1st Grade Spelling Homework (Please keep all year)

Each week on the Daily Log, there will be one night of spelling homework. To make studying spelling words more fun, your child gets to choose their own activity! Most of these activities are a paper/pencil activity that will need to be turned in. You can choose the same activity each time or try different ones-it’s up to you!

  • Write your spelling words in ABC order.
  • Write your words in pyramid form.

Example: foods would be…






  • Number the alphabet from 1-26. Example: a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, etc. Then after writing your spelling words change them to a number and add them.

Example: bad would be…

2 + 1 + 4 =7

b a d

  • Write your words three times each in your very best handwriting.
  • Write a sentence with each word and underline the word.

The dog enjoyed the snack!

  • Write each of your words with fancy letters or type them on the computer with a different font.
  • Write your words across the page and then down the page.




  • Go to the website:

And make a word search using your spelling words. Once you are done, print it out and complete it.

  • Write all spelling words once. Divide the words into syllables using slashes.
  • Write all spelling words. Circle the vowels in each word.
  • Write all spelling words once making all the consonants blue and all the vowels red.
  • Type them-type all of your spelling words on the computer! Print it out and turn it in!
  • Cut Them Up-use old magazines, newspapers, etc. to cut out letters and glue them together to the spell the words.
  • Rainbow write-write each spelling word out neatly. Trace over it many times with different colored crayons to make it look like a rainbow!
  • Rhyme time-write each spelling word and a word that rhymes with it!
  • Story time-Write a story using all of your spelling words
  • Memory Game-make pairs of word cards. Flip them over and try to match the pairs!
  • Finger Tracing-use your finger to spell out each one of your words one letter at a time on your mom or dad’s back. Then switch and let them do it to you!
  • Scrabble-use Scrabble tiles to spell your words!