Minutes of the Meeting of Ketton Parish Council held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, Lincolnshire, PE9 3TW, commencing at 7:30 pm.
Present: Cllrs McGilvray, Couzens, Warrington, Rogers, Allan, Charge, Andrew, Green, Southern, Tyler, Clerk.
2015/03/01 To receive Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received by Cllr, McQuistan, & County Cllrs Emmett & Cllr Conde’, and approved.
2015/03/02 To receive Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Additions to Registers [Section 27 Localism Act 2011]
2015/03/03 To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of February 18, 2015
The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed.
2015/03/04 To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange [NB Matters Arising may only appertain to the immediately preceding Parish Council Meetings - i.e. February 18, 2015]
The Clerk has written to RCC and requested that Geeston Road, Ketton is upgraded from a secondary to a primary gritting route, on grounds of public safety. The stretch of road in question is from Geeston to the level crossing gates. The Council is concerned that if a vehicle is unable to stop,when approaching the level crossing gates - on coming down the hill when it is icy, then the level crossing gates may not be strong enough to prevent a large vehicle ending up on the railway tracks.
Council instructed the Clerk to forward all the information concerning an incident on 06/02/15, (when the signalman requested Police assistance to prevent accidents, due to the road being excessively icy), onto County Cllrs Emmett & Cllr Conde’, to pursue further with RCC. The Clerk will also ask
PC Paul Le Pla and Network Rail to submit official requests to RCC, to upgrade this stretch of the road to a primary gritting route because of the safety issue.
2015/03/05 Police Report
PCSO Di Freeman presented the area crime report for the last 31 days. There have been 12 crimes reported in South Rutland; three incidents reported in Ketton, which relate to one theft from a motor vehicle, and two incidents of damage (unspecified). PCSO Di Freeman reaffirmed that there had been an upsurge locally in thefts of catalytic convertors from vehicles The current Police problem solving plan is to concentrate on Seaton, where there has been a spate of shed break ins and reported incidents of suspicious behaviour. The emphasis in the summer will move to tackling thefts from unattended motor vehicles around Rutland Water. Vehicles parked in the car parks, grass verges, near the dam, and at Hambleton will undoubtedly be targeted by thieves.
Cllr Andrew asked PCSO Di Freeman to liaise with Hanson Cement, to remind their staff that they can use the cycle path provided to cycle to Tinwell, rather than cycling on the busy road.
2015/03/06 Public Question Time : Members of the Public to Parish Council : Parish Council to County Council
There were four members of the public present. There were no questions raised by the members of the public, or the Parish Council.
2015/03/07 To Minute and adopt the following payments:
To be signed at meeting:
100895 Mr A McGilvray Grass seed - Sinc Stream Project £5.99
100896 Mr R.Doyle Repairs to Ketton Cemetery gate pier £340.00
100897 Eon Street light installation - Luffenham Rd £492.00
100898 Welland Tyres New tyre Countax mower £14.40
100899 ARBprint Ltd Print Elections leaflet £45.00
100900 Eon Street light maintenance Q/E 31.03.15 £530.64
Millennium IT Direct Debit Monthly pc back up – March £7.20
100901 Eon Street lighting – February £295.68
100902 Mrs G Southern Community Hub expenses £6.36
100903 Black Velvet Pest Control Mole control Hall Close £60.00
100904 KG&SSA Bins in cemetery £50.00
100905 HMRC Employees PAYE & NI payment – March£228.76
100906 Mr Phillip Greaves Salary & expenses – March £151.09
100907 Mr David Parry Salary & expenses – March £355.69
100908 Mrs Sarah Ayling Clerk's Salary & expenses – March £879.54
NEST Direct Debit Pension Contributions – March £58.65
100909 Harrison & Dunn Village maintenance supplies £479.98
100910 Parish Websites Ltd Website fees 2015 £100.00
Council resolved that the accounts set out in 2015/03/07 be accepted for payment.
