Tennessee River Weekend
“Training Conference”
Saturday,November7 and Sunday, November8, 2015
Hardin County High School
1170 Pickwick Rd. Savannah TN, 38372
Presented by:
Hardin County Department
In Conjunction with Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy
Deadline for Early Registration is October 22nd, 2015!
Registration fee: $55.00 per person for all classes unless marked otherwise!
Please Mail Registrations in to:Hardin County Fire Department, 465 Main Street, Savannah TN 38372
You may also Fax registration to: 731-925-6704 or Email to
You may also register online at
Additional Registration forms may be downloaded from
Schedule of Events: Saturday, Nov. 7, Registration 7:00 am – 8:00am (Coffee & Doughnuts) Classes Begin: 8:00 am – 5:00pm
Sunday, Nov. 8, Registration7:30 - 8:00 am (Coffee & Doughnuts) Classes Begin: 8:00am - 5:00 pm
A FREE lunch will be served on Saturday! All paid participants will get a free T-Shirt! Sunday lunch is on your own!
Vendors please contact Marilyn White @731-925-6178 or email: for information.
- Savannah Lodge: 585 Pickwick Street, Savannah, TN 38372 Ph. 731-925-8586 (1/2 mile)($42 +tax per night)
- Days Inn: 1695 Pickwick St. Savannah, TN 38372 Ph. 731-925-5505 (1/2 mile)($75 +tax per night)
- Quality Inn: 1645 Pickwick St. Savannah, TN 38372 Ph. 731-925-4141 (1/2 mile)($77 +tax per night)
- Deerfield Inn: 414 East Main Street, Adamsville TN 38310 Ph. 731-632-2100 (8 miles)($57 w/tax per night)
- Pickwick Landing State Park Inn: 120 Playground Loop, Pickwick Dam, TN 38365 Ph. 731-689-3135 (15 miles) ($74 +tax per night)
- Hampton Inn: 90 Old South Road, Pickwick Dam TN 38365 Ph. 731-689-3031 (15 miles)($114 +tax for two people per night)
Course ID# Course Offerings______
- FF192 Strategy & Tactics for Initial Company Operations (STICO)------15 hr.
- FF110-003 Intro. toLow Angle Rope Rescue------15 hr.
- FF150 Basic Firefighting Refresher------16 hr.
- FF111 Intro. to Fire Dept. Pumps------15 hr.
- FF110-035 Advanced Vehicle Extrication------16 hr.
- TIC Thermal Imaging Camera------15 hr.
- FF165 Arial Apparatus Familiarization------16 hr.
- FF175 FF Survival “Get out Alive”------16 hr.
- FF152 Incident Safety Officer *FREE CLASS*------15 hr.
- FF226 Engine Company Operations------15 hr.
- FF118 Intro to Instructional Techniques for Company Officers------15 hr.
- EMR First Responder Refresher Course------16 hr
- FF120 Building Construction I------16 hr.
- FF168 Training Operations in Small Departments *FREE CLASS*------15 hr.
- CFOD“TheCharleston 9” - Dr. David Griffin, as well as other Special Presenters ----15 hr.
- VENT Ventilation------16 hr.
- ARSON Advanced Arson Investigation------16 hr.
- FF110-043 Smoke Reading and Modern Residential Fire Attack SATURDAY ONLY------8 hr. Choose up to 2,
- FF228-1 Emergency Vehicle Driving Simulator SATURDAY ONLY------*NEW*------8 hr. 8 hr. classes one Saturday
- HEALTH Behavioral Health/ Medical Monitoring SATURDAY ONLY----*NEW*------8 hr. &/or one Sunday
- FF228-2 Emergency Vehicle Driving Simulator SUNDAY ONLY------*NEW*------8 hr.
- FF113 ISO Tanker OperationsSUNDAY ONLY------8 hr.
- HWY Highway Transportation Emergencies SUNDAY ONLY------*NEW*------8 hr.
