any supplies need to be put on credit card.

Trash collection is Tuesdays, can needs to be out on the street against curb.

Use self- initiative in cleaning and minor repairs that are necessary. Vacuum or sweep every week, clean toilets and sinks weekly, but mop bathroom floors and fellowship hall, and dust offices as needed.

Pianos need to be dusted (“polished” with Pledge) every two weeks. Same for altars.

Pastor tends to have lots of stacks of papers and stuff covering desk, table, etc. in her office, and desires you to only dust those areas on the rare occasions you see open desk space and neat stacks of papers. Otherwise, just dust bookshelves occasionally.

Let pastor know if your work load is exceeding 20 hours a week. Our goal is for general cleanings to be around 15 hours a week, but some weeks will have larger cleaning or maintenance projects and thus more hours needed.

SCHOOL BUILDING MATTERS: While the First Christian Academy is in session (school year), they hire their own janitor to clean their building in a rotation (a couple of rooms each day), but on a regular basis an additional cleaning should be performed by you in all education building rooms especially (but not limited to) Fellowship hall, restrooms (there are 2 upstairs), and any SS classrooms we use. I would suggest you put on your calendar to check a couple of rooms each month. They supply that building for paper products during school year. You need to replace A/C filters monthly in classrooms and Fellowship Hall. Also, the nursery is something you should make sure is ready for babies and toddlers each week (nothing out like glitter, glue, scissors, etc. that they might hurt themselves on), clean, sanitary table surfaces and plastic/rubber toys. This paragraph summarizes what you do for the education building for us. The school has their own janitor, but if they should ask you to do something for them and you agree to do it (as independent contractor) – for instance: If the school has a carpentry or maintenance project that they ask you to do, THEY should pay you for that from their school budget.

SUNDAYS - keep doors locked behind you, not open to public

It’s OK to leave white screen up (open). We’ll put it down if we don’t need it. And other people refill candles, etc. and prep Communion chalise. But you will need to empty and wash the Commmunion plate and chalises. They will be moved to the kitchen after worship.

7:30 a.m.:A/C temperatures adjusted

Summer Settings: sanctuary 72 on 6 thermostats (take cover off to switch to “cool”)

choir room 75*

* (pianist is on mission trip, so we don’t need choir room unit (which is in the south annex) until Sept. 12th.

office 78 degrees

parlor 75

Across the street - summer: nursery 72, fellowship hall 75, classroom closest to fellowship hall 72.

Get coffee pots ready – put in coffee grounds and water (prep in kitchen adjacent to parlor). Don’t plug in units until 9:00 a.m.

the coffee pot in the kitchen – 3 level scoops

the percolator in lobby – 2 rounded scoops plus ½ scoop, 2 pitchers water

Quick check all bathrooms for toilet paper, paper towels (you should clean them in the latter part of the week, so everything should already be set unless we’ve had events inbetween; Do Sunday fresh cleaning of fellowship hall bathrooms (or at least the boys restroom on Sunday morning)

Check Nursery. Make sure room is free of tiny things that babies might put in their mouths, and make sure tables and other surfaces are clean. Move in plastic bin of toys and crib.

Move chairs from Boy Scout room to classroom just next to it.

9:00 a.m. Plug in and start coffee in Narthex & in Kitchen by parlor. Unlock outside doors in office building and Sanctuary (3), and across the street in the Nursery, Fellowship Hall, and classroom closet to Fellowship Hall. (Once done, you are free to leave for the morning.)

Sunday after worship: all thermostats need to be turned back to “off” in Education building, and in this building EXCEPT (the 2 digital thermostat units – 1 on each side of sanctuary platform – need to be left on but bumped up to 81; and bump up the office unit to 82); dump coffee grounds in trash (not sink, we don’t have a disposal) and wash coffee pots, empty all trash, quick check all rooms for stray coffee cups or trash, return adult chairs from classroom to Boy Scout room, and return crib and toys from nursery to our storeroom under stairs, classrooms and fellowship hall should look about like what you found them (so ready for school to use Monday morning), double check that all doors are locked, alarms set, and building secured.

Christ Church United Methodist

Louisville, Kentucky

Custodial Job Description


(The main reason for the position, in what context and what is the overall end result)

The Custodial is responsible for performing custodial duties, minor maintenance and other miscellaneous duties in order to ensure that municipal buildings and facilities are maintained in a healthy, safe and sanitary manner.


(The way that the position contributes to and impacts on the organization)

The Custodial reports to the Senior Administrative Officer and cares for municipal facilities and equipment. Maintaining these responsibilities will help to ensure the health, safety and security of the public.


(Major responsibilities and target accomplishments expected of the position including the typical problems encountered in carrying out the responsibilities.)

1. Clean and care for buildings and facilities in order to ensure they are maintained in a safe and healthy manner

Main Activities:

  • Clean offices, meeting chambers and recreational facilities
  • Mop tile and concrete floor areas
  • Vacuum all carpeted areas
  • Dust all furniture and fixtures as required
  • Wash and disinfect all washroom floors, toilets, toilet seats, hand dryers and fixtures
  • Clean all mirrors
  • Replenish toilet tissue and soap as needed
  • Empty all waste baskets and garbage cans
  • Place garbage in outside storage bin
  • Clean entrance and exit including glass, doors and hardware
  • Keep outside area near exit and entrance clear of snow, cans, paper, etc.
  • Clean, wash and disinfect drinking fountains
  • Wash all finger marks from walls, doors, hardware and glass
  • Perform and/or report minor maintenance repairs
  • Clean kitchen sinks and counters
  • Report damages and acts of vandalism
  • Wash and buff floors with floor polisher
  • Wash entrance and exit floors
  • Spot clean walls and toilet partitions

2. Maintain storage areas and cleaning equipment, materials and supplies in a safe and orderly manner in order to ensure the safety of staff and the public

Main Activities:

Secure storage areas

Ensure cleaning materials and supplies are stored in a safe and orderly manner Maintain an adequate supply of cleaning materials and supplies