1st Grade Essential Skills by Quarter Based on CC and CAS 2015

1st Quarter
  • Read with automaticity at least 75% (63/84)kindergarten iready sight words
  • Read fluently and pass comprehension assessment at a DRA2 level 6.
Essential comprehension and vocabulary skills;
  • Recognize some sight words.
  • Use picture clues to help determine word meanings
  • Select appropriate books for independent reading
  • Read familiar patterned text independently
  • Tell about a favorite book
  • Use known words and text to picture match
  • Talk about what is happening in the pictures
  • Understand the concept of paragraphs and story
  • Understand the words used to talk about printed language concepts (words, letter, sound, beginning, middle, end, first, next, last, etc.)
  • Recall and retell simple plot sequentially
  • Understand steps in a sequence. (ex: 2 or 3 step directions)
Essential fluency skills:
  • Practice fluency in a variety of ways, choral reading, partner reading, and repeated oral readings
Essential phonics skills:
  • Recognize and produce rhyming words
  • Identify the position of sounds in a word
  • Use beginning letter sound to problem solve words
  • Segment spoken words into syllables and count them
  • Segment and blend syllables in spoken words
Essential Research and Reasoning skills:
  • With guidance and support recall information from a source or experience to answer a question
  • Tell and write time to the hour. (ex. 8:00)
  • Count by 5’s to 100. (end of year goal, but essential for counting tallies and money)
  • Write in sequence, count, and randomly identify #’s 0-30.
  • Know the name and value of penny and nickel.
  • Count pennies, nickels, and combinations of pennies and nickels.
  • State the number before and after a given number (ex. 14 is before 15 and 16 is after 15).
  • Write and read simple addition equation. (ex. 3+1=4)
  • Know with automaticity +1 of any number 0-5.
  • Know with automaticity –math facts within 5.
  • Write letters neatly on line paper using correct form and size.
  • Leave spaces between words and between lines.
  • Write from left to right starting at the margin, top to bottom of a page.
  • Stretch out new words slowly writing the sounds heard (phonetic spelling) to develop independence.
  • Use capital and lower case letters correctly within words.
  • Spell simple sight words correctly using tools.
/ 2nd Quarter
All previous plus -
  • Read with automaticity all kindergarten iready sight words and40%(50/127) of 1st grade iready sight words.
  • Read fluently and pass comprehension assessment at DRA2 level 8or above.
Essential comprehension, and vocabulary skills:
  • Understanding story vocabulary
  • Consistently matching word and voice, one to one
  • Holding the story line while accessing visual information
  • Constructing meaning using illustrations or photographs
  • Making text-to-self connections
  • Cross-checking words (Does it make sense? -sound right? -look right?)
  • Predicting what will happen next
  • Orally retell a story sequentially
  • Retell a story using story characters
  • Identify and retell main ideas
  • Identify a favorite part of the story and tell why
Essential Fluency Skills
  • Read in two- to three-word phrases
  • Read with some expression and appropriate intonation
Essential phonics skills:
  • Identify and isolate beginning, middle, and final sounds in spoken words
  • Know and quickly identify letter-sound relationships, all consonants and short vowels
  • Segment and blend sounds of letters to decode simple words like ‘mat’ and ‘sled’
  • Segment two syllable words
  • Use beginning letter/sound relationships to problem-solve words, confirm or discount word choice
Essential Research and Reasoning Skills:
  • Generate questions for inquiry that arise from reading or instruction
  • Tell and write time to the hour and half hour within the same exercise (ex. 8:00, 7:30)
  • Measure an object to the nearest inch
  • Count and write numbers 0-60 in order
  • Randomly identify #’s 0-60
  • Count by 10s to 100 (end of year goal, but essential for counting money)
  • Identify and know the value of penny, nickel, and dime
  • Count pennies, nickels, dimes, and combinations of at least two different coins
  • State the number before and after a given number (ex. 14 is before 15 and 16 is after 15)
  • Write and read simple addition and subtraction equations (ex. 3+1=4; 5-2=3) Understand plus +, minus -, and equal = symbols
  • Know with automaticity addition facts to 10
  • Know with automaticity the sums of 10
  • Know with automaticity subtraction facts within 10.
  • Produce correct simple sentences
  • Capitalize correctly and consistently with minor errors; 1st word of sentence, I, proper nouns, and titles
  • Use punctuation correctly some of the time
  • Apply correct spelling for most consonant and short vowel sounds in words
  • Spell simple sight words correctly most of the time
/ 3rd Quarter
All previous plus -
  • Read with automaticity all kindergarten iready sight words and 70%(89/127) of 1st grade iready sight words.