*** We may be adding a RIT – Rapid Team Interventions class to the list as well, if you wish to take this class then feel free to
inquire the office. (Date 7-9-15)
Tennessee RiverTraining Weekend (Cost of all classes is $55 per student)
Mail to: HardinCounty Fire Department Make Checks Payable to: Hardin County Fire Department
465 Main Street,Savannah TN, 38372
Fire Department Name:
Address: ______Phone # -_ -
City: State: Zip: ______Contact Person name:______
Email address:______
(Each student MUST include last 4 of Social Security Number andMUST make THREECLASS CHOICES by using course identification number from the previous page. You will be given your second orthirdchoice if your first choice is unavailable.
*Please print information clearly!* *Class Choices Here
Student’s Name Last four SSN# T-Shirt size Phone Number First Second Third___
__ - ______- _-_
__ - ______- _-
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Number of students @ $ 55.00 each = $ ______*NO REFUNDS!*
You may make student substitutions on or before class dates. If more space is needed, make copies of this form.
For Questions contact the office at 731-925-6178 or email
Online Registration available on as well as extra paper applications.
Strategy and Tactics “SITCO”-FF192
This program is designed to teach the student the basic principles of strategy and tactics used in fire service emergency operations. The course subject areas include size-up, developing strategy and tactical plans, fire ground command, resource deployment, and practical exercises.
Into to Low Angle Rope Rescue – FF110-003
The purpose of this course is to provide firefighters, EMTs and rescue personnel with an understanding of basic hardware of rope rescue, as well as the knowledge that affords the rescuer the versatility and flexibility to safely accomplish diverse rescue tasks. This class also covers mechanical advantage systems, anchors, belay systems, patient packaging, and ICS within rope operations*This class includes hands on activities please dress for outside activities and wear work shoes/boots. Bring helmets and gloves.*
Basic Firefighting Refresher – FF150
This course is designed to provide refresher training in basic fire ground skills necessary to operate and perform on the fire ground. The program is geared for fire service personnel who have previously completed FF-100 – Basic Firefighting or F102 – Basic/Live Firefighting and F110 or FF101 – Live Firefighting courses at TFACA. The course reviews selected sections of NFPA 1001: Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications meeting the basic skills level for the student to participate in “live” firefighting training activities.
Intro to Fire Dept. Pumps – FF111: This course is designed to familiarize the student with the basic operation of fire department pumper apparatus. Course subject areas include types of pumps, pump operation, pump accessories, daily maintenance, and simplified fire ground hydraulic calculations. Classroom activities and practical application is included as part of the course.
**Turnout gear required for the hands-on portion of this class**
Advanced Vehicle Extrication-FF110-035
This course is designed to build upon the knowledge learned in the basic vehicle extrication class, topics covered include, new vehicle, technologies, hybrid vehicles, all electric cars, and other new technologies found in the newest vehicles. This course includes classroom as well as hands on training. ** Each student must have full personal protective equipment**
Thermal Imaging Camera- TIC
This class is highly recommended for anyone that has a thermal imaging camera in their department or is looking to purchase one. The class will have classroom lecture as well as hands on training in the use of a TIC. The course will cover TIC basics as well as advanced use, including scene size up, initial search operations, large area searches, and much more.
** Please bring full turnout gear, you may bring a thermal imager if your department has one available**
Aerial Apparatus Familiarization- FF165
This course is designed to provide generic training on aerial apparatus operations and their tactical use. The program is designed so that the instructor can incorporate specific training elements on the host department’s type of aerial apparatus. Turnout gear recommended for the hands on portion of this class.
