1997 Evaluation and Management Services Coding Tool (General Multi-System) Rev. 4/11/08
Chief Complaint / New Patient Est Patient ConsultationHISTORY
HPI (History of Present Illness)
Location Duration Mod. Factors Quality Severity
Timing Context Associated signs & symptoms
ORStatus of chronic/inactive conditions 1 2 3 /
(1-3 elements, or status of 1-2 chronic conditions) /
(4 or more elements, or status of 3 chronic or inactive conditions)
ROS (Review of Systems)
Constitutional Eyes ENMT Card/vasc Neuro GI
Musculo Resp GU Hem/Lymph Psych
All/imm Integ Endo /
None /
Pertinent to problem
(1 system) /
(2-9 systems including 1 pertinent) /
(10 or more systems including 1 pertinent)
PFSH (Past medical, Family and Social History)
Past (patient’s illnesses, operation, injuries & treatments)
Family (review of medical events in pt’s family incl. hereditary disease placing pt at risk)
Social (age appropriate review of past & current activities)
* Complete PFSH:
2 Hx areas: a) Established pts. - office visit; domiciliary care; home care; b) Emergency dept. visit; and, c) Subsequent nursing facility care.
3 Hx areas: a) New patients. - office visit; domiciliary care; home care; b) Consultations; c) Initial hospital care; d) hospital observation; and, e) Comprehensive nursing facility assessments. /
None /
(1 history area) /
New or Consult :
3 history areas
2 history areas
(PF) / Expanded Problem Focused (EPF) / Detailed (D) / Comprehensive ( C )
Final level of history requires 3 components above met or exceeded
Vital Signs: Any 3 of the following: 1) Sitting BP or standing BP, 2) supine BP, 3) pulse rate / regularity, 4) respiration, 5) temperature, 6) height, 7) weight
General Appearance: (eg Development, nutrition, body habitus, deformities, attention to grooming, etc.) /
1-5 elements /
6-11 elements /
Includes at least 6 organ systems or body areas; for each system/area selected, document at least 2 elements identified by a bullet ()
12 or more elements identified by a bullet () in 2 or more organ systems/body areas /
Includes at least 9 organ systems or body areas; for each system/area selected, document at least 2 elements identified by a bullet ()
Eyes: Inspection of conjunctivae and lidsExamine pupils and irises (eg reaction to light accommodation, size, and symmetry) Ophthalmoscopic exam of optic discs (size, C/D ratio, appearance) and posterior segments (eg vessel changes, exudates, hemorrhages)
ENMT: External inspection ears and nose (eg overall appearance, scars, lesions, masses)
Otoscopic exam – ext. auditory canals & TMs’; Assess hearing (eg whispered voice, finger rub, tuning fork) Inspect nasal mucosa, septum, turbinates; Inspect teeth, gums;
Inspectionof oropharynx (eg oral mucosa, salivary glands, hard & soft palates, tongue, tonsils, posterior pharynx)
Neck: Examine neck (eg masses, symmetry, tracheal position, crepitus, overall appearance)
Examination of thyroid (eg, enlargement, tenderness, mass)
Respiratory: Assessment of respiratory effort (eg intercostal retractions, use of accessory muscles, diaphragmatic movement) Chest percussion (eg dullness, flatness, hyperresonance) Chest palpation (tactile fremitus) Auscultation of lungs (eg breath sounds, adventitious sounds, rubs)
Cardiovascular: Palpation of heart (eg, location, size, thrills)
Auscultation of heart including sounds, abnormal sounds and murmurs
Examination of
Carotid arteries (eg, waveform, pulse amplitude, bruits, apical-carotid delay)
Abdominal aorta (eg, size, bruits)
Femoral arteries (eg, pulse amplitude, bruits)
Pedal pulses (eg, pulse amplitude)
Extremities for edema and/or varicosities
Chest (Breasts)
Inspection (eg symmetry, nipple discharge)
Palpation of breasts & axillae (eg masses, lumps, tenderness)
GI/AbdomenExamination of abdomen with notation of presence of masses or tenderness
Examination of liver and spleenExamination presence/absence hernia
Exam (when indicated) anus, perineum, rectum (including sphincter tone, +/- hemorrhoids &/or masses)
Stool sample for occult blood test (when indicated)
GU- Male: Scrotum(hydrocele, spermatocele, cord tenderness, testicular mass) Penis Digital rectal exam of prostate(size, symmetry, nodularity, tenderness)
GU- Female: Pelvic exam (with or w/o specimen collection for smear/cultures): External genitalia and vagina(eg general appearance, hair distribution, lesions, estrogen effect, discharge, pelvic support, cystocele, rectocele) Urethra(eg masses, tenderness, scarring) Bladder(eg fullness, masses, tenderness) Cervix(eg general appearance, lesions, discharge) Uterus (eg size, contour, position, mobility, tenderness, consistency, descent or support) Adnexa/parametria(eg masses, tenderness, organomegaly, nodularity)
Palpation of lymph nodes in 2 or more areas: neck, axillae, groin, and/or other location
Inspection and palpation of skin and subcutaneous tissue (eg, rashes, lesions, scars, induration, subcutaneous nodules, tightening)
Gait & Station
Digits & Nails: Inspection and palpation (eg, clubbing, cyanosis, inflammation,petechiae, ischemia, infections, nodes)
