b. 1950 Chicago, Illinois


1981M.F.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, Illinois (Painting)

1978B.F.A., DrakeUniversity,

Des Moines, Iowa (Painting)

1968-72School of the Art Institute of Chicago,

Chicago, Illinois (Undergraduate Studies)


1980-81Ford Foundation Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship

1978Graduated with honors, DrakeUniversity, Des Moines, Iowa


1985-presentPainting Instructor, Illinois Arts Council, Residency Participant in the Artist in Education Program

1997, 1995Painting Instructor, Southern Illinois Arts Workshop,

Mount Vernon, Illinois

1996Visiting Assistant Professor of Art and Design, Painting Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1995Visiting Artist and Lecturer, Painting Dept., BradfordCollege,

Bradford, Massachusetts

1994Visiting Artist, Painting Program, Fine Arts Dept.,

IllinoisStateUniversity, Normal, Illinois

1989Visiting Artist and Lecturer, Mural Painting Seminar, BradfordCollege, Bradford, Massachusetts


2003Alpha and Omega, Cinema Art Gallery, Urbana, Illinois

Sideshow (Museum of Mystery!), Aron Packer Gallery, Chicago

2001Revelations, Aron Packer Gallery, Chicago

Crossroads, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

2000Crossroads, ElmhurstArt Museum, Elmhurst, Illinois

Carnival of Images, Wm J. Bachman Gallery, Northern Indiana Arts Association, Munster, Indiana

Signs of the Times, TarbleArtsCenter,

Eastern IllinoisUniversity, Charleston, Illinois

1999Signs of the Times, Contemporary Series, KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

1998Meeting of the Minds, Peoria Arts Guild, Peoria, Illinois

1996Milestones, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago

1995Eye of the Beholder, McCleanCountyArtCenter, Bloomington, Illinois

1994Paintings, Drawings & Banners, BicentennialArtCenter, Paris, Illinois

Glen Davies: A Drawing Retrospective From One Private Collection, IlliniUnionArtGallery, Student Union,

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

1993Glen Davies Paintings, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago

The Pavilion of Broken Dreams, HeuserArtCenter, BradleyUniversity, Peoria, Illinois

1990Moments of Mystery, Urania Gallery, Champaign, Illinois

1989Encounters Eleven, HuntsvilleMuseum of Art, Huntsville, Alabama

Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture, DrakeUniversity, Des Moines, Iowa

Glen C. Davies Paintings & Drawings, Laura Knott Gallery,

BradfordCollege, Bradford, Massachusetts


2004Sideshow, Webb Gallery, Waxahachie, Texas

Dia de los Muertos, Verde Gallery, Champaign, Illinois

Everything But the Kitchen Sink, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

Sextablos: Works on Metal, Hyde ParkArtCenter, Chicago (opened in 1999), then traveled to New Orleans, Houston, PortlandOregon, and San JoseCalifornia

2003Here & Now art from greater C-U, KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

Champaign, Illinois

Non Commercial Art by Commercial Artists, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

2002Inspired in Illinois, LakeviewMuseum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria, Illinois

Non Commercial Art by Commercial Artists, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

2001From Flesh to Steel, IndianaUniversity Northwest, Gallery for Contemporary Art, Gary, Indiana

2000Rockford Midwestern, RockfordArt Museum, Rockford, Illinois

1999Group Show of Gallery Artists, Earthworks Gallery, Chicago

New Figurative Art, Earthworks Gallery, Chicago

1997Visions Not Far From Normal, University Galleries, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois

The Young And/Or the Restless, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago

199672nd Annual Faculty Exhibition, KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

Champaign, Illinois

Group Show of Gallery Artists, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago

1995Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, JohnsonState College, Johnson, Vermont

Day of the Dead, Laura Knott Gallery, BradfordCollege, Bradford,


1995A Story Told: The Narrative Impulse in Contemporary Art, RockfordArt Museum, Rockford, Illinois

Works on Paper, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago

New Art/New Year, IllinoisStateMuseum, Springfield, Illinois

1994ParklandCollegeArtGallery, Champaign, Illinois

1993Imagery: Incongruous Juxtapositions, Phyllis Kind Gallery,


Skewed Visions: Davies, Grucza and Guthrie, ISPACE, Chicago

The Davies/Ross Show, Seigfred Gallery, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

1992Under Exposed New Talent, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago

Collections: The Vernacular Object, University Galleries,

IllinoisStateUniversity, Normal, Illinois

Sexuality in Religion, World Tattoo Gallery, Chicago


2000Mural Painting Workshop, IAC Star Grant, Savannah, Illinois

1997Mural Painting Workshop, IAC Star Grant, Rushville, Illinois

1995Day of the Dead Workshop, Laura Knott Gallery, BradfordCollege, Bradford, Massachusetts

Mural Series and Exhibition Design for Children’s Museum of Illinois, Decatur, Illinois

1994Symposium, How Far Out is Outsider Art?, KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, Champaign, Illinois

1993-94Mural Commission and Banners for the exhibition Life Over Time,

Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois

1993Mural Painting Workshops, Arts Resource Grant, Chrisman, Illinois

1992Guest Panelist, Thrift Store Paintings, KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, Champaign, Illinois

1991Sideshow Installation/Workshop, RockfordArt Museum, Rockford, Illinois

1990Guest Curator, Palace of Wonders: Side Show Banners of the Circus &

Carnival, KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, Champaign


Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, Georgia

KrannertArt Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Roger Brown Collection, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois

Laura Knott Library, BradfordCollege, Bradford, Massachusetts

McDonald’s Corporation, Oakbrook, Illinois

Lawrence and Evelyn Aronson, Glencoe, Illinois

Jerome and Carol Ginsburg, Glenview, Illinois