Firefighter Survival: Get Out Alive! – FF175
This course is designed to prepare firefighters for the dangers that are present on the modern day fire ground. Students learn and demonstrate proven survival skills that have prevented firefighters in the past from dying when unexpected events occur. Topics include SCBA emergencies, escapes and confidence, entanglement emergencies, wall breeches, and disorientation emergencies. Additional topics include anchors and knots, rope escape techniques; hose slide, straddle, hang and drop. This course is geared towards keeping the firefighter from becoming trapped in a situation where they themselves would require rescue. This course requires a high degree of physical fitness and the ability to cope with physically and mentally demanding situations. ** Participants must bring SCBA, spare bottle, and turnout gear**
Incident Safety Officer – FF152 –*FREE CLASS*
This course examines the Safety Officer’s role at emergency response situations. A specific focus onoperations within an Incident Command System (ICS) as a Safety Officer is a main theme. The student will be able to identify and analyze concerns as they relate to all-hazards scene evaluation, and communicate recommended solutions to the command authority.
Engine Company Operations – FF226
This class covers the following topics: Apparatus Safety, Building Construction, Today’s BTU’S, Size Up, Hoses, Hose line Management, Nozzles, Nozzle Reaction, Nozzle Technique and Discipline. *Students will need full personnel protective clothing for this class* NO SCBA NEEDED
Intro to Instructional Techniques for Company Officers – FF118
This course is designed to provide to the fire officer the ability to present company-training programs utilizing the four-step method of preparation, presentation, applications and testing, utilizing a prepared topic. Major topics covered during the course include: adults as learners, setting training objectives, using lesson plans, identifying resources, setting up classrooms, lectures, demonstrations, learning by doing, use of senses in retaining material, and designing and using checklists. Additional topics include supervision of skills practice, coaching guiding evaluating and testing.
First Responder Refresher - EMR
This course is designed to meet the needs of state requirements for the transition from first responder to emergency medical responder as required by the State of TN. This class is a comprehensive overview of the general requirement of the Emergency Medical Responder.
Building Construction I – FF120
This course is designed to enable the student to cite key features of non-combustible or fire-resistive buildings that may affect emergency operations. Fire and life safety concerns that exist in non-combustible and fire resistive structures are studied.
Major topics covered in the course are the key features of noncombustible or fire-resistive structures that affect emergency operations, fire behaviors of steel and concrete are presented so that the effect of their presence in non-combustible or fire-resistive structures may be better anticipated, principles of fire spread, products of combustion, special problems with finishes and building elements, and the unique problems of conducting emergency operations in buildings under construction are studied.
Training Operations in Small Departments - FF168 -*FREE CLASS*
This course is a foundation and provides a general understanding of how training operations can be managed successfully within small fire and rescue departments. This course is designed to provide students with some basic tools and skills to coordinate training function in smaller departments. Course content includes leadership issues in fire service training function, including an understanding of a standard of care and the impact of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards; safety considerations in training; marketing training internally; identifying ways to justify training needs; selecting and evaluation training curriculum and materials from outside sources; and effective delivery and evaluation training.
Chief Fire Officer Development – CFOD
This class offers special Key-Note speakers including the engineer of the first on scene engine of the Charleston 9 warehouse fire Dr. David Griffin.
For a look at the “Charleston 9” please flip over to the next page.
Advanced Arson Investigations – ARSON
This class combines the Intermediate and On-scene investigation classes into a single, 5 day course. Topics covered include interviewing, vehicle fires, and electricity as it relates to fires. The instructor’s perform a live burn demonstration and students will gain hands-on experience. Those who successfully complete the class will receive a certificate of completion. Prerequisite: Basic Fire/Arson Investigation Certificate.
Ventilation - VENT
This is a 16 Hr Course: This course is designed to educate firefighters and officers in ventilation techniques used in structural firefighting operations. The course covers natural and mechanical ventilation methodology with emphasis on the latest techniques and concepts including; ventilation limited fires, flow path management, ventilation/fire attack coordination, and positive pressure ventilation.
Smoke Reading & Modern Residential Fire Attack - FF110-043 SATURDAY ONLY!
Smoke Reading
Reading the Smoke reviews the definition and warning signs associated with 5 hostile fire events: Rollover, Backdrafts, Flashover, Smoke Explosion and Building Collapse. The course then transitions to establishing the need to why Incident Commanders should read smoke in today’s structures filled with low mass and high synthetic fuel loads. This course will identify what smoke consists of, the four key attributes of smoke and the process involved with reading smoke. The students will then have the opportunity to practice reading the smoke using actual fire footage.
