Dade County Pharmacy Association
Continuing Education Program
Year-in-Review (2003-2004)
Submitted by
Reginal Harris, RPh, CPh, MBA
Chair, CE Committee
May 28, 2004
The Dade County Pharmacy Association Continuing Education Committees is proud to recap its educational programs, speakers and sponsors for the 2003-2004 CE calendar year. We are extremely happy our members benefited both professionally and educationally from an array of excellent speakers and gracious sponsors, who have made this year successful. The CE Committee members were Reginal Harris, Chair, Cristina Bello-Quintero, Carmen Aceves-Blumenthal, Humberto Martinez, Sharon Smith; Carla Luque, Gisela Epelbaum, and Fritz Hayes.
Our first CE program was September 2003, a GERD Update and NSAID Induced Gastropathy: Optimal Avoidance. This 2 hours program was sponsored by Tap Pharmaceuticals and presented byDr.Patricia Lieveld, PharmD, Xavier College of Pharmacy. This program carried ACPE accreditations through Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. This program attendance was outstanding and the speaker received excellent evaluation for the presentation of this difficult topic.
The October and November 2003 programs were jointly presented by both DCPA and Anti-American Pharmacist Association (IPA). We’ve conducted joint programs over the years with IPA and we always get great turnouts from their membership. The first joint program, “A Pharmacists Update on HIV Infection, HIPAA Compliance in the Pharmacy, and Update on Pharmacy Law” yielded 4 general hours. The speakers wereDale Kummerle, PharmD, Goar Alvarez, PharmD, and Carmen Aceves Blumenthal respectively. The HIV presentation was two hours and covered many new treatment regimens for HIV infected patients. The HIPAA presentation refreshed our members’ minds of the recently federally mandated requirements to protect patient healthcare information. The pharmacy law presentation no only covered the law requirements for HIV, but also and update on new rules instituted that affect pharmacy practice as implemented by the Florida Board of Pharmacy. The November program “Managing Your Private Payors Business Workshop” presented by Janet Blanco. This 2 hours program was sponsored by Ole’ Med and Pharmed Pharmaceuticals.
The December 2003 program was a hit. Attendance was standing room only. Dr. Francie Morales, presented “What’s New and Different about the Management of Diabetes.” This 3 hours program was sponsored Aventis Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Morales’ approach and education on this topic laid a foundation, discussed treatment regimens, and gave practical ways pharmacists could impact this dreaded disease. She is a Diabetes Scientific Manager and US Medical Affairs Educator on this topic. It is notable to disclose many of our member’s post presentation evaluation indicated her presentation was “one of the best on Diabetes” they’d heard. We’ve invited her back to present next year.
Our January 2004 program, “8th Annual South Florida Pharmacist Residency Seminar”, provide either 15 hours of general hours or 12 hours consultant recertification hours and 3 hours general hours. This weekend seminar was held at the Miami Airport Marriott hotel. There were 7.5 hours offered on Saturday and 7.5 hours on Sunday. This program outlined 29 speakers who covered their topics with perfection. Our speakers were Pharmacy Residents from sponsoring medical facilities. The medical facilities, residents, and topics are as follows:
Anisa Mock, Pharm.D. / Therapeutic Options for Treatment of Migraine HeadachesBAPTIST HOSPITAL –NOVA SE PHARMACY PRACTICE
Jaime W. Parente, Pharm.D. /
Anticoagulation and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
Abby Rivas-Marrero, Pharm.D. / Oral Anticoagulation: Comparison Of Ximelagatran And WarfarinNOVA SE – AMBULATORY CARE
Sue Warburton, Pharm.D. / Smoking Cessation
John Redwanski, Pharm.D.
/ A Review of Medications Approved in 2003BROWARD GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER
Carline Laguerre, Pharm.D. / JNC VII: Update On The New Hypertension GuidelinesShelley Alexander, Pharm.D. / New Therapeutic Options for Treating HIV
Michelle Gonzales, Pharm.D. / Pharmacological Management of Multiple Sclerosis
Tracey Gordon, Pharm.D. / They Snooze, We Lose: Narcolepsy in the Elderly
Celeste Oatman, Pharm.D. / Pharmacological Management of Women with Infertility
Suzanne Thompson, Pharm.D. / Angiogenesis: Cascade of Destruction or Pathway to Inhibition
Marie Vilme, Pharm.D. / Current and Future Management of Complicated Skin Infections
Helen Yotseff, Pharm.D. / The Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Ellen Martin-Cooper, Pharm.D. / Fish Oil and Cardiovascular Disease
Jacqueline Kill, Pharm.D. / New Treatments in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Shari Tagoff, Pharm.D. / Review of Glaucomas and Their Treatments
Day Scott, Pharm.D. / Treatment & Monitoring of DM: Review of Therapy & New Developments
Amber Lundy, Pharm.D. / Malaria: A Health Concern at Home and Abroad
Suly Alvarez, Pharm.D. / Pharmacology Management Update on Invasive Fungal Infections
Laurane Richards-Maxwell, Pharm.D. / The New Frontier of Forteo®
Deidre R. Payne, Pharm.D. / Little Ones and Little Doses: Pediatrics and OTC Medications
Deborah Larison, Pharm.D. / ABCs of DVT
Zahira Melgen, Pharm.D. / The Pharmacotherapy of Metabolic Syndrome
Caroline Ndungu, Pharm.D. / Urinary Incontinence: There is Hope
Chinwe C. Opara, Pharm.D. / Inspra: Inspiring the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure
Natalie C. Perry, Pharm.D. / Drug Interactions with Antiretroviral Therapy
Kajal K. Shah, Pharm.D. / New Horizons in the Treatment of Psoriasis
Jaekyu Shin, Pharm.D. / Aripiprazole: Efficacy and Safety Comparison with Other Antipyschotics
Urvashi Sohan, Pharm.D. / The Role of Atomoxetin:Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Jennifer R. Spadaro, Pharm.D. / Management of the Post MI Patient
Our Executive Committee approved placing a ¼ page ad in the December issue of the Florida Pharmacy Today Journal. This set a precedent for our association in that we will use the FPA journal as a mechanism to communicate to other pharmacists outside of Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties. Special thanks to the Florida Pharmacy Today Journal Board, Jean Krier, and Pat Powers for your support and taking care of the arrangement of the ad in the journal. We had four exhibitors who displayed at our January program. We are grateful to Purdue Pharma, Eckerd Drugs, Walgreens, and AstraZeneca for your financial contribution and participation in our program. We extend heartfelt thanks to the Airport Marriott Hotel and its staff for their professional interaction and planning. We thank Ginny DeLeonardo and Linda Thompson for working closely with our planning committee to make this event a success.
