Session 2013 – 2014
Education, Learning & Leisure


Notes For Parents/Carers
This report tells you about your child’s progress across the curriculum.
The notes provide information about what your child has achieved.

The national Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) programme has been developed to improve education for all children and young people and to put their needs at the heart of learning and teaching. CfE places emphasis on the development of the 4 Capacities i.e. that children and young people should be successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. As well as through information about their progress across the curriculum, these capacities are reported through your child’s personal qualities and in the comments relating to their Strengths, Interests and Achievements.

A Curriculum Framework 3-18 for Aberdeenshire is in place to give clear guidance to schools and communities on the planning and delivery of a meaningful set of curriculum experiences and entitlements that will prepare Aberdeenshire learners for 21st Century Scotland.

In CfE, the curricular areas are grouped asExpressive Arts, Languages and Literacy, Mathematics and Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing, Religious and Moral Education, Sciences, Social Studies and Technologies. Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing are delivered across learning and are the responsibility of all staff.

Children and young peoplewill progress through six curricular levels or stages from the age of 3 to 18 through a series of learning and teaching Experiences and Outcomes. Each of the levels generally spans 3 years. Children progress at different rates and some may need additional support.

Early Level (E) / Pre-school and P1 or later for some
First Level (1) / P2 to end of P4 but earlier or later for some
Second Level (2) / P5 to end of P7 but earlier or later for some
Third and Fourth Level
(3) (4) / S1-S3 (Many young people will be accessing Fourth Level in S3)
Senior Phase / S4 to S6 in school, college, workplace or community

It is important to note that your child will take more than one school session to progress through each level.

The CfE Level that your child is currently working on is reported for the following curriculum areas:


Progress in learning within a Level is characterised by the extent to which there is evidence of breadth and depth. In general terms, this progression can be described as follows:

Initially,the learner:

  • Starts to engage in the work of a level and beginsto make progress in learning across the breadth of experiences and outcomes for that level.

Subsequently,the learner:

  • Achieves a breadth of learning across many of the experiences and outcomes for the level and can apply what has been learned in familiar situations.
  • S/he also begins to undertake more challenging learning and to apply this in unfamiliar situations.

Leading to the situation wherethe learner:

  • Achieves a breadth of learning across almost all of the experiences and outcomes for the level and responds consistently well to the level of challenge within these.
  • S/he also has progressed to more challenging learning in some aspects and can apply what has been learned in new and unfamiliar situations.

Your child’s report contains personalised statements which reflect this progression in each curriculum area. In addition, a simple “beginning-middle-end” indicator is provided to give a broad view of how far through the range of experiences and outcomes within that level your child has achieved.

LEARNING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM reports how your child is progressing in Expressive Arts, Social Studies, Science, Technologies and Religious and Moral Education. Learning across these areas may have been linked and supported by way of a class topic or theme. Comments will also reflect the development and application of relevantskills.

AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT / NEXT STEPS IN LEARNING outlineswhat your child now needs to work on to build on what they have achieved and how they can make further progress in their learning.

This Section may also report on any additional support your child may be receiving and reference may also be made to other documents relating to your child’s support needs.

In the Comments sections of the Report,learners and parents/carers will be given the opportunity to record their views as part of ongoing parentalinvolvement andto inform discussion.

For more information about Curriculum for Excellence

If you would like this information in

  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio tape
  • A language other than English

Please contact Education, Learning and Leisure on 01224 664630 or email