ESR1 Update - April 2012
New updates will be uploaded to the ESR1 system on Wednesday, 11 April 2012. Details of the changes are outlined below:
1SR1 Listings can now be set at Reporting Unit
The SR1 Listings view can be toggled between “College/Service” and “Reporting Unit”. Click on the “Show Reporting Unit” button:
2SR1 Listings now only pulls through ESR1s created in last 6 months:
The system will automatically pull through ESR1s created between today’s date and 6 months’ previously instead of displaying all ESR1s. The dates will be shown below the “Issue Date” heading:
This will help to speed up the system. Should you need to view an ESR1 which was created earlier than 6 months, you can override the date range by changing the two calendars shown.
3Exporting SR1 data
You can now export the SR1s (eg to Excel) by using the “Export SR1’s (TSV)” button:
Choose “Save” when prompted and then rename the file using the extension .xls, and then choose Open. Any problems, please contact the IT Helpdesk.
4Access for users can now be set at Reporting Unit
Previously access related to the Service/College in which you are based. Now this can be restricted if required to the reporting unit in which you are based eg Birks Grange as opposed to the whole of Campus Services. This is expected to be useful mainly for the larger Services such as Academic Services and Campus Services. Please contact myself or your HR Business Partner to request this change if required.
5Changes to Teaching Fellows details
The box headed “Teaching Fellow details” has been renamed “Employment Details” and the FTE box will now accept and show up to 4 decimal points.
Following consultation with users, the section headed “indicative breakdown of working hours to be included in the contract” has been deleted as this is no longer required for inclusion in contracts.
6Improvements to Financial Information tab
We have reworded “unique post identifier” to “Cognos staff detail row number (or Post number if unknown)”. If you have difficulty in identifying this number please contact your College/Service finance team.
The terminology for external funding has been changed from requesting details of “grants” to “external sources”. This change will help take account of earned income and other funding sources.
A new “Additional details if applicable” box has been included to enable users to key in information
about the funding not covered elsewhere.
You are now able to attach supporting documentation to the ESR1. In some areas within Campus Services this will be used to attach a costing calculator similar to that used previously within the PD102.
The terminology “Previous Funding structure” has been updated to “Previous costcode(s) used for charging salary costs” which we hope will be clearer to users.
7Changes to the Recruitment Info tab
Two additional questions have been included in the Advertising section “How many weeks to do you want this post advertised”, and “Where is this position located”. Both questions will enable the Recruitment Team to more efficiently process your SR1.
The costcode field has been changed to a structured cell to ensure that only “L30” codes are provided (advert costs are only able to be charged against L30 codes, you may need to ask your Finance team to create one for you).
For Campus Services only, a new “Working pattern” dropdown will appear to enable us to gather the necessary details.
The “preferred interview date” field has been removed as this led to confusion for users when agreeing schedules with the Recruitment Team.
8Filter/Search facilities
Bug fixed, should now work on each page of the Listings.