We took a brief break in February and prepared for March, April, and May 2004 programs. The Executive Committee approved an ad announcing our March and April CE programs in Florida Pharmacy Today Journal. The March 2004 program, “RX Patrol and Pharmacology of Pain Management” was sponsored by, Purdue Pharma. This 3 hours general hours presented by Dr. Jacqueline A. LaPerriere, Director, Medical Liaisons, Purdue Pharma, L.P. covered a timely topic dealing with the do’s and don’t of managing both inventory and patients on controlled substances. She explained the RX PATROL concepts and how to put them into practice. This unique program, developed by Purdue Pharma, educated our members on identifying information that protects the Pharmacist, assisting law enforcement and recognizing therapies that provide relief while preventing abuse of controlled substances. This program was well attended and many questions were answered. Purdue Pharma continues to work with us on our continuing education efforts.
We presented 4 hours general education program in April 2004. This program, “Rules & Regulations for Pharmacy Practice”, had four speakers. Dr. Goar Alvarez, Associate Professor, Nova Southeastern University, presented an hour on “HIPAA Rules & Application to Pharmacy Practice”. Mr. Fritz Hayes, presented the first hour of “Continuous Quality Improvement” program and what every pharmacy manager or pharmacist in charge needs to know to comply with the requirements. His presentation was followed by Sharon Smith, who spoke on “Medication Error Reporting and Documentation”. She explained in excellent terms the requirements for this program and the ease of implementation. Rounding out our speakers was Dr. Eric Alvarez, Florida Board of Pharmacy Member. He presented a comprehensive update on “Laws & Rules” newly implemented by the Board and updated on rule changes to come. This program was very well attended and the speakers were awesome. They have been invited to do this presentation again next year.
Our May 2004 Officers’ Installation Banquet and 2 hour general education program was a success. This program was held at the Whydah Grand Bay hotel in Coconut Grove. This program served the dual purpose of providing continuing education and installation of new officers for 2004-2005. The educational topics presented by Dr. Laura G. Annis were “Update on Key Hypertension Data to Support Clinical Pharmacists” and“Compliance and Adherence”. Dr. Annis is Clinical Assistant Professor and AHEC Pharmacy Coordinator Department of Pharmacy Practice College of Pharmacy, University of Florida. She was awesome and her ability to involve the participants was sheer skill. Special thanks to Miami Norvasc Team, the Ledford Group, and Mary Alvarez, Pharm.D. Clinical Education Consultant, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals for organizing and sponsoring this event. We look forward to presenting the “Value of Medicine” program early Fall 2004.
We thank our members and IPA members for your attendance at all of our programs. Thank you for your generous support of our fall fundraisers for charity. We annually recognize and financially contribute to the Miami Rescue Mission and Camillus House. We recognize the massive contribution that these two organizations give to the community and to homeless people. DCPA continues to provide support and financial assistance to these organizations in recognition of the impact they have on those less fortunate.
We had many changes in our continuing education reporting requirements. There was confusion regarding CE Broker and the requirement of the Board of Pharmacy that each licensee had the option to subscribe. The latest information regarding this issue was published in February 2004 by the Director of Medical Quality Assurance Division. She stated in her letter, “There is no obligation or requirement that licensees subscribe to CE Broker. If licensees wish to subscribe with CE Broker to tract and manage their continuing education requirements, it is totally voluntary on their part.” She further wrote, “There is no relationship between a licensee’s decision to subscribe to CE Broker and renewal of the license.” As an approved CE provider, DCPA is registered with CE Brokers to report all CE programs conducted since February 1, 2004. If you would like more information regarding CE Broker, please visit our website at and click on the CE Broker link.
We collectively thank all the sponsors identified above for your unyielding support of DCPA’s educational programs. Thank you for your monetary contributions and facilitation of speakers throughout our CE calendar year. We hope to continue to work with you as we endeavor to enhance the level of continuing education to our members. Your support, cooperation, and participation are greatly appreciated.
We would like to extend special thanks to the Miami Veterans Administration Hospital for their generosity and awesome facility. We would be remised if we did not take this opportunity to publicly thank two of our own, Dr. Christina Bello-Quintero and Dr. Deidre Edwards for ensuring all logistical aspects of using the VA auditorium facility were accomplished. Thank you for your support.
---End of report---
Submitted by Reginal Harris, RPh, CPh, MBA Chair, CE Committee May 28, 2004