
Addae, R.A. Integrated management of root knot nematodes on vegetables in Ghana using biological control agents, amendments and crop rotation. Ph.D., Reading.

Akello, B. Factors affecting incidence and severity of bacterial blight of cotton (Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum) in Uganda. Ph.D., Reading.

Amungwa, A.F. Participation, networking and privatisation in agricultural extension in Cameroon. Ph.D., Reading.

Audu, I. Development and application of runoff model for water harvesting in North East Nigeria. Ph.D., Cranfield.

Coyne, D.L. Epidemiology and crop loss assessment of rice nematodes in West Africa. Ph.D., Reading.

El Shinty, O.H. In vitro propagation of Egyptian date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars Zaghloul and Samani. Ph.D., Southampton.

Gell, F.R. Fish and fisheries in the seagrass beds of the Quirimba Archipelago, Northern Mozambique. D.Phil., York.

Gil Das Neves, L.C.B. Studies on Babesia bovis and B. bigemina with emphasis on in vitro culture, immunodiagnosis and descriptive epidemiology in Mozambique. Ph.D., Liverpool.

Hess, T.M. The impact of climatic variability over the period 1961-1990 on the soil water balance of upland soils in the North East Arid Zone of Nigeria. Ph.D., Cranfield.

Katundu, J.M. Biology and ecology of Cochliotis melolonthoides Gerst (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on sugarcane in Tanzania. Ph.D., London, Imperial Coll. of Science, Tech. and Medicine.

Livesley, S. Distribution and dynamics of roots and soil nitrogen and water in tree row agroforestry systems [Kenya]. Ph.D., Reading.

Majule, A. E. Effects of organic residues and elemental sulphur additions to soils of southern Tanzania. Ph.D., Reading.

Massawe, N.F. Strategies based on participatory rural appraisal for improving the utilization of forages to increase profitable milk production on smallholder farms in Tanzania. Ph.D., Reading.

Mdachi, R.E. Epidemiological studies into the impact of trypanocidal drug resistance on the control of trypanosomiasis in coastal Kenya. Ph.D., Glasgow.

Mebelo, M. Screening phytoseiids for the control of cassava green mites in Zambia. Ph.D., London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Mulenga, P.C. Effects of applied micronutrients and liming on grain yield and plant composition on tree ferralsols of North Western Zambia. Ph.D., Aberdeen.

Ndam, N. Tree regeneration, vegetation dynamics and the maintenance of biodiversity on Mount Cameroon: the relative impact of human & natural disturbance. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor.

Nkyi, K.A. An integrated growth and yield model for the tropical high forests of Ghana. Ph.D., Aberdeen.

Norgrove, L.A. Crop, weed and soil responses to tree density and implications for nutrient cycling in a tropical agrisilvicultural system [Cameroon]. Ph.D., London, King's Coll.

Okuthe, S.O. Participatory epidemiological assessment of livestock productivity constraints in the western Kenya highlands. Ph.D., Reading.

Oruko, L.O. Delivery of animal health services in Kenya. Ph.D., Reading.

Phombeya, K.S.K. Nutrient sourcing and recycling by Faidherbia albida trees in Malawi. Ph.D., London, Wye Coll.

Rugutt, M. K. A. Epidemiology and control of ruminant helminths in the Kericho Highlands of Kenya. Ph.D., Glasgow.

Salem, M. Management of fishing in the Ras Mohammed National park with special reference to the fishery for Lethrinus nebulosus [Egypt]. D.Phil., York.

Simate, I.N. Mixed mode solar drying. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne.


Ashton, S.A. Ptolemaic royal sculpture from Egypt: the Greek and Egyptian traditions and their interaction [Egypt]. Ph.D., London, King's Coll.

Bland, H.A. Chemical investigations of ancient biomolecules in artefacts and ecofacts from Qasr Ibrim, Egyptian Nubia. Ph.D., Bristol.

Boni, S. Hierarchy in twentieth-century Sefwi [Ghana]. D.Phil., Oxford.

