Date: August 4, 2015 / Location: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 7424 South Broadway, Tyler, TX / Facilitators:
Jackie Jones
Felicia Woodard-Shaw
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Recorders: Carmen Antley & Ellen Luna
Group Members to attend:
Gina Akin / Becky Balboa / Kathryne Boddie / Katie Burnett
Cathy Gaskin / Jackie Jones / Tracy Stewart / Gail Thomas
Nancy Welch / Felicia Woodard-Shaw / Carmen Antley / Amy Fennell
Sonia Alonzo / Kristi Anderson / Sandra Andrews / Marlin Barksdale
Byronne’ Barnes / Frankie Barnes / Bridget Black / Judy Briggs
Velma Brown / Alisha Burks / Linda Coleman / Mary Ann Combs
Nancy Craft / Ernestine Daniels / Sonja Davis / Misty Eberhart
Alice Faz / Veronica Garcia-Juarez / Denise Gean / Yvonne Gray
Novaline Greenwood / Benita Guzman / Gracie Hawkins / Juana Hernandez
Becky Hoag / Denise Holman / Gloria Hurd / Monica Ingram
Pat Johnson / Elizabeth Johnston / Linda Jones / Irene Lara
Olga Lara / Pya Lee / Carolyn Lewis / Misty Line
Barbara Livingston / Claudia Lobatos / Veronica Lopez / Debra Mackey
Kristina Maisel / Denise McCoy / Ruby McCray / Maria Montoya
Ginger Orange / Estelle Overshown / Yolanda Perez / Gayle Phillips
Sina Pirtle / Dona Pitstick / Roberta Ponder / Leticia Quintana
Karen Rehders / Gracie Rodriguez / Juana Rojas / Adriana Ruiz
Julie Russell / Marilu Santibanez / Maria Santoy / Lesly Sifford
Hannah Skinner / Mary Smith / Norma Solis / Angie Soules
Cindy Stephens / Stephanie Stump / Kathy Taylor / Susan Taylor
Kimberly Thornton / Edith Toledo / Kathy Ward / Vickie Wilson
Erin Wyatt / Felicia Griffith / Ana Hernandez / Ellen Luna
John Hurst / Pam Kennon / Laura Lopez / Penny Bing
Helen Jefferson / Lori Alford / Pat Cummins / Gail Conner
Laura Lopez
Agenda Item / Notes / Action
MIS Function Code / If meeting includes training, code as Professional Growth 01. / Professional development (01) for 5 hours +your travel time.
Welcome and Celebrations-
Presenter: Nancy Welch/Becky Balboa / ●Welcome & Celebrations
Becky welcomed everyone to the training. Turn in insurance forms to Felicia or Jackie and they will forward to Rhonda Richardson. These are due Aug 10th. Write down technology issues on the pad provided. Contact Amy with technology issues, however she cannot unlock computers, contact the Help Desk. Becky will be the interim Head Start director starting Sept 1st. Nancy will return Oct 1st as the Associate Deputy Executive Director of Head Start (part-time).
●Introductions – New Employees
Ore City - Alisha Burks
South Ward - Sonia Alonzo
Henderson - Sonja Davis
Team changes: Brownsboro is red, Lindale is green, EHS is lavender.
●5 year grant/Program Goals
Program goals are still the same as last year: 1) Promote opportunities for parental engagement, education, and empowerment; 2) Provide comprehensive, early intervention services to children and families, connecting home and school.
Did you know? 2014-2015 celebrations were read:
- 1803 Onsite Dental Exams were performed
- 550 Parents or Guardians attended Nutrition Parent trainings
- 88 parents received nutrition consultations
- 2414 Brigance III Screeners were scanned into CP
- 2,242 Volunteers participated in the program
- 1,512 Families received parent education services
- 486 families received emergency/crisis intervention services
- We reached our 10% disabilities
- Daily Schedule posted-updated as needed
- Carpooling is expected at all times / Cash travel checks immediately
- Community Networking Forms to Program Compliance/Tracy
- Covering Education Specialists during teacher visits-Help out
- Policy Council Rep’s name is due to Jennifer Waits by September 25th; therefore 1st Parent Meeting must be conducted prior to the deadline date.
Call for a child expelled for behavior issues immediately or as soon as it is known. Mental Health may need to step in or Administration may need to work with the principal to provide support for the family/child. ChildPlus is accessed to read any casenotes from the teacher. Some children with behavior issues are taken to the FSW/A office. Do not accept the child, take to the office or counselor. This will be addressed with the principals and teachers/TAs. ISS is a punishment and is not supported by our HSPS. Administration will keep FSW/A involvement confidential when speaking with the principals and teachers/TAs.