Joint/Bone/Muscle exam of 1 or more of the following 6 areas: 1) Head & neck; 2) Spine, ribs, & pelvis; 3) Rt. Upper extremity; 4) Lt. upper extremity; 5) Rt. Lower extremity; 6) Lt. lower extremity. Exam of a given area includes:
- Inspect/palpate, noting any misalignment, asymmetry, crepitus, defects, tenderness, masses, effusions
- Assess ROM, noting any pain, crepitus, or contracture
- Assess stability, noting any dislocation, subluxation, or laxity
- Assess muscle strength/tone, noting any atrophy or abnormal movements
Neurological: Test cranial nerves, noting any deficits Examine DTR’s, noting any pathological reflexes Examine sensation (eg touch, pin, vibration, propioception) / Problem Focused
(PF) / Expanded Problem Focused (EPF) / Detailed
(D) / Comprehensive
Psychiatric:Description of patient’s judgment and insight
Brief assessment of mental status including Orientation to time, place and person Recent & remote memory Mood and affect (eg, depression, anxiety, agitation)
A.1 Number of Diagnoses and/or Management Options
NOTE: A “problem” is defined as a definitive diagnosis, or, for undiagnosed problems, a related group of presenting symptoms and/or clinical findings / # Dxs
EACH new or established problem for which the diagnosis and/or treatment plan is evident with or without diagnostic confirmation / Per Problem
1 point
EACH new or established problem for which the diagnosis and/or treatment plan is not evident; 2 plausible differential diagnoses, comorbidities, or complications (not counted as separate problems) clearly stated and supported by information in record; requiring diagnostic evaluation or confirmation / Per Problem
2 points
EACH new or established problem for which the diagnosis and/or treatment plan is not evident; 3 plausible differential diagnoses, comorbidities, or complications (not counted as separate problems) clearly stated and supported by information in record; requiring diagnostic evaluation or confirmation / Per Problem
3 points
EACH new or established problem for which the diagnosis and/or treatment plan is not evident; 4 plausible differential diagnoses, comorbidities, or complications (not counted as separate problems) clearly stated and supported by information in record; requiring diagnostic evaluation or confirmation / Per Problem
4 points
Total Diagnoses (Box A1)(If total is greater than total points for Box A2, use in Box D)
A.2 Treatments and Therapeutic Options / Pts / BOX B. Amount and/or Complexity of Data Reviewed or Ordered / Pts
Continue “same” therapy or “no change” in therapy (including drug management) if specified therapy is not described in documentation and documented that the physician reviewed therapy) / 0 / Order and/or review of medically reasonable and necessaryclinical lab tests ( 1 lab panel = 1 procedure) / 1-3 procedures: 1 pt
≥ 4 procedures: 2 pts
Order and/or review results of medically reasonable and necessary tests in Radiology section of CPT / 1-3 procedures: 1 pt
≥ 4 procedures: 2 pts
Drug management, per problem. Includes “same” therapy or “no change” in therapy if specified therapy is described (document current therapy + that provider reviewed it). Record must reflect conscious decision-making to make no-dose changes in order to count for coding purposes. / ≤ 3 new or current meds per problem / 1 pt Per Problem / Order and/or review results of medically reasonable and necessary tests in Medicine section of CPT / 1-3 procedures:1 point
≥ 4 procedures: 2 points
3 new or current meds per problem / 2 pts Per Problem / Discuss case with other physician managing patient’s care or request consult from other physician (referral does not count) / 1
Major or Minor surgical procedure(s) / 1 / Discuss test results with performing physician / 1
Closed treatment for fracture/dislocation
Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or other manipulation / 1
1 / Order or review old records. Record type/source must be documented. Review must be reasonable + necessary based on patient’s condition. Practice/facility protocol driven review, or review only for coding is not permitted. / Without summary:
1 point
With summary:
2 points / 1
Complex insulin Rx (SC or combo), hyperalimentation, insulin drip, or other complex IV admix Rx
IV fluid/fluid component replacement, establish IV access when record is clear that such involved physician decision-making and wasn’t standard facility “protocol” / 2
1 / Review of significant physiologic monitoring or testing data not reported for separate payment / 1
Pain management procedure
Joint, body cavity, soft tissue, etc. injection/aspiration / 1
1 / Independently visualization and interpretation of an image, EKG, or lab specimen not reported for separate payment / Each visualization and interpretation
= 1 point / 1
Conservative measures such as rest, ice bandages, dietary
Patient educated on self or home care topics/techniques / 1
1 / TOTAL for Box B (Bring results to BOX D)
Decision to admit to hospital / 1
Discuss case with other physician / 1
Other-specify / 1
Total Management Options (Box A2) (If total is total points for Box A1, use in Box D)
C. Risk of Complications and/or Morbidity or Mortality
C.1 Levels of Risk
Level of Risk / Nature of Presenting Illness/Problem(s) / Diagnostic Procedure Ordered / Management Options Selected
