b. 1970, Ramat Gan

1993-1997 BFA, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Lives and works in Tel Aviv


2008Shenkar College, Multidisciplinary Art Department,Ramat Gan

2002-2008Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem

2000-2008Oranim, Acadmeic College of Education, Kiryat Tivon

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2013Seeing stars, Gordon Gallery, TelAviv

2011Demonstrating Presence, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, Switzerland. Curator: Sabine Schaschl

Details, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

2010Beside, Each, Other, Riccardo Crespi Gallery, Milan. Curator: Gabi Scardi

2008Site-Seeing, The University Gallery, Haifa. Curator: Ruti Direktor

2007Tremors, Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo, Pamplona. Curator: Octavio Zaya

2006Cross-Section, Ticho House, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Curator: Timna Seligman

2005Huleh Valley, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Curator: Ellen Ginton

2003Man/Dog Teams, Art in General, New York

2002Roof, 25th International Biennial of Sao Paulo. Curator: Tali Tamir

Jezreel Valley, Herzliya Museumof Contemporary Art. Curator: Tami Katz-Freiman

2001Installation, San Fransisco Art Institute. Curator: Karen Moss

2000Passage (in Collaboration with Pedro Cabrita Reis), Chelouche Gallery for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv.

Curator: Nira Itzhaki

1999Close to the Ground, The Kibbutz Art Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curator: Tali Tamir

19983 Artists, 3 Solo Shows, The Artists' Studio Gallery, Tel Aviv

Selected GroupExhibitions

2013WYSIWYG,Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv. Curators:Anat Danon Sivan

Moby Dick, Tel Aviv Museum of Art,Tel Aviv. Curator:Dalit Matatyahu

Israel Now - Reinventing the Future,MACRO (Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma), Italy. Curator:Micol Di Veroli

Le Pont,MAC/Marseille (Musee d'Art Contemporain), France. Curators:Thierry Ollat Unnatural, Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, U.S.A. Curator: Tami Katz-Freiman

2012The Mediterranean Approach,SESCPinheiros, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Curators: Adeline von Furstenberg and Thierry Ollat

The Mediterranean Approach,MAC/Marseille (Musee d'Art Contemporain), France. Curators: Adeline von Furstenberg

and Thierry Ollat

2011The Mediterranean Approach,54th Biennale di Venezia, Palazzo Zenobia, Venice, Italy. Curators: Adeline von Furstenberg

and Thierry Ollat

8th Mercosul Bienal 2011, Alem Fronteiras - Beyond Frontiers, Porte Allegre, Brazil. Chief Curator: Jose Roca.

Guest Curator: Aracy Amaral

Life a User's Manual,The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Curator: Aya Miron

The Museum Presents Itself,Israeli Art from the Museum Collection, Tel Aviv. Curator: Ellen Ginton

2010The Calm Before the Storm, Winzavod Art Center, Moscow. Curator: Vardit Gross

Expanded Drawing, Isabel Hurley Gallery. Curator: Pilar Ribal, Malaga

Natura & Destino, Riccardo Crespi Gallery, Milan. Curator: Gabi Scardi

Permanent Collection - New Acquisitions, Israeli Art Wing, Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

Curators: Amitai Mendelsohn and Igal Zalmona

The Fourth Biennale for Drawing, The Jerusalem Artists House. Curator: Tamar Manor-Friedman

2009Portrait: Different Sides,AshdodMuseum of Art. Curator:Yona Fischer

Family Traces, Israel Museum,Jerusalem. Curator: Tami Manor-Friedman

2008Real Time: Art in Israel 1998-2008, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Curators: Amitai Mendelson, Efrat Natan

Signs of Life, Anna Ticho Pavilion, Israel Museum,Jerusalem. Curator: Mira Lapidot

2007Israele: Arte Contemporanea, Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin. Curator: Arturo Schwarz

Boys Craft, Haifa Museum of Art. Curator: Tami Katz-Freiman

2006After, Petach Tikva Museum of Art. Curator: Hadas Maor

Mini-Israel, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Curator: Larry Abramson

Inside-Out,Marco, Vigo. Curator: Octavio Zaya

Israele Arte eVita, PalazzoReal, Milan. Curator: Amnon Barsel

2005The New Hebrews. A Century of Art in Israel, Martin Gropius-Bau, Berlin. Curator: Doreet LeVitte Harten

2004Terrorvision, Exit Art, New York. Curator: Jeanette Ingberman

Point of View, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Curator: Ellen Ginton

Embroidered Action, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary. Curator: Hadas Maor

Rose c'est la vie, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Curator: Edna Moshenson

2003Transfer, Krefeld Art Museum, Germany. Curator: Dr. Martin Henttschel

Tranfer,Bonn Art Museum, Germany. Curator: Dr. Ilene Kleinshmidt-Altpeter

2002Transfer, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Curator: Judith Spitzer

Arteinmemoria, Scavi di Ostia. Curator: Adachiara Zevi

LandEscape, Moore College Art Gallery, Philadelphia.Curators: Tami Katz-Freiman and Sheryl Harper

2001The Arturo Schwarz Collection, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Curator:Mordechai Omer

1999Hiria in the Museum, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Curator: Dr. Martyn Weyl

Fellowships & Awards

2006Beatrice S. Kolliner Young Israeli Artist Award, Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Israeli Ministry of Culture Award

2004Israel Cultural Excellence Award

Tel Aviv Museum and Isracard's Israeli Artist Award

2003Hadassah and Rafael Klatchkin Grant for Art, America-Israel Cultural Foundation

2001Sharet Foundation Fellowship, Israel-America Fund for Culture

2000Artist-Teacher Fellowship, Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture

1999Artist-Teacher Fellowship, Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture

1998 Young Artists' Award, Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture

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