  • Read fluently and pass comprehension assessment at DRA2 level 12or above.
Essential comprehension and vocabulary skills:
  • Understanding content-area vocabulary
  • Use meaning, structure, and visual information to problem solve unknown words
  • Make text-to-text connections
  • Use graphic organizers to extend learning
  • Attend to and read punctuation
  • Monitor meaning, stop and reread when meaning is not clear
  • Establish a purpose for reading
  • Give an adequate retelling of the story events including characters, setting, and sequence of events with some detail
  • Respond orally to guided questions about judgments and inferences
Essential Fluency skills:
  • Read dialogue with expression
  • Read at an appropriate rate
  • Adjust reading rate as necessary
Essential Phonics skills:
  • Use dominant letters/sounds in any position to confirm or discount word choice
  • Decode one and two syllable words by sequentially blending letter sounds
  • Use familiar blends and digraphs to decode unknown words
  • Decode words with common word parts/chunks
Essential Research and Reasoning Skills:
  • Use text features (titles, illustrations, headings, bold type) to locate, interpret, and use information
  • Measure an object to the nearest inch and centimeter.
  • Count and write numbers 0-90 in order.
  • Randomly identify #’s 0-90.
  • Count by 2s to 100 (end of year goal).
  • Identify and know the value of penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
  • Count pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and combinations of at least two different coins.
  • Generate fact families (ex: 2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-3=2, 5-2=3)
  • Understand plus +, minus -, <, >, and equal = symbols.
  • Compare whole numbers. (ex: 5 < 8, 10 > 7, 0=0)
  • Know with automaticity the sums of doubles within 20. (ex: 0+0, 1+1 . . . 10+10=20)
  • Spell simple sight words correctly. (2 and 3 letter words)
  • Properly use pronouns. (ex: I, me, you, them they, their, anyone, everything)
  • Use common adjectives correctly in sentences.
  • Properly use common conjunctions. (ex: and, but, or , so, because)
  • Spell untaught words phonetically using letter sounds and known spelling rules.
  • Produce a simple 3 to 4 sentence narrative in sequence
/ 4th Quarter
All previous plus -
  • Read with automaticity all K iready sight words and 90% (115/127) 1st grade iready sight words.
  • Read fluently and pass comprehension assessment at DRA2 level 16 or above.
Essential comprehension and vocabulary skills:
  • Use appropriate sources to learn word meanings
  • Make, confirm, and revise predictions before and during reading
  • Problem solve unknown words using multiple strategies
  • Quickly self-correct significant miscues
  • Monitor reading across pages or segments
  • Understand basic information presented graphically
  • Organize retelling in sequential order
  • Discuss main idea and details
  • Describe a favorite part using details from the text
  • Make text to text and text to self connections
  • Identify most important event and characters in a story
  • Identify ideas, details, and vocabulary to include in a retelling
Essential Fluency Skills:
  • Scan pages from top to bottom to locate text
  • Hold the story line while studying pictures and graphs
  • Use meaning and context clues to problem solve unknown words
Essential Phonics skills
  • Use analogies to decode new words with similar word families
  • Decode words with beginning and final consonant blends and digraphs
  • Decode CVCe words
  • Decode simple compound words
Essential Research and Reasoning skills:
  • With peers, use a variety of resources to answer questions of interest
  • Participate in shared research of topic of interest.
  • Estimate lengths of objects using standard and non-standard measurements.
  • Create and solve simple + and – story problems.
  • Identify, draw, and describe 2-D shapes: square, triangle, rhombus (diamond), rectangle, oval, and circle.
  • Distinguish between defining attributes verses non-defining attributes.
  • Build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes.
  • Compose 2-D shapes or 3-D shapes to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape.
  • Partition circles and rectangles into 2 or 4 equal shares.
  • Describe shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters
  • Describe the whole as two of, or four of the equal shares.
  • Place Value: Read, write, and represent whole numbers with base-ten blocks for ones and tens identifying digits and expressing their value.
  • Answer questions and draw conclusions based on data represented on simple tables, charts, and graphs.
  • Solve + and – with in 20 with tools.
  • Write a sequence of ‘how to’ instructions.
  • Write a simple opinion piece with sense of closure.
  • Write simple informative/ explanatory text
  • Write a narrative with 2 or more sequenced events, details and transition words like first, next, then, and last, providing an opening statement and sense of closure
  • With support revise and edit writing to correct and strengthen work
  • Write questions for inquiry that arise during discussions
  • Use Graphic organizers to plan writing.
  • With support use digital tools and collaboration of peers to produce and publish writing