Ferguson, C. Reproductive rights and citizenship: family planning in Zimbabwe. Ph.D., London, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Finneran, N.P. Post-Pleistocene socio-economic developments in the Northern Ethiopian/Eritrean Highlands: a case study from Aksum, Tigray. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Freeman, D. G. Transforming traditions: the dynamics of cultural variations in the Gamo Highlands, Southwest Ethiopia. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Economics and Political Science.

Gallorini, C. Incised marks on pottery and other objects from Kahun: systems of communication in Egypt during the late Middle Kingdom. Ph.D., London, U. Coll.

Gollop, P.J. Modelling the evolutionary ecology of African hominid populations. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Hills, M. Modes of association and differentiation in Mauritius: an account of identity in a situation of socio-cultural heterogeneity. Ph.D., St. Andrews.

Kwabiah, B. K. A-A. Economic crisis and the relevance of matriliny and chiefship among the Asante of Pranum District, Ghana. Ph.D., St. Andrews.

MacDonald, R. M. In the teeth of the problem: dental anthropology and the reconstruction of African dietary regimes. Ph.D., London, U. Coll.

Oppong, Y. M. P. A. We follow our cow and forget our home: movement, survival and Fulani identity in Greater Accra, Ghana. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies.

Piper, L.E. The politics of Zuluness in the transition to a democratic South Africa. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Ramon, S. Baga identity: religious movements and political transformation in the Republic of Guinea. Ph.D., U. of London, U. Coll.

Seirlis, J.K. Arcadia: urban space and coloured identities in Harare, Zimbabwe. D.Phil., Oxford.

Tadesse, W.G. Warfare and fertility: a study of the Hor(Arbore) of Southern Ethiopia. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Economics & Political Science.

Biological Sciences

Ali, I.M. A study of Kenyan pupils' ideas of parks and wildlife and the consequent implications for conservation and education. Ph.D., East Anglia.

Ambrose, L. Species diversity in West and Central African Galagos (Primates, Galagonidae): the use of acoustic analysis [Cameroon, Guinea, & Ivory Coast]. Ph.D., Oxford Brookes.

Dibog, L. Biodiversity and ecology of termites (Isoptera) in a humid tropical forest [Cameroon]. Ph.D., London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Galal, N. Studies on the coastal ecology and management of the Nabq Protected Area, South Sinai, Egypt. D.Phil., York.

Genner, M.J. Coexistence of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Ph.D., Southampton.

Hawkins, D.M. Individual time budgets of yellow baboons in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania: Group size and environment. Ph.D., Liverpool.

Hemstock, S. L. Multi-dimensional modelling of biomass energy flows [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., London, King's Coll.

Knight, M. E. Sexual selection and speciation in Lake Malawi cichlids. Ph.D., Southampton.

McNeill, M.B. Ergonomics issues and methodologies in industrially developing countries [Ghana]. Ph.D., U. of Tech., Loughborough.

Osborn, F.V. The ecology of crop-raiding elephants in Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Richardson, J.E. Molecular systematics of the genus Phylica L. with an emphasis on the island species [South Africa]. Ph.D., Edinburgh.

Stapley, L. The coevolution of ants and Acacia trees in East Africa [Tanzania]. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Tuey, R. K. Biology and ecology of the epilachnid beetle Chnootriba simillis Thurnberg (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) [Kenya]. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne.

Vermeulen, S. J. Distribution of mistletoes in a patchy habitat [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Virani, M.Z. The breeding ecology and behaviour of the augur buzzard Buteo augur in relation to different land-uses in the southern Lake Naivasha area, Kenya. Ph.D., Leicester.

Weeks, P. A. Interactions between Red-billed Oxpeckers and their hosts [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Business Administration

Abd-Elsalam, O.H. The introduction and application of international accounting standards to accounting disclosure regulations of a capital market in a developing country: the case of Egypt. Ph.D., Heriot-Watt.

Ahmed, A. E. S. Integrating information systems technology competencies into accounting - a comparative study [Egypt]. Ph.D., Liverpool John Moores.

