Section 1 – Offer of Employment

Title / Home Telephone
Forename(s) / Mobile
Surname / Email
Address & Postcode
NB It is the individual’s responsibility to advise HR of a change of name or contact details / Date of Birth
NI Number1
Kent Student ID Number
Visa Expiry Date2if applicable
Contract Start Date / Open ended (tick box) / Fixed-term23
(state end date)
Academic School / Arts and SECL only: Subsection
Normal Place of Work / Canterbury/Medway/Tonbridge / Reporting to
Demonstrator/Marker / 6
Assistant Lecturer / 6
Associate Lecturer / 7
Associate Lecturer / 8
Specialist Associate Lecturer / 9
Flat Rate (Office Hours)
Course Name/Code
Please indicate if this course is offered to staff ONLY
Cost Code for Pay / Account / Cost Centre / Job / Site Code

1If the employee does not have an NI number, one must be obtained, see:

2Contract must not be issued beyond visa expiry date

3Contracts will be closed automatically regardless of end date if they have not been paid against for a period of 6 months

This offer of employment is made by:
SAM/HoS’s Signature / Print Name / Date

Section 2 – Acceptance of Offer of Employment

If you understand and accept this offer of employment, including the terms and conditions of service contained in Section 5, please sign below and return to your School Administration Manager as soon as possible.You should also have received a copy of the relevant role profile; if you have not received a copy, these are available on the Human Resources website: also ensure you complete and return the forms in Sections 3 and 4.

I wish to accept this offer of employment and understand and accept the conditions of service as indicated in the attached document.
Employee’s Signature / Print Name / Date

Contracts need to be authorised by your School/Department and submitted to Human Resources before the 5th of the month to ensure payment on the last working day of the same month.Timesheets for all hours worked to be completed and signed by all relevant individuals and forwarded to the Pay Office by the 10th of the month in order to be paid the same month.

Section 3 – Pension

USS Pension
I confirm that I have read the information about the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) in Section 5 (Terms and Conditions), paragraph 2 and that (please tick one box):
I understand that I am not being contractually enrolled into USS for this contract
I understand that I am not being contractually enrolled into USS for this contract but I wish to join USS
Other, please indicate your preferred choice ......
If you have ticked to indicate that you wish to join USS above please indicate if:
I am a retired member of USS
I am an active member of USS through existing employment (with the University or with another Employer)
Please note that if you wish to join USS for timesheet contracts of employment (subject to the correct terms and conditions of service), membership will apply to all relevant timesheet contracts.
Also, existing membership of SAUL does not preclude also joining USS in respect of any other employment at the University of Kent.
I understand that if I am an eligible jobholder and submit a claim for earnings that will take me above the threshold for pension’s auto-enrolment (earnings equating to more than the income tax personal allowance) that the University will automatically enrol me into a qualifying pension scheme. Further information will be sent to you when this happens including details of how you may opt-out should you wish to do so. Further information on pensions auto-enrolment is available here:
Signed:...... Date:......
Please print name:......

Further information about USS can be found on their website:

For administrative reasons, it is important that this form is printed

on a separate page, so if you are producing a double-sided copy

of this contract pack, please include the blank pagesbeforeand after this page

Section 4 – Information for Staff HESA Return - Qualifications

Each year the University has a statutory requirement to produce a statistical return to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), providing detailed information in respect of our workforce. HESA are the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the UK. They collect information on behalf of their statutory customers who typically are DfES, HEFCE, TTA, DH along with the regional statutory bodies for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In order to provide accurate information in our submission, we need you as a new employee of the University of Kent, to complete the questionnaire, from which we can update our records. The staff return is collected on an individual basis, however each record is anonymous in that names are not supplied. Individuals are only known to HESA by a unique number and the correlation with names is kept locally for our records only. Most of the information supplied relates to your appointment with the University and will be extracted from our existing records. However, we would appreciate your help in completing the information below:

Highest Qualification Achieved

Please give details of your highest qualification; if you have more than one qualification at the same level then please detail them all:

Dates of Study / Place of Study / Qualification Subject / Level (eg, BA, MA, PhD) / Grade/ Classification (DPhil, 2:1 Hons, A*) / Date qualification awarded (please give month and year)
From / To

Teaching Qualifications Achieved

Please give details of your teaching qualifications; if you have more than one qualification then please detail them all:

Teaching Qualification Achieved / Awarding Body / Date qualification awarded (please give month and year)

Recognition by Professional Bodies

Please give details of your professional body membership (if applicable please circle only one option):

Recognised by the HEA (Higher Education Academy) as an Associate Fellow / Recognised by the HEA (Higher Education Academy) as a Fellow / Recognised by the HEA (Higher Education Academy) as a Senior Fellow / Recognised by the HEA (Higher Education Academy) as a Principle Fellow / Holder of a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme Individual Award

If you have circled one of the options above please tell us the date joined and membership number:......


