
1958 B.S. Physics, University of Chicago

1965 PhD Physics, University of California at Berkeley

1965-67 Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Space Sciences Laboratory,

University of California at Berkeley

(Changed fields from physics to management science.)

Work Experience:

1967-68, Assistant Professor in Operations Research

School of Business, California State University at Hayward

1968-70, Assistant Professor in Organizations

GraduateSchool of Management, StateUniversity of New York at Buffalo

1970-1975, Associate Professor in Operations Research

Wharton School of Management, University of Pennsylvania

1975-1998, Program Officer, National Science Foundation

1998-2005, Professor, GraduateSchool of Management and Technology,

University of MarylandUniversityCollege

2007-2008, Visiting Scientist, Science and Technology Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Ankara, Turkey

2008-2009, Visiting Professor, NileUniversity, Cairo, Egypt

2006-present, Adjunct Professor, Department of Engineering and Technology

Management, PortlandStateUniversity

Published Books

Societal Dynamics (New York, Springer, 2011)

Managing Science (New York, Springer, 2010)

Managing Technological Innovation, 3rd Ed. (New York, John Wiley, 2010)

Managing Technological Innovation, 2nd Ed, (New York: John Wiley, 2004)

(Chinese language edition, 2007)

(Turkish edition, 2010)

Executive Strategy, (New York: John Wiley, 2002)

(Turkish edition, 2010)

Managing Technological Innovation, (New York: John Wiley, 1998)

Strategic Technology Management, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993)

(Japanese language edition, 2000)

University/Industry Partnership for Economic Development, (co-authored with

David Powers and Mary Powers) (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988

Managing Innovation,(New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1987)

Published Articles

"Technology and Financial Innovation", with Tarek Khalil, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, January, 2011.

"Technology and Corporate Governance -- Lessons Learnt", International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, February 2004, pp.1-12.

"Strategic Business Models", Engineering Management Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 3-9.

"Industry-University-Government Partnerships for Development in the U.S.", in Lefebre, Louis A., 2000, Knowledge-Based Economy (Cambridge Mass: MIT Press)

"New Ventures for Technological Innovation", in Dorf, Reichard C. 1999. Technology Management Handbook. (Florida: Chapman & Hall/CRCnetBASE)

"Academic/Government/Industry Strategic Research Parnerships", Journal of Technology Transfer, 1997. Vol 22(3), pp. 9-14.

"Industry/University Centres in the USA: Connecting Industry to Science", Industry and Higher Education, Fall, 1997. pp. 349-354.

"Forecasting and Planning Technology", in Handbook of Management of Technology, ed. By Gus Gaynor (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996)

"Targeted Basic Research", in Handbook of Management of Technology, ed. By Gus Gaynor (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996)

"Semantics and the Politics of Technology Policy", Technology Management, March 1995, p. 76.

"Management Paradigms and the Technology Factor" (co-authored with Kenneth Keys, Terek Khall, and Richard Smith), Technology Management, 1995, Vol 1, No. 6, ppl 242-246.

Basic Research and Technology Transfer", Int. J. Technology Management, 1994, pp 1-13.

"Next-Generation Technology and Research Consortia", Int. J. Technology Management, 1991, pp. 298-310.

"Research Linkages Between Universities and Production Sectors", Proceedings, Second Beijang International Conference on Strategic Orientation and Technology for National Development, April 1986 (UNESCO)

"Planning for Governmental Efficiency Through Staffing Allocation", International Journal of Public Administration, Vol 3, No. 2 (Spring 1981), p 157-188.

"Allocating R&D Resources In the Public Sector", (co-authored with L. V. Blankenship, C. Kruytbosh, R. Mason) in Management of Research and Innovation, edited by Burton Dean and Joel Goldhar. (North Holland Publishing Co, Amsterdam), 1980, p. 234-252.

"On Managing Science in the Systems Age", (co-authored with Ian Mitroff, Louis Pondy, Francisco Sagasti), Interfaces, May 1974, p. 46-58. (Reprinted in Systems and Management Science Annual: 1975, (Petrocelli: New York, 1975))

"Representational Systems Theory" (co-authored with Ian Mitroff), Management Science, May 1974, pp 1242-1252.

"Diatectical Decision Theory: A Meta-Theory of Decision Making", (co-authored with Ian Mitroff), Management Science, 1972, pp. 11-24.

"On the Management of Inquiry", Management Science, December 1971, p. B117-B133.

"Sponsored Research and University Budgets" (co-authored with Carlos Kruytbosch) Minerva, Vol 4, October 1970, pp 492-521.

"Funds, Fragmentation and Separation of Functions in the StateUniversity" (co-authored with Carlos Kruytbosch and David Stimson), Social Science Information, Vol VIII, February 1969.

Four earlier articles on high-energy physics experiments (1965-1968), co-authored in the Physical Review Journal of the American Physics Society.