Cole, P.T. Training and learning in the informal sector in The Gambia. Ph.D., Huddersfield.

El-Nafabi, H.M. The nature and practice of financial management and audit in the Sudanese public sector. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth.

Gnieber, O. K. H. World class manufacturing techniques: their potential and transferability in the context of a developing country [Libya]. Ph.D., Bradford.

Gzema, A. M. Management control in developing countries: a case study of management control in the oil industry of Libya. Ph.D., Manchester.

Pemba, S. Competence-and-work based learning: development & evaluation of a learning model [Tanzania]. Ph.D., Dundee.

Sarpong, K.K. Financial reporting in emerging capital markets: a case study of Ghana. Ph.D., Warwick.

Earth Sciences

Adamson, K.R. Evolution of the Murzuq Basin, southwest Libya, and surrounding region during the Devonian. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth.

Barrett, P. Comparative organic geochemical and stable isotope study of the Cenomanian-Turonian organic-rich sediments from Tunisia. Germany and the UK. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne.

Evans, P.J. A U - series disequilibrium study of the Longonot Trachyte magma chamber, Kenya. Ph.D., Open U.

Glover, R.T. Aspects of intraplate deformation in Saharan cratonic basins [Libya & Algeria]. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth.

Johnson, S.P. Geodynamic evolution of the Southern Chewore Inliers, Zimbabwe. Ph.D., St. Andrews.

Kaced, M. Analysis of Ordovician and Devonian sand-stones from the Ahnet Basin, Algeria. Ph.D., Reading.

Macdonald, A. J. Design considerations for the extraction of a wide orebody in a South African deep level goldmine. Ph.D., Wales, Cardiff.

Marshall, A. S. High-silica peralkaline magmatism of the Greater Olkaria Volcanic Complex, Kenya Rift Valley. Ph.D., Lancaster.

Richmond, M.D. The biodiversity and biogeography of shallow-water flora and fauna of the Western Indian Ocean: with special reference to the polychaeta, mollusca and echinodermata. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor.

Sakkas, V.A. Combined transient electromagnetic and magnetotelluric study of the Southern Kenya Rift Valley. Ph.D., Leicester.

Stevens, N.F. Lava flow volume and morphology from ERS synthetic aperture radar interferometry [Cape Verde]. Ph.D., Reading.

Stevenson, I.R. The application of high-resolution geophysical techniques for seismic stratigraphic analysis at an outcrop scale: a study from the Namaqualand continental shelf, west coast of South Africa. Ph.D., Reading.

Stewart, J.L.C. Isotopic and mineralogical studies of the origins of the platinum group element mineralisation associated with the Freetown Igeneous Complex Sierra Leone. Ph.D., Manchester.

Swain, D. L. Late quaternary palaeoecology of Mount Kenya, East Africa: investigating the potential impact of sub-ambient CO2 concentration on the distribution of montane vegetation [Kenya]. Ph.D., Wales, Swansea.

Worika, I.L. Managing the environmental aspects of upstream petroleum investment: the way forward for Africa. Ph.D., Dundee.


Ameripour, A. Developing a production system in a less industrialised country: the case of Kenya. Ph.D., Nottingham.

Babalola, R. O. Technical efficiency and impact of ownership on performance: the case of the Nigerian electricity industry. Ph.D., Surrey.

Cherchari, H. A macroeconometric model for the Algerian economy. Ph.D., Leeds.

Clark, D.A. Conceptualising development [South Africa]. Ph.D., Cambridge.

Craig, J.R. State enterprise and privatisation in Zambia, 1968-1998. Ph.D., Leeds.

El-Gaafarawi, I. I. A. M. Structural adjustment in Egypt: the case of agriculture. Ph.D., Leeds.

Farrell, G.N. An empirical analysis of South Africa's financial rand exchange rate system, 1985-95. Ph.D., Birmingham.

Ferrand, D. V. Discontinuity in development: Kenya's middle-scale manufacturing industry. Ph.D., Durham.

Fithen, D.C. Diamonds and war in Sierra Leone: cultural strategies for commercial adaptation to endemic low-intensity conflict. Ph.D., London, U. Coll.