Section 4 – Information for Staff HESA Return - Employment

Previous/current activity

From the following categories how would you describe your previous/current employment status (please circle an option):

Employed at another HEI in UK / Employed HEI in an overseas country / Employed by a non Higher education institution in UK / Employed by a non Higher education institution in an overseas country / Employed by a research institution in the UK / Employed by a research institution overseas / Student in UK / Student in an overseas country
Employed by the NHS/ General medical or general dental practice in UK / Employed in the Health service in an overseas country / Employed by another public sector in the UK / Employed by a private industry/commercial company in the UK / Self-employed in UK / Other employment in UK / Other employment in an overseas country / Not in regular employment

If employed please tell us the name of your employer:......

Your role:......

Date employed from:......

Date employed to (or state “current”):......

Other Higher Education Institutions

Have you ever been employed, or are you still employed by a Higher Education Institution? Yes / No

If yes, please give details of where and when you were employed; if you cannot give the exact dates then please give the month and year that you were employed from/to. Where you are still employed by this institution please state ‘current’ in the Date Employed to field.

Name of the HEI / Role / Date employed from / Date employed to

Section 5 – Terms and Conditions



Assistant and Specialist/Associate Lecturers are paid for a specified number of contact hours at an hourly rate. The hourly rate is multiplied by 2.5 (which includes holiday uplift) to cover preparation, delivery, setting and marking course work and examinations and any other related duties undertaken outside the contact hours specified by your school (including the presentation of an end of year report). All payments are subject to appropriate tax and National Insurance deductions.The hourly rate quoted is inclusive of all duties needed to be undertaken in order to perform the role you have been asked to do. There will be no additional payment to this hourly rate.

There will also be a flat rate of pay (i.e. not multiplied by 2.5) which Assistant and Specialist/Associate Lecturers can be paid for further additional activities which are agreed between them and their School, e.g. office hours.

Sessional Demonstrators/Markers are paid for actual hours worked.

The hours of work will vary according to the workload of the school. It is a condition of your employment that you work flexibly in accordance with the working arrangements we operate. Therefore, you acknowledge that there may be periods when no work is available and that we have no obligation to provide you with any work or to provide any minimum number of hours in any day or week. However, we will endeavour to allocate suitable work to you when such work is available and you are available to do it.

We will give you as much advance notice as is reasonably practicable (normally not less than 24 hours) of the hours you will be required to work.

Should work be offered to you, you are under no obligation to accept it, however, should you do so and you are subsequently unavailable to work you must notify us of your unavailability at the earliest opportunity and normally not less than 24 hours in advance.

You are required to notify us as early as possible of any sustained periods when you will not be available for work.

A 16.48% uplift is applied to hourly rates to include a pro rata entitlement to paid annual leave, customary days and public/bank holidays (16.88% in years which include 9 bank/public holidays). You will be expected to take your paid leave outside of your contracted hours and no further payment will be made during such holiday periods.

You will be paid for all work on the submission of a claim form which must be checked and countersigned by the School Administrator Manager or Course Supervisor and sent to the Pay Office. Payments are made monthly in arrears, direct to your bank account. Staff are required to submit claim forms by the 5th of each month to ensure payment at the end of that month.We are currently transitioning to an electronic system for the submission of timesheets, so please check with your School about the arrangements which apply locally.


The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) Retirement Income Builder is a type of defined benefit pension scheme where benefits are based on each year’s salary throughout the period of membership (on a Career Revalued Benefit (CRB) basis). Staff will pay an employee contribution of 8% of salary. The University contributes a sum equal to 18% of salary.

From 1 October 2016, USS is launching the USS Investment Builder, a defined contribution section where benefits at retirement are based on the contributions made by the member and the University and the performance of the funds invested in. All members will have the option to join this section in addition to the USS Retirement Income Builder, whilst earners above the salary threshold of £55,000 p.a. will join automatically and pay core contributions above the salary threshold into this section.

NB.USS Members who are currently in receipt of their USS pension should note that the University has decided that re-joining USS will not be permitted.