Modern Residential Fire Attack
This course is designed to prepare the fire officer and firefighters to approach modern residential structure fires, fully utilizing available resources in a safe and effective manner. This class will cover the new data from the Spartanburg SC burns conducted in 2013 & 2014. Including new fire attack methods, effect of ventilation on fire growth etc.
Behavioral Health/Medical Monitoring – HEALTH – This is an 8 hr. class SATURDAY ONLY!
Behavioral Health Awareness: How does this happen?
This is a 4-hour presentation for emergency responders in regards to mental health and well-being. The program contains information on emotional issues such as depression, stress, and physiological challenges holding back responders. Responders face many obstacles now more than ever in our profession with alcohol and drug dependency, we discuss and take an in-depth look as to what could cause these issues and what signs other responders should look out for. Unfortunately, our profession is continuing to lose its members by way of suicide at an alarming rate, this program is simply to give awareness to that and what we should do to provide a change. Our presentation includes examples and practical exercises that will help adapt our leaders and future leaders into learning the importance of behavioral health.
Medical Monitoring and Rehabilitation: Fire GroundOperations &Training
This course is designed to give the participant a better understanding rehabilitation and medical monitoring for the fire service operations.
The Course will overview NFPA 1584 2015 edition along with NOSH reporting system.
Emergency Vehicle Driving Simulation – FF228-1 (or FF228-2)– This is an 8 hr. class - AVALIBLESATURDAY OR SUNDAY!
Emergency response driver training simulators (ERDTS) create real-world experiences that enable drivers to hone their skills within a variety of challenging situations. Drivers can learn a wide range of tasks, from basic vehicle operations to more advanced scenario-based tactical training, for many different vehicle types. This training enables the student to experience real-world situations without the logistical, legal, and moral ramifications that would automatically be attached to a mistake made on the streets. Unlike traditional driver safety courses that emphasize skills, law, and knowledge, the simulator empowers drivers to review their attitudes and find new ways to break old habits. *There will be an Emergency Vehicle Driving Course set up for students to drive as they wait for their turn in the Simulator.*
ISO Tanker Operations –FF113 - This is an 8 hr. class SUNDAY ONLY!
This course covers the Insurance Service Office (ISO) grading schedule and requirements for tanker shuttle water supply, water supply calculations, basic tanker operations, and water shuttling. Both classroom and practical hands-on training are incorporated in the course. There will be an actual hands-on water shuttle conducted at the end of the class, turnout gear is recommended!
Highway Transportation Emergencies – HWY – This is an 8 hr. class SUNDAY ONLY!
This course is designed to be a refresher course for emergency response personnel who may be first on the scene of Highway Transportation Emergencies that involve a hazardous material. First responders are expected to recognize the presence of hazardous materials, protect themselves, secure the area, and call for properly trained personnel to mitigate the incident. First Responders are expected to be able to use the Emergency Response Guidebook to establish proper identify the product involved by UN number or chemical name. Then determine the proper evacuation distances and initial steps to be taken by first responders.
Rapid Intervention Team – RIT
This 15 hour class will give you a firm foundation in Firefighter Rescue. There will be many hands on skill stations for you to learn and develop new knowledge, skills, and abilities. Areas addressed will be: - Assessing the downed Firefighter - Alternate Air Supply - Converting the SCBA Harness - Drags and Carries - Small Company Evacuation from Below - Unconscious Firefighter Window Removals
- Recuse from a Confined Area - “The Denver Drill” - Team Assignments, Tools, Techniques, and Communications
* Participants should being full PPE, including SCBA. The skill stations will be physical, so come prepared to work hard and break a sweat.
The skills and techniques you learn could save the life of one of your own! **CALL OFFICE FOR INFORMATION!!**
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