2015/03/08 To receive and approve the Financial Statements and to sign the Reconciliation
The Financial information was approved as an accurate record and the Reconciliation signed.
The accounts showed that £850 more than had been budgeted had been raised through advertising in the Chatterbox magazine. The Council expressed their thanks to the magazine Advertising Manager
Ian Loder for his hard work in generating the extra income.
The end of year accounts showed that the council income for the year was £62,147 and the expenditure was £62,232 and the council had reserves of £43,873.
2015/03/09 To receive, approve and adopt Committee Reports for March 2015, viz.
The following reports were received and approved.
2015/03/09.1 Planning March 5 2015
2015/03/09.2 Highways & Open Spaces March 11 2015
Cllr Tyler informed the Council that the Highways & Open Spaces Committee have instructed the Clerk to get three quotes to fence off the senior children’s play area in Hall Close, to exclude dogs. There is a persistent problem with dog fouling in Hall Close, and the Committee believe that they must explore this option to protect the health & safety of the children using the play equipment. The fence specifications will be the same as the existing fence surrounding the junior play area. Once the quotes have been obtained approval will be sought from Full Council to install the fencing.
The Bier House has now been emptied, and is ready for vacant procession by the new owner, once the sale has been finalised. Contracts have been signed, but not yet exchanged.
The Council has now received confirmation regarding the access to the proposed allotments site. The request to use an access route to the site via Holme Farm has not been granted. The Council will continue to explore other options.
Minutes of a Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Planning Committee (Under Delegated Powers) held at 7.30pm on Thursday 5 March 2015, in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW
Present: Cllrs Charge, Green, Couzens & Rogers
1. To receive Apologies for Absence
Cllr McQuistan
2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Additions to Registers
[Localism Act 2011)]
3. To approve and sign Minutes of the Planning Meetings held on 5 February 2015
The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed
4. To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange and to note the decisions of RCC upon Applications previously submitted to Ketton Parish Council
2014/1112/FUL, 2014/1104/PTO, 2014/1098/FUL, 2014/0751/FUL, 2014/1064/LBA, 2014/0652/FUL, 2014/0747/FUL, 2014/1121/FUL
Rutland Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule Consultation
Noted. The Planning Committee requests that RCC present an easy to understand presentation of the Rutland Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule Consultation
*The invitation to RCC Planning was to come to Planning sub committee to explain CIL, not to attend the Parish Meeting.
5. To consider and comment upon the following Planning Application:
6. To note correspondence received
7. Discussions/proposals by Councillors of items to be tabled on future Agendas
8. Closure of meeting and confirmation of date of next scheduled meeting as Thursday 2 April, 2015
Highways and Open Spaces Committee
Minutes of the Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Highways and Open Spaces Committee
(Under Delegated Powers) held on
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7.00 pm in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW.
1. Present Cllrs Couzens, Tyler, Southern, Allan, Co-opted member Parry & the Clerk
Apologies for Absence: Cllr Warrington & Co-opted member Greaves
2. To receive Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Additions to Registers
3. (Section 27 Localism Act 2011): None
4. To approve and sign Minutes of the H & OS Meeting from February 11, 2015
The minutes were approved and signed
4. To receive any Matters Arising from the Minutes:-
5. Questions from Members of the Public:- None
6. Street Lighting
The Clerk has asked Eon to proceed with the work to upgrade the lights along the High Street from Empingham Road to Pit Lane, to brighter & more energy efficient lights, including the adjustment of the light near the Bier House, to improve the lighting level at Stocks Hill.
7. Grass Cutting
The grass cutting was tendered in late January for 2015, with revised specifications, and the Committee approved the award of the contract to CGD Contractors Ltd. The contracts have been sign and the first grass cut will take place this week. Cllr Warrington will continue to monitor the standard of work throughout the year. Cllr Warrington
8. Churchyard/Cemetery
The Clerk confirmed that the cemetery gate pillar has been repaired, and the gate rehung. Dave Parry confirmed that the handymen are continuing their work in the churchyard, removing ivy from the boundary walls.