Since 1 May 2013, the law on workplace pensions imposes a legal duty on employers such as the University of Kent to help their UK workers to save for their retirement. The employer must identify when a worker becomes an eligible jobholder by being aged between 22 and 65 and having qualifying earnings equating to more than the income tax personal allowance. The University must then automatically enrol the eligible jobholder into the relevant scheme which, for staff on these terms and conditions, is USS.

At such point that your earnings reach the statutory threshold you will be automatically enrolled into USS and further information will be sent to you about the scheme and your right to opt out.
Please contact the University’s Pensions Office if you have any queries about the scheme or eligibility for membership. Contact: 01227 827218. Information about the University Superannuation Scheme (USS) can be found on their website ().


You will be responsible to the Head of Academic School or his/her designated nominee, and it is he/she who will determine your duties.


Your normal place of work will be the work place stated in Section 1.


Travelling expenses will only be paid for any journeys to undertake teaching which is away from your normal place of work.


The notice period attaching to this appointment is one month in writing on either side, or to the expiry date of the fixed term contract, whichever is the sooner. A shorter notice period is possible if mutually agreed with the Head of Academic School.


In order to qualify for payment under the University's sick pay arrangements, on the first day of sickness absence employees should notify their immediate line manager or designated deputy that they will not be attending work. Contact should be made before work is due to commence or within one hour of this start time, and should be made personally by telephone. Only in exceptional circumstances should contact be made by somebody else.

It is the responsibility of the employee to keep their manager informed of the reason for absence, possible length of absence and likely return date, and any medical advice they have been given. Individuals who report their absence must provide this information and either give an expected date of return or information on when they will be able to call again with further information. If an employee is unsure of the possible length of absence then it is their responsibility to contact their manager at least every three days or as agreed and submit the relevant certificates as soon as possible.

For information about the appropriate documentation/certification which needs to be provided please see the Managing Sickness Absence Procedure which is available on the HR Website at:

Sick Pay

Employees absent from duty owing to illness shall be entitled to payment on the same basis, pro rata, as full-time teaching staff in accordance with the following scale:

Scale of Allowance

During First 3 Months' Service 2 weeks full pay 2 weeks half pay

3 Months to 1 Year 2 months full pay 2 months half pay

2nd and 3rd Year of Service 3 months full pay3 months half pay

4th and 5th Year of Service 5 months full pay5 months half pay

After 5th Year of Service 6 months full pay6 months half pay

Statutory Sick Pay

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is a minimum level of sickness benefit which all employers must pay their employees regardless of length of service.

University sick pay is inclusive of SSP. Where the entitlement to SSP exceeds or is equal to University sick pay then SSP alone will be paid. SSP is paid for absences of up to a maximum of 28 weeks.

For the purposes of SSP "qualifying days" have been agreed as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

SSP is payable only to those employees whose average earnings are over the lower earnings limit for National Insurance. The current amount is available from the Pay Office. The SSP regulations are very complex and it is not proposed to give an exhaustive recitation of them here. Please refer to the Pay Office for further details.


The University of Kent will comply with the ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures if necessary and further information may be obtained from Human Resources.


You must not disclose to anyone outside the University (or to any University employee who does not have a need to know) any confidential information about the University, which you have acquired during your employment. This duty continues to apply after your employment comes to an end. It is not limited in time but does not apply to information ordered by a court to be disclosed or otherwise required by law to be disclosed. Amongst other things, confidential information includes commercially sensitive information, lists of and details of customers, suppliers, agents and distributors, the working of computer systems, pricing structures, advertising, financial and marketing information and business development plans and information. For the avoidance of doubt, any databases belonging to the University are considered confidential information for the purpose of this clause. You must not make any copies of any documents or items that belong to the University or remove them from the University's premises at any time without proper advanced authorisation. You must return property of whatever kind when requested to do so by the University and which belong to the University when you leave its employment.


Staff, who meet eligibility criteria, are able to apply for paid University maternity leave, adoption leave and paternity leave on the same basis, pro rata, as full-time teaching staff. Information on these policies can be obtained from Human Resources.


Should changed circumstances in your School or in the University make it necessary, the University reserves the right to redeploy you elsewhere in a post of commensurate duties and responsibilities.


It is the policy of the University to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of its employees in accordance with the statutory requirements, in particular the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. In pursuance of this policy you would be required to contact the Health and Safety Coordinator for your school. Please contact your School Administration Manager who will advise you of the name and contact details of the Coordinator.