1stBalcombeHeights Joeys Term 2 2008

“Around Australia”

Date / Programmed Activity / Other Activities
28.4.08 / Welcome Back
Australian Flag and Emblems / 4th May
Joey Fun Day
5.5.08 / Mother’s Day / 9th Wandarrah
10th Annual General meeting with sausage sizzle
12.5.08 / Introduction of Adventure Challenge
19.5.08 / Visit by John Leahy – lights *this activity could last until 7p.m.
26.5.08 / Perth
2.6.08 / Adelaide/Hobart / Long weekend
9.6.08 / Melbourne/Canberra / 13th Wandarrah
16.6.08 / Sydney/Nambour
23.6.08 / Uluru / 29th June
Centenary day at Bundilla
30.6.08 / Big Party
Joeys around Australia celebrate 18 years of fun



/ Activity / Leader / Equipment
00 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Joey promise
05 / Game
Movement Relay / Children move in different ways when instructed – slow/fast, high/low, on two legs/four legs/no legs, running, Hopping, skipping
10 / Story
“The monster who ate Australia” by Michael Salmon
15 / Craft
Make a “Boggabri” / An imaginative figure
Give Joeys a variety of materials to use to make their monster.
35 / Game
Around Australia / Label positions -Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra.
Play as in North/South/East/West
40 / Activity
45 / Game
Colour Call
(Could be letter call as all in uniform) / A colour is called and every player wearing that colour takes a pace forward. Then another rcolour is called. Game continues ubtil someone reaches the other side.
55 / Closing Ceremony
Joey Law
Notices and thankyou

Perth (In the story the Boggabri goes to Fremantle-a fishing port where they have just won the America’s Cup yacht race)


/ Activity / Leader / Equipment
00 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Joey HOP
05 / Game
Balloon basketball / A leader at each end holding their arms in a circle to be the “goals”
Divide the Joeys into 2 teams
10 / Craft/Activity
Bubble pictures (fish) / Food colouring
Flat trays(lamington trays)
30 / Game
Fishing game / Fish shapes
Magnetic fishing lines
35 / Story
Rainbow Fish
40 / Game
G’Day Down Under / Joey scouts form 2 concentric circles. The circles move in opposite directions. On the signal to stop Joey Scouts turn back to back and look between their legs and greet each other.
45 / Song/activity
55 / Closing Ceremony
Notices and thankyou
Joey Promise
Prayer / Announce Talent Quest so children can prepare

Adelaide/Hobart(In Adelaide the Boggabri visits The Concert Hall. In Hobart the Boggabri finds apples to eat)


/ Activity / Leader / Equipment
00 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Joey law
05 / Game
Standing on a Newspaper / How many times can a newspaper be folded? With music have the children move around. Each time the music stops they fold the paper in half and stand on it.
10 / Craft/Activity
Apple Muffins / See recipe
30 / Activity
Talent Quest
40 / Game
Tip the Tennis ball / Each Joey scout has a tablespoon in each hand with a tennis ball on one. The object is to knock the ball from the opponent’s spoon with the empty spoon without losing one’s own. Change partners for the game several times.
45 / Song/activity
55 / Closing Ceremony
Notices and thankyou
Joey HOP

Melbourne/Canberra( In Melbourne the Boggabri swam in the Yarra and saw people playing football. In Canberra he ate paintings at the National Gallery)


/ Activity / Leader / Equipment
00 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Joey Promise
05 / Game
Circle ball / The Joeys sit in a circle. One Joey passes the ball then has to race around the outside while the other Joeys pass the ball around. The object is to beat the ball back to the space.
10 / Discuss “Blue Poles” painting
Children use 100sand 1000s to “paint” on a piece of buttered bread / Bread
100’s and 1000’s
30 / Game
Pass the Potato / Joey Scouts in small teams sit on the floor, side by side, with legs stretched out in front of them and feet together. The first child has a potato on his/her ankles and has to pass it onto the next child’s legs without touching with the hands, and so on down the line.
35 / Story
40 / Game
Blindfold / Two chairs are placed about three metres apart. The space between is guarded by a “blindfold cat”. A mouse has to pass between the chairs without getting caught.
45 / Song/activity
55 / Closing Ceremony
Notices and thankyou
Joey HOP

Sydney/Nambour(In Nambour the Boggabri bit the Big Pineapple and saw the Great barrier reef. In Sydney he swam in the Harbour and was put in Taronga Park Zoo)


/ Activity / Leader / Equipment
00 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Joey Law
05 / Game
Shark tag / Draw circles on the floor in different parts of the hall(or use hoops). These represent islands in the sea. One Joey is identified as the shark. The shark has to catch the swimmers between islands (the only place they are safe) who then also become sharks. Only one person can occupy an island at a time and if someone else comes to take it the original resident has to go to a new island.
10 / Craft/Activity
Pineapple Cake
30 / Game
Balance / The Joeys stand at one end of the hall with a paper plate on each person’s head. The whole group must go to the other end of the hall keeping their plates on their heads. If a plate falls off the Joey must stand still until another Joey replaces the plate without losing their own.
35 / Story
40 / Game
Pass the Ring / The Joey Scouts sit in a circle on the floor with a piece of string long enough to go round the circle. One Joey is in the middle. A small ring is threaded onto the string and is passed around fom joey to joey. As it is passed the others Joeys pretend to pass it too. The Joey in the middle tries to guess who has the ring.
45 / Song/activity
Zoo animal find / Cut animal pictures into halves. Spread half of each picture around hall. Give Joeys the other halves to find the match.
55 / Closing Ceremony
Notices and thankyou
Joey Promise



/ Activity / Leader / Equipment
00 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Joey HOP
05 / Game
Number Run / The Joeys sit in a circle.
The players are numbered 1-5. The bean bag is placed in the centre and a number called. Everyone with the number called gets up, runs clockwise around the circle and through their space to pick up the bean bag.
10 / Craft/Activity
Australian masks
30 / Game
Pass the Ball / The Joeys divide into two teams. The teams sit down in two rows facing each other with feet just touching. The ball is placed at one end of the row. Using the feet only the players pass the ball along the rows to the other end. Teams can remove their shoes and two balls can be used at the same time.
35 / Story
40 / Game
Fill the Bucket / The leader begins with a bucket filled with balls in the centre of the room. She throws all the balls out and the Joeys try to return balls to the bucket before the leader can empty it.
45 / Song/activity
55 / Closing Ceremony
Notices and thankyou
Joey promise