Minimal /
- One self-limited or minor problems; e.g., cold, insect bite, tinea corporis
- Laboratory tests requiring venipuncture
- Chest x-rays
- Urinalysis
- Ultrasound, e.g., echocardiography
- Rest
- Gargles
- Elastic Bandages
- Superficial dressings
Low /
- Two or more self-limited or minor problems
- One stable chronic illness; e.g., well controlled hypertension or non-insulin dependent diabetes, cataract, BPH
- Acute uncomplicated illness or injury; e.g., cystitis, allergic rhinitis, simple sprain
e.g., pulmonary function tests
Non-cardiovascular imaging studies
with contrast; e.g., barium enema
Superficial needle biopsies
Clinical laboratory tests requiring arterial puncture
Skin biopsies / Over-the-counter drugs
- Minor surgery with no identified risk factors
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- IV fluids without additives
Moderate / One or more chronic illnesses with mild exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment
- Two or more stable chronic illnesses
- Undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis, e.g., lump in breast
- Acute illness with systemic symptoms, e.g., pyelonephritis, pneumonitis, colitis
- Acute complicated injury e.g., head injury with brief loss of consciousness
- Diagnostic endoscopies with no identified risk factors
- Deep needle or incisional biopsy
- Cardiovascular imaging studies w/contrast and no identified risk factors, e.g., arteriogram, cardiac catheterization
- Obtain fluid from body cavity, e.g., lumbar puncture thoracentesis, culdocentesis
- Elective major surgery (open, percutaneous, or endoscopic) w/ no identified risk factors
- Prescription drug management
- Therapeutic nuclear medicine
- IV fluids with additives
- Closed treatment of fracture or dislocation without manipulation
High /
- One or more chronic illness with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment
- Acute or chronic illnesses or injuries that may pose a threat to life or bodily function, e.g., multiple trauma, acute MI, pulmonary embolus, severe respiratory distress, progressive severe rheumatoid arthritis, psychiatric illness with potential threat to self or others, peritonitis, acute renal failure
- An abrupt change in neurologic status, e.g., seizures, TIA, weakness, or sensory loss
- Cardiac electrophysiological tests
- Diagnostic endoscopies with identified risk factors
- Discography
- Emergency major surgery (open, percutaneous, or endoscopic),
- Parenteral controlled substances
- Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
- Decisions not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Final risk is determined by the highest of the 3 components above – take highest level to Box D
BOX D. Final Result for Complexity of Medical Decision-Making (MDM)
Box A / Number of diagnoses and/or management options /
1 point – Minimal
/2 points - Limited
/ 3 points – Multiple /≥ 4 points - Extensive
Box B / Amount and complexity of data reviewed or ordered /1 point - None/Minimal
/2 points - Limited
/ 3 points – Multiple /≥ 4 points - Extensive
Box C / Risk of complications and/or morbidity or mortality /Minimal
/ HighType of Medical decision-making /
/ Low Complexity /Moderate Complexity
/High Complexity
Final MDM requires that 2 of 3 of the above components are met or exceededEvaluation and Management (E/M) Level of Service
New Pt Outpatient Visit Requires 3 of 3 components met / Consult Outpatient Visit Requires 3 of 3 components met
E/M Code / History / Exam / MDM / Average Time / E/M Code / History / Exam / MDM / Average Time
99201 / PF / PF / S / 10 / 99241 / PF / PF / S / 15
99202 / EPF / EPF / S / 20 / 99242 / EPF / EPF / S / 30
99203 / D / D / L / 30 / 99243 / D / D / L / 40
99204 / C / C / M / 45 / 99244 / C / C / M / 60
99205 / C / C / H / 60 / 99245 / C / C / H / 80
Established Pt Outpatient Visit : Requires 2 of 3 components met; 1 must be MDM / ER Visit Requires 3 of 3 components met
99211 / NA / NA / NA / 5 / 99281 / PF / PF / S / NA
99212 / PF / PF / S / 10 / 99282 / EPF / EPF / L / NA
99213 / EPF / EPF / L / 15 / 99283 / EPF / EPF / M / NA
99214 / D / D / M / 25 / 99284 / D / D / M / NA
99215 / C / C / H / 40 / 99285 / C / C / H / NA
If the attending physician documented that the visit was dominated (more than 50%) by counseling or coordinating care, time may be used to determine the level of service. In addition to any history, examination or MDM documented, documentation must include the total visit time, counseling/coordination of care time, and details of the counseling/coordination of care. Details may include prognosis, differential diagnosis, risks, benefits of treatment, instructions, compliance, etc. If all the answers to the below 3 questions are “yes”, the total visit time may be used to select the level of the service.
Does the attending physician’s documentation indicate the total face-to-face visit time? / □ Yes □ No
Does the attending physician’s documentation indicate that more than 50% of the time was counseling or coordinating the patient’s care? / □ Yes □ No
Does documentation describe the content of counseling or coordinating the patient’s care? / □ Yes □ No