1How Many Wheels? Copy the Words from the Box in the Correct Group. Look at the Example

1How Many Wheels? Copy the Words from the Box in the Correct Group. Look at the Example

Activate! A2 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

1How many wheels? Copy the words from the box in the correct group. Look at the example.

bike / boat / bus / car / lorry
motorbike / plane / taxi / ship / train / van
No wheels / Two wheels / Four wheels / More than 4 wheels
boat / bike / taxi / plane
ship / motorbike / car / bus
van / train

Marks _____ / 10

2Circle the correct verb to complete the sentence. Look at the example.

x]Every morning I | catch | fly | ride | a bus at 8.15 and go to school.

1]I’m going on holiday in the mountains tomorrow, so now I’m | putting | packing | missing | my suitcase.

2]The ship is going to | sell | drive | sail | to New York.

3]I’m | showing |wearing | putting | my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong.

4]Are you | worrying | missing | feeling | homesick?

5]My Uncle John |flies | drives |sails | a helicopter.

6]Don’t | worry | miss | feel | about your cat, Sooty. I’ll feed her every day.

7]My Dad’s going to | ride | take | pack | a taxi to the airport tomorrow morning.

8]I | feel | miss | worry | my friends when I am on holiday.

9]I often feel seasick when I’m | doing | sailing| riding | in a boat.

10]Can you | ride | drive | travel | a motorbike?

Marks _____ / 10

3Complete the spelling of these words. Look at the example.

x]I go to school by b□s.bus

1]My Dad says that motorbikes are dangerous ve□icles.vehicles

2]I’ve got some lip gl□ss in my bag.gloss

3]The plane is on the ru□way at the airport.runway

4]My class is going on a tr□p to Windsor Castle.trip

5]We went up into the mountains on an old ste□m train.steam

6]The bus will stop if you need the to□let.toilet

7]Kylie’s going to h□ng out with her friends at the coffee bar.hang

8]The plane will fly strai□ht up in the air and then back down.straight

9]I’ll send you a pos□card from Egypt.postcard

10]The climbing wall is really □cary!scary

Marks _____ / 10

4Find and correct the mistakes in Tanya’s email. Look at the example.

x] / Hi / High Tony,
1] / for / Thank you four your postcard from Mexico. Are
2] / having / you have a good holiday? Do you like the food in
3] / restaurant / Mexico? I had lunch in a Mexican restorant in
4] / very / Glasgow. I thought the food was every nice.
5] / see / Are you going to seeing the Pyramids in Mexico?
6] / two / There are too pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun
7] / They’re / and the Pyramid of the Moon. There near
8] / they’re / Mexico City. I think their from Mayan times.
9] / lot / Please take a lots of photographs for me.
10] / Bye / Buy for now, Tanya

Marks _____ / 10

Total Marks ______/ 40

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