Freeman, C. Background, development and management of an aid assisted mining rehabilitation programme in Central Africa [Zambia]. Ph.D., Nottingham.

Gwashure, I. Organisational performance in the context of Zimbabwe: an analysis of the impact of contextual factors on form, behaviour and performance of organisations in Zimbabwe. Ph.D., City.

Kimbrough, K.J. Monetary union, real exchange rates and trade in the West African economic and monetary union. D.Phil., Oxford.

Kyeyune, G.M. Poverty and survival strategies among rural women in Uganda: a study of women in the SSESE islands. Ph.D., Reading.

Mapuranga, S.W.Z.M. The competitive advantage of nations: an exposition of the limitations of the single nation "Diamond" theory in the case of Zimbabwe's exports to the OECD and South Africa markets. Ph.D., Leicester.

Mpotokwane, M.A. Variation in cattle numbers, rainfall amount and land availability in Tlokweng sub district, Botswanaa: a modelling approach to livestock management. Ph.D., Stirling.

Naidoo, G. Management of agricultural information by small-scale cattle keepers in a village in Mauritius. Ph.D., Reading.

Omran, M. M. A. Impact of Egypt's economic reform programme in stock market performance. Ph.D., Plymouth.

Owens, T. The determinants of income growth in rural households and the role of aid: a case study of Zimbabwe. D.Phil., Oxford.

Ponte, S. Farmers and markets: policy reform, agrarian change and rural livelihoods in Tanzania. Ph.D., East Anglia.

Rudaheranwa, N. Transport costs and export trade of landlocked countries: evidence from Uganda. Ph.D., Nottingham.

Sarch, M-T. Fishing and farming at Lake Chad: a livelihood analysis. Ph.D., East Anglia.

Shaffer, P. The poverty debate with application to the Republic of Guinea. D.Phil., Sussex.

Tallontire, A.M. Making trade fair? An examination of the relationship between Cafédirect and a coffee co-operative in Tanzania. Ph.D., Bradford.

Tarr, P. The potential role of environmental assessment in promoting sustainable development in Namibia. Ph.D., Aberdeen.

Taylor, D. Field of futility or hidden hope?: Agricultural knowledge and practice of low resource farmers in Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa. Ph.D., London, U. Coll.

Terry, M.E. The economic and social significance of the handicraft industry in Botswana. Ph.D., London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies.

Tsekpo, A.W.K. The pubic investment programme and macroeconomic management in Ghana: a game theoretic approach. Ph.D., Bradford.

Uwannah, C. E. Communication linkage patterns in the agricultural research and extension systems in Nigeria. Ph.D., Reading.

Van Blarcom, B.J. Devaluation's impact on a sector's output: computable general equilibrium analysis of real resource transfers in Morocco, detailing agriculture. Ph.D., Reading.

Vaze, P.B. A model of inter-regional trade and storage of grain: an application to Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Ph.D., Edinburgh.

Watson, E. Ground truths: land and power in Konso, Ethiopia. Ph.D., Cambridge.


Amara, J. M. Teachers' classroom behaviour: a critical factor in creating and eliminating gender disparity in science education [Sierra Leone]. Ph.D., Birmingham.

Ansell, N. Southern African secondary schools: places of empowerment for rural girls? Cases from Lesotho and Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Keele.

Avenstrup, R. "No change without pain": transforming education in Namibia after independence - the secondary level. Ph.D., Oxford Brookes.

Benna, I.I. Motivation for higher education of women from Northern Nigeria. Ph.D., Durham.

Buhl, S. Milk, millet and mannerisms: gendered production among pastoral and agropastoral Fulbe households in Northern Burkina Faso. Ph.D., London, U. Coll.

Cook, Bradley James. Egyptian higher education: inconsistent cognitions. D.Phil., U. of Oxford.

Ensor, M. P. A study of the recontextualising of pedagogic practices from a South African university preservice mathematics teacher education course by seven beginning secondary mathematics teachers. Ph.D., London, External.