1st Grade Kid-Friendly GPS


1st Nine Weeks

M1N1 I can estimate, model, compare, order, and show whole numbers up to 100.

  1. I can show numbers less than 100 and larger than 10 in different ways.
  2. I can correctly count and write the number of things in a group.
  3. I can compare numbers that are greater than, less than, and equal to each other.
  4. I can order numbers up to 100 on a number line.
  5. When I buy something that costs less than a dollar, I can choose and count out the correct amount of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters in different ways.
  6. I know and can name the bills. When I buy something that costs less than $20, I can choose and count out the correct amount of bills in different ways.

M1N2 I know the difference between the 1’s, 10’s, and 100’s place in place value.

b. I can show place value of collections of objects

up to 30.

c. I can show how many 10’s and 1’s are in the

numbers between 11 and 19.

M1N3 I can add and subtract. I know that addition and subtraction are opposites.

  1. I can show one more than, one less than, 10 more than, and 10 less than any number.
  2. I can count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100.
  3. I can show I know my math facts and place value.
  4. I can use different ways to subtract.
  5. I can use different ways to add.
  6. I know my addition and subtraction facts to 18.
  7. I can add and subtract using two-digit numbers.

M1N4 I can count and compare collections of up to 100 objects by dividing them into equal parts.

a.I can divide things equally among 2 to 5 people.

b.I can complete number patterns, and I can tell the difference between even and odd numbers.

c.I know and can label equal parts of pictures and models which show halves and fourths.

M1D1 I can draw and tell you about a graph.

  1. I know how to use tally mark, picture graph, and bar graphs.
  2. I can make a graph using data.

M1P1 I can solve a math problem.

  1. I can use different ways to solve a word problem.
  2. I can solve a one-step word problem.
  3. I know how to use addition and subtraction to solve a word problem.
  4. I can solve a word problem in my head or on my paper.

M1P2 I can figure out a math problem.

  1. When doing a math problem, I can try to figure it out in my mind and then show that I was correct by writing the problem on paper.
  2. I can make and study math guesses.
  3. I can make and study math opinions and proofs.
  4. I can choose different ways to solve math problems.

M1P3 I can use math vocabulary to talk about a math problem.

M1P4 I can use math to help me in other subjects.

M1P5 I can use pictures, manipulatives, and symbols to tell about math.