Tuesday April 3, 2007

Group Chat


[18:15] /Meebo: has joined the chat
[18:15] /Meebo: has joined the chat
[18:16] /Meebo: It worked!
[18:16] /Meebo: Yes, and it was easy!
[18:17] /Meebo: how are you doing?
[18:17] /Meebo: busy, but good. How about you? I will be seeing you at Simmons a week from Thursday
[18:17] /Meebo: has joined the chat
[18:17] /Meebo: hi
[18:18] /Meebo: Hi
[18:18] /Meebo: Welcome
[18:18] /Meebo: thanks, I couldn't find the join the group icon.
[18:19] /Meebo: Romina, are you MRGTOGNOLA
[18:20] /Meebo: yes, I am
[18:20] /Meebo: has joined the chat
[18:20] /Meebo: Yay - we're all here!
[18:21] /Meebo: sorry - a little late
[18:22] /Meebo: Did everyone see the e-mail about the poster board session?
[18:22] /Meebo: yes, I saw it.
[18:22] /Meebo: yes, reading it now
[18:22] /Meebo: Saw the email, haven't read the content yet though
[18:23] /Meebo: it reads like "poster session 101 to me"
[18:23] /Meebo: Basically we'll have a 6 foot table and the wall space behind it
[18:23] /Meebo: it's gives a little bit of guidance, basically we will have access to plugs for laptops....but doesn't really give a firm idea of what they are looking for
[18:23] /Meebo: that's a lot of space
[18:24] /Meebo: yeah, but it will fill up quickly, especially with four people there
[18:24] /Meebo: you're right, I didn't think of that
[18:25] /Meebo: so how should we begin?
[18:25] /Meebo: how about public funding?
[18:25] /Meebo: I know I have very few good suggestions for our public funding side of our "top ten" lists
[18:26] /Meebo: Yes, judging by the amount of public funding suggestions, I'm wondering if we should do top 5 on each side
[18:27] /Meebo: That sounds good. kept it simple and focused
[18:27] /Meebo: I think 5 would be a good idea - and see if we can combine some of the suggestions on the other side (like mine, I realized a few were closely related)
[18:28] /Meebo: okay, than we should probably start with private and widle it down to five there
[18:29] /Meebo: Should we make suggestions now, or pair it down on the wiki?
[18:30] /Meebo: depends - does one person want to volunteer to combine similar topics or should we do that together now?
[18:30] /Meebo: I think we should try to start
[18:30] /Meebo: We could start by naming our 1 or 2 "favorite"
[18:31] /Meebo: I like #s
[18:31] /Meebo: do you mean adopting the dewey decimal number? I like that one too!
[18:32] /Meebo: 1, 4 (9 can be related), 7, 12, and 15
[18:32] /Meebo: I like that one too, it's like the adopt-a-highway campaign.
[18:32] /Meebo: sorry, hit return early, I like those numbers for private funding
[18:32] /Meebo: and yes, I also like the adopt a dewey section
[18:33] /Meebo: This was brought up at my last supervisor's meeting last week!
[18:33] /Meebo: Independent of this project
[18:34] /Meebo: It gives the donors/volunteers some hands on ownership of the library
[18:35] /Meebo: and I think it's a realistic undertaking for many libraries
[18:36] /Meebo: Yeah, it could be as easy as 1 or 2 new books in a dewey section every year - or much greater - depending on sources
[18:37] /Meebo: which other ideas do you all like?
[18:37] /Meebo: How about #15 (I want to follow up with the state library of virginia about how much money they make from it
[18:37] /Meebo: if that is the case, that is a lot of money!
[18:37] /Meebo: I really like 15 too, and it would be great to folllow up
[18:37] /Meebo: I may be just a joke... but I know at the mall I worked at they made 1,000s
[18:38] /Meebo: so my votes would be #1, work on combing (#4, 9, 14), #10, #12
[18:39] /Meebo: #15 would be great - but how many libraries have enough traffic to make that kind of crazy money!
[18:39] /Meebo: It is simple enough though
[18:39] /Meebo: my only hesitation with 10 is we've tried to do that here at Perkins and it proved to be more work than the money we get for it -- but maybe if we were in a community with better donations that would be different!
[18:40] /Meebo: that's true, but it would be a good volunteer job for someone
[18:40] /Meebo: Romina and Sarah - what are your top 5 votes?
[18:40] /Meebo: are you talking about books or things?
[18:40] /Meebo: for the items on the Private Funding options:
[18:40] /Meebo: We've done the auctions here and they are fairly successful
[18:41] /Meebo: for ebay - getting things other than weeded books to sell
[18:41] /Meebo: yeah, for ebay....getting items, like a yard sale type thing?
[18:42] /Meebo: yeah, or a yard sale...although that is probably not too innovative
[18:42] /Meebo: but if it works . . .
[18:43] /Meebo: sorry to stray but I like #7 because people love food and I like #12 because space for events is very expensive and having an event at the library also markets it to the attendees
[18:44] /Meebo: but who pays for the ingredients, etc.
[18:44] /Meebo: I think #12 is great - libraries would have to set policies for that though -
[18:45] /Meebo: the bakers make the ingredients part of their donations to the library - it can be a bit expensive
[18:45] /Meebo: I think people also could buy advance tickets and the library could pay a set price to the chef
[18:45] /Meebo: I think most people do an event like #7 for the fun of it, and because it sheds a new light on the library
[18:45] /Meebo: I think it would be interesting to see if libraries tried to partner with community organizations/business to fund programs--so the library provides the space, business do a good deed for the community.
[18:46] /Meebo: I remember seeing something last year about the Maine libraries doing a lobster bake/boil as a fundraiser.
[18:46] /Meebo: True, but if well organized many supermarkets, food stores are very willing to donate as long as it is advertised.
[18:46] /Meebo: yes, definitely
[18:47] /Meebo: number 12 is great, but I wonder if it gets into the tax/nonprofit thing
[18:47] /Meebo: yeah, our lobster coop sponsered part of our chowder contest