North Bend Elementary Middle School

181 North Bend Road, Baltimore, MD 21229

Phone: (410)396-0376 Fax: (410)396-0380

Mrs. Patricia H. Burrell, Principal ¨ Mrs. Erica Vick, Assistant Principal

Be A. R. S. Elementary School Program Guidelines

(Revised September 2010)

Program Name: Be A. R. S. (Be Accountable! Be Responsible! Be Successful!)

Purpose: To develop a school-wide incentive and discipline program in order to improve the overall school climate by teaching and rewarding appropriate behavior, providing consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviors, and creating a peaceful and uniform environment to increase academic achievement.

BeARS Motto: “Be Accountable! Be Responsible! Be Successful…Be BeA.R.S.!”

Student Reward System:

·  BeARS Bucks Distribution:

Pre-K to 2nd reward a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 25 BeARS Bucks per day to various students.

o  3rd and 4th grade teachers reward a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 15 BeARS Bucks per class to various students.

5th grade and SPAR teachers reward a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10 BeARS Bucks per class per day to various students.

o  BONUS Bucks – please reward students who have completed their homework every day for the week or to those who have completed special projects, assignments, or activities with a $5 Bonus BeARS Buck.

·  Examples of when staff should give out BeARS Bucks are as follows:

o  Student acts as a leader within the class, answers a difficult question, volunteers, etc.

o  Student displays appropriate behaviors in hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, etc.

o  Student is a peer helper, defuses conflict, is a positive role model to other students.

o  Student consistently completes class work or homework in excellence.

o  Student shows improvement with behavior or academics.

o  Any demonstrated student behavior you wish to reinforce.

·  Calculating BeARS Bucks:

o  To further foster student responsibility, it will be the sole responsibility of the student to collect, keep, and redeem BeARS Bucks as needed.

o  Teachers may decide to assist the younger students with managing their BeARS Bucks.

·  Redeeming BeARS Bucks:

o  Students will be able to redeem BeARS Bucks for rewards throughout the month.

o  Teacher Level Rewards are redeemed at least weekly -at the teacher’s discretion.

o  Administrative Level Rewards are redeemed monthly based on the BeARS Reward Calendar.

Examples of Teacher Level Rewards – these are rewards that are provided by the teacher at his/her discretion at least weekly:

·  BeARS Bucks (provided daily)

·  School Supplies (Pencils, pens, paper, folder, pencil sharpeners. etc.)

·  Homework Pass

·  5 extra points on test, quiz, project

·  BeARS Student Certificate

·  Extra Computer Time

·  Lunch Bunch

·  First pick for class helpers

·  Snacks

·  Treats

·  Small Toys/Gifts

Example of Administrative Rewards – these are rewards that are provided by the school on a monthly basis as determined by the BeARS Reward Calendar:

·  BeARS Bucks

·  BeARS Raffle

·  Special Snacks or Treats

·  Special Prizes

·  Ice Cream Socials

·  Pizza Parties

·  Field/Gym Activities

·  Movies

·  The BeARS Committee is open to suggestions…

BeARS Elementary School Committee Members:

1.  Mr. Tamoshunas (3rd) – Co-Chair

2.  Ms. Washington (Social Worker) – Co-Chair

3.  Ms. Coker (K)

4.  Ms. Pearson (K)

5.  Ms. Johnson (2nd)

6.  Ms. Roxanne (Office)

7.  Ms. Gilliard (5th)

8.  Ms. Wyatt (ALC)

9.  Ms. Waddy (Tutor)