FSWs work 200 days, FSAs work 240. Raises were reflected on the July checks. FSW/As may not go over 40 hours per week. Supervisors need to be informed if time goes over 40 hours. There is a 2 hour maximum that FSW/As may assist the school, this may vary based on the need.
Supervision issues are our #1 priority and must be reported to the HS office in Dallas.
Admin Procedures reminders were read:
- When to CALL your Assistant Director
- Absence for the day (also your campus Administrator)
- Closed campus, delayed start or early dismissal
- Safety concerns
- A child expelled or sent home for misbehavior
After Start of day-Call AD’s office phone
- Working on a day requested off-send Rhonda Richardson and CC supervisor the following:
- Jury Duty release with dismissal time needed with time accounting
- Will complete a single doc-e-fil for a single event-still must be consecutive days but doesn’t matter if it’s a Fri-Monday or two different months.
- Review Administrative Procedures and FSWA/ERSEA Manuals if in doubt
If you need a replacement computer monitor, let Amy know.
Kleenex deliveries - give teachers the entire box.
Reports 4002, 4003 and 2025 look great; wonderful job FSW/As!
You will submit one travel electronically August 7th. CASH CHECKS immediately!
Door prizes were given out.
●2015-2016 FSW/A Advisory Committee members
Write down each member on the board by the end of the day.
●Policy Council representative names emailed to Jennifer Waits by September 25th
FSW/A Supervisor Expectations / ●FSW/A Manual Highlights
- Substitute teacher/TA training instructions
- Drop-off and Pick-up times
- Campus Assistance-up to 2 hours per day
- No travel last 5 days in August
- Removed Personal Leave (1-3)-refer to Admin Procedures
- Calendar changes-(inclement weather) follow most recently signed calendar
- If your school is closed on Fridays talk to supervisor now
●Supervisor Expectations
ChildPlus Application Updates/Needs Assessment
Presenters: Pam Kennon & Ellen Luna / ●Contact Pam if the print is still small in CP
●Adding a new family application: “Add Family” is now on the top. Hispanic family, add “other” and type in Other Race. Dental coverage has been added. This information can be added later. You must manually enter TANF, it does not default to No. Program Term defaults to New, change to Waitlisted. Location Preferred does not default; Pam to check on this with CP. Multiple locations may be selected. CACFP date and income does not need to be entered. Systematic Selection has changed some. WIC numbers need to be entered in notes or in Family Information (it can also be added in Family Services Information tab).
●Family Service Information: 2 case worker names can be entered. Report 4002 contains Family Service information. If Needs Assessment does not get completed, add note for explanation. Subsidy is always No for Head Start. Insurance coverage was added to this tab. Parental schooling and male involvement information were added. Are parent meetings the same as parent trainings in CP? Pam to verify with Tracy. Pam can change C.48.a question if a male needs to be counted. Financial literacy - ask Tracy.
●2025 Report: checkbox for excluding ineligible applicants.
●PFCE Family Outcomes Module: 3 a year - 1) Needs Assessment, 2) Mid-Year Assessment, and 3) Final Assessment. You can print outcome worksheet and take with you to home visits (scoring legend is at the top). ChildPlus will compare results and show improvement. There is also a place for notes.
PFCE Framework/Outcomes
Presenters: Tracy Stewart & Amy Fennell / ●Enrollment is priority right now
●ERSEA Manual overview: Head Start Final Rule: copying documentation used when taking an application. Misrepresenting income or falsifying information added to manual per HS mandate. Attendance: review district policies to determine enrollment status on a case-by-case basis. New EHS policy: After 4 consecutive unexcused absences and/or 12 total unexcused absences for the program year, FSA will send the approved attendance letter to the parent informing them of the importance of their child attending school and to immediately contact the Program Compliance Coordinator.
●FSW Manual: notate highlighted areas. 30 days to complete needs assessment. 60 days to complete FPAs and establish goals. Family Services section will contain routine contacts, newsletters, etc. Send Pam the community networking forms. Contact Tracy or Amy with issues working with parents concerning FPAs/goals. Bilingual Assistance: Document sent by OHS about dual learners. 1) Obtain primary language, 2) Obtain preferred language, 3) Provide oral interpretation for all meetings/trainings, etc. Parent Engagement Expectations: Conduct 8 parent trainings (topics) and 1 male involvement event. This is to encourage more attendance. Two topics can be presented per meeting. Document any parents who does not come to parent orientation in CP. Policy Council rep names needed by the 25th of September.