9. Hall Close
The Committee are keen to arrange for the storage container to be moved to Hall Close at the earliest opportunity. The Clerk will liaise with the contractor, who is transporting the container, to make arrangement for the removal. This will take place as soon as the ground in Hall Close is firm enough to bear the weight of the transportation vehicle. Clerk
The Committee agreed to get three quotes to fence off the senior children’s play area, to exclude dogs. The fence will be built to the same specifications as the one surrounding the junior play area. Clerk
It was agreed to seek approval from Full Council to reserve £1,200 from next year’s budget to pay for the fencing.
Approval was given for the Clerk to buy native hedging whips to create a hedge in Hall Close, along the Sinc Stream boundary. Clerk
9.1 Planting of Woodland Trust trees
A pack of 30 whips have arrived from the Woodland Trust, and will be planted in Hall Close, the cemetery and the White Bread Copse. Cllr Allan, Dave Parry & Phillip Greaves
10. Sale of the Bier House
The Bier House has now been emptied, and is ready for vacant procession by the new owner, once the sale has been finalised.
11. Discussion and approval of draft Tree Management Policy
The draft Tree Management Policy was previously circulated to all Committee members, who after discussion, resolved to approve the policy.
12. Budget & Spending
The Committee reviewed the budget for the current financial year, which will finish at the end of March.
13. Allotments
The Committee is awaiting confirmation regarding the access to the proposed allotments site.
14. Work for handymen in March 2015
The handymen have a full work programme for March, as detailed in the above minutes.
15. Notices & Correspondence None
16. Agenda items for next meeting None
17. Any other Urgent Business
To receive items of urgent business which have previously been notified to the person presiding. None
18. Meeting closed at 8.05pm and the next meeting date was confirmed as
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
2015/03/10 Annual Parish Meeting 2015 – Wednesday 22nd April
Cllr McGilvary confirmed that Mr Rob Gooding, the Executive Head teacher of Ketton C.of E. Primary School, & Sir Clive Loader, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire and Rutland will be addressing the Annual Parish Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Ketton Sports & Community Centre, Pit Lane, and will commence at 7.30pm.
2015/03/11 Parish Plan – update on progress
The Ketton Village Survey questionnaire has been reformatted in response to comments by the working group. A meeting has been arranged to finalise the format, to consider and agree the publication & dissemination of the survey; the report writing, collation and dissemination of the results.
2015/03/12 Parish Council Elections 2015 - Recruitment of Candidates & Election Process
Cllr McGilvray outlined the timetable for prospective candidates to submit their nomination papers to RCC, and the Election process.
2015/03/13 To note correspondence as received and to allocate actions to relevant Committees as appropriate
Jeremy Lee - Daltons The sale of the Bier House
Mr I Sheikh Invitation to attend the Annual Parish Meeting
Mr R Gooding Invitation to attend the Annual Parish Meeting
Mr P Pheasant Redmiles Lane un-adopted road surface
Mrs K Bennett Enquiry about family history
Mr J Mapstone Blasting at Hanson Cement Quarry
RCC Minutes of the Conduct Committee meeting 16th Feb
Daltons Solicitors Letter regarding the sale of the Bier House
Planning RCC Draft Charging CIL leaflet and letter
Mr & Mrs Riddlesdell The White Bread Copse
Grant Thornton Notice of the annual audit of accounts 2014/15
RCC Oakham Cemetery Interment charges
RCC Agenda for Parish Council Forum meeting 30th March
CGD Contractors Ltd Risk Assessment & Public Liability Insurance
RAF Wittering Weekend flying operations commencing 21st March
Smiths Gore Access to proposed allotments
The correspondence was noted as received, and allocated to relevant the Committees as appropriate to action.
2015/03/14 To receive and note future Agenda items from Councillors
2015/03/15 Any other Urgent Business
To receive items of urgent business that have previously been notified to the person presiding.
2015/03/16 The meeting closed at 8.45 pm and next meeting date confirmed as Wednesday, April 15, 2015