1Read the text. Then complete the sentences with words from the text. (10 points)

The Royal Dragon is a famous restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand. There isn’t only one dining room in this incredible restaurant – there are 50! Some of the dining rooms are on boats on the water. The restaurant has got tables for 5,000 people to sit down and have a meal and there are about 540 waiters to take their orders.

Are you feeling hungry or thirsty? There are 322 chefs at the Royal Dragon and they can make 3,000 meals in an hour. They prepare Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean and European food. There are 1,000 items on the menu! Some people order exotic items, but you can also choose chicken, fish, rice or vegetables.

Every evening, there is Thai music and there are traditional dancers to watch. They’ve got Thai boxing, too! It’s a fun sport to watch. An evening at the Royal Dragon restaurant is a fantastic experience!

1.……………………………… can have dinner at the Royal Dragon.

2.About ……………………………… waiters work at the Royal Dragon.

3.The chefs sometimes prepare food for ……………………………… people in one hour.

4.There is food from Asian countries and ……………………………… , too.

5.In the evenings, you can watch Thai dancing and also ……………………………… .

2Read the statements and find words in the text to show they are true. (10 points)

1.Many people know about the Royal Dragon.


2.The Royal Dragon has got many dining rooms.


3.The restaurant has got a very big menu.


4.The Royal Dragon isn’t a vegetarian restaurant.


5.The writer likes the restaurant.


1Circle the word that doesn’t belong. Then add a word to each group. (5 points)

1.spaghetti • orange • strawberry • ……………………

2.frightened • angry • happy • ……………………

3.tea • rice • fizzy drink • ……………………

4.carrot • cake • cabbage • ……………………

5.ham • bread • meat • ……………………

2Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)

excited • cheese • lettuce • bored • potatoes • soup • tired

1.A pizza has got tomato sauce and …………………… .

2.Do you feel ……………………? Then go to bed.

3.We make chips from …………………… .

4. I feel …………………… because tomorrow is my birthday!

5.A salad has usually got…………………… and other vegetables.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. (10 points)

1.My father’s s…………………… is my aunt.

2.I want to eat. I am h…………………… .

3.A w…………………… is a mammal but it lives in the ocean.

4.Sasha is from Russia. He’s R…………………… .

5.I haven’t got time to c…………………… d…………………… . Let’s order Chinese food.

6.On Sunday mornings, we h…………………… b…………………… at nine o’clock.

7.I r…………………… e…………………… from my friends on my computer every day.

8.A tiger has got orange, black and white f…………………… .

9.I’ve got pens and a rubber in my p…………………… c…………………… .

10.Their car is in their g…………………… .

1Complete the sentences with a, an, some, the or any. (6 points)

1.There are …………………… oranges on the table in the kitchen.

2.Mum wants to make bread but she hasn’t got …………………… eggs.

3.Chris hasn’t got …………………… red apple. It’s green.

4.I don’t put …………………… sugar in my tea.

5.Dad is reading in …………………… garden.

6.Have you got …………………… orange for the fruit salad?

2Look at the restaurant menu and write affirmative and negative sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of There is or There are and a, an, some or any. (6 points)

3Write questions with the words below. Use Is there or Are there and a, an or any. (4 points)

1.teacher / in the classroom


2.posters / on the walls


3.orange curtains / on the windows


4.old TV / in the classroom


4Answer the questions in Exercise 3. Make the answers true for your classroom. (4 points)





5 Choose the correct answers. (10 points)

I 1. read / am reading / reads an article about strawberries at the moment. According to the article,
2. is there / there is / there aren’t vitamin C in strawberries. They 3. there isn’t / haven’t got / aren’t any cholesterol and a large strawberry has only got about six calories! Strawberries 4. have got / isn’t / are very healthy.

At home, we’ve got a big garden. There are strawberry plants in 5. we / our / their garden. I 6. water / waters / am watering them at 7.00 every morning. My mum 7. love / loves / there is strawberries in her salads. Right now, she 8. makes / doesn’t make / is making a strawberry cake for my 9. dad’s / dads’ / dads birthday. I’m surprised because my dad 10. like / likes / doesn’t like strawberries!

Look at the fact file about Tina’s favourite restaurant. Then use the information to write a review of the restaurant.

Restaurant / Sweet Tomato
Address / 95 Lord’s Lane
Web address /
Types of food / soup and salads
Food Tina likes / chicken and rice salad
Irish potato soup
Why it’s her favourite restaurant / delicious foods, great cakes, big portions








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