●PFCE Family Outcomes Module: a sample was shown from last year. FPA follow-up can be entered in the notes section.
Health & Safety
Presenters: Katie Burnett & John Hurst / ●TB Questionnaires were filled out. Please document any TB issues with a student in CP.
●Welcome back and thank you for your service. “Head Starts Works” because of the FSW/As. The data/PIR speaks for itself. The Health team asks for a lot but will give as much as it asks for. Call Katie if you need extra support.
●Complete all information on the Health Information tab.
●We are tasked to make sure parents have access to insurance (see FSW/A manual for instructions). Sit with the parent to access Medicaid (Your Texas Benefits, you may assist the parent to set up an account) to make sure it is active and when it expires. Also, make dental and physical appointments with the parents in your office. Undocumented children still need to apply for Medicaid to prove to the OHS that we have exhausted all resources. Title V funds are available in September and are gone quickly. Our partnership with Medicaid to be an access point will be dropped this year.
●Folder Audit form is provided to each person, this will be a great help before each nurse comes to audit your Health section. A 2132 attachment report is helpful to fill out this form.
●Each physical and dental record needs a stamped receipt.
●The on-site dentals are still up in the air at this time, it is still in process. Obtaining dental records has been an issue as well.
●John w/Safety - FSW/As please perform a playground checklist asap. John will contact the principals with any non-compliances. The goal is that the mulch will be ready before school starts.
●Our goal is that no supervision issues come up this year. Some changes have been made on Live Binder with the new updated look of CP.
●Wasp nests/ant beds, etc. are a maintenance issue and need immediate attention.
FSW/A Advisory Team selections / ●All team members have been nominated. Thank you for serving in 15-16.
Coordinator Updates / Gina Akin: Beginning of school, fill out suspected disabilities forms and send to Gina. SpEd sign-in sheet is current online. SpEd evaluations are on a different time table, have them fill out an application and fill out SDF, but they will not be able to get disability points for the start of school. 21 videos have been made but 2 are specific for FSW/As: 1 about attachments and 1 for IEPs/IFSPs, etc. There are several videos for parents about transition. Brochures are available and IDEA parent resource notebooks will be given out. Receipt is inside notebook. Brigance: FSW/As scan them into CP, do not enter results. If you can’t get SpEd records, let Gina know. There are issues with disability providers not signing the forms.
Tracy Stewart: handout given out about tips Parent Training Agendas and Parent Training Minutes. Get new forms online. New PC Monthly Deadlines 15-16 calendar available online. Kilgore and Marshall’s orientation packets will be available soon.
Jackie Jones (for Cathy Gaskin, Education): Thank you for help with Brigance. Child assessment software is changing, CLI Engage is replacing GOLD. New yellow and pink Specialists, still looking for red. New teacher forms for parent contacts. TA credentialing: new credentialing videos available online.
Gail Thomas: NIF, parents must sign within 45 days. Nutrition consultations, manila folder. Discourage parents bringing food to school, mainly at the beginning of school. Food allergies require MD documentation, to be scanned into CP. Inform Nutrition of parent training dates. For parent trainings, $20 per campus for food. $60 per classroom for male involvement events. Email Nutrition supply requests. Email menus monthly to support.
Kathryne Boddie: thank you for your help and support to meet with parents. Mental Health Corner is a great resource for parents. Sign-in sheet for the counselors is a confidential document, not to be left at the front desk. Use MH flyers for bulletin boards. Encouragement letter for parents. Behavior concerns: referrals in CP and email. FSW/As are our first contact. New parenting information coming.
Katie Burnett: FAK - new thermometer strips. Parent training, notify Health if you need more materials. Health will help with deadlines, let them know. Identify challenges early.
Q&A/Wrap Up / Evaluations for today are online; Friday’s evaluation will be printed. Insurance is due Aug 10th. We will be monitored this program and every site and every classroom will be visited.
Tech issues have been notated on the board. Amy showing newly formatted website. Categories are new and forms are easier to find. Everyone needs to be using Google Chrome. You may see outdated forms and formatting issues may arise. Reviewed dates should be July 2015.
We Are Family! All our efforts are helping the most needy families.
Upcoming Training/Meetings / ●Friday, August 7, 2015, Green Acres Baptist Church Crosswalk A, Tyler, TX 9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.
Next Meeting Date- / ●September 28, 2015, Kilgore, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.