1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
Component / CO1
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the CO3 / Proposed change by the CO / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
4th picture / Action / The display category of Setup sets up STNDARD. However, the object of the OTHER category is displayed on the 4th picture. / Add the procedure of setting a display category as OTHER.
3.3.4 c) / Setup / According to CS UNWHAZ05, Dangers in shallow water should be shown in the Standard display and hidden in the Base display. / Correct to the procedure which it changes into STANDARD.
3.3.7 / Results / According to DEPARE03 and DEPCNT03, the depth contour label should be drawn for every space object. However, it has mistaken the number of labels and label position of the reference figure by our analysis.
/ Correct a picture.
Fig.Our analysis
3.3.10 / Setup / Setup is described to be "Select Viewing group layer Display Base." However, V.G. of spot sounding is Other. Therefore, you should set the display category as "Other." / Correct to the procedure which it changes into OTHER.
2th picture / Setup / Setup is "Select Viewing group layer Display Base." However, the display category of LIGHTS is STANDARD. / Correct to the procedure which it changes into STANDARD. / Setup / The cell to load is mistaken. / Replace
“3.3 Settings\ENC_ROOT\GB4X0001.000”
”3.6 Display priorities\ENC_ROOT\2J4X0002.000”
4.4 a) / Setup / Setup sets up DISPLAY BASE. However, in order to display the object requested by this test, it is necessary to set up an OTHER category. / Correct to the procedure which it changes into OTHER.
4.4 c) / Results / The chapter to refer to is mistaken. / Replace
"the Presentation Library section 17 to provide"
"the Presentation Library section 16.4 to provide"
5.1 / Results / The highlight of the BRIDGE (POINT) object between WPT7 and WPT8 is unsuitable.
As for BRIDGE (POINT), Viewing Group is not defined as LUT. Therefore, it is not displayed on a cursor pick report, either (S52 Annex A / 10.8 No.7).
This situation is unsuitable because a user cannot acquire the information on a navigation hazardous object. / Proposal
1) Define Viewing Group as a BRIDGE (POINT) object. (In this case, other similar objects need to clarify the definition of Viewing Group. For example, SLOGRD etc).
2) Correct the picture of S64.
1CO = Contributing Organisation (HOs should use 2 character codes e.g. FR AU etc.)
2Type of comment:ge = generalte = technical ed = editorial
3 Whilst not compulsory, comments are more likely to be accepted if accompanied by a proposed change.
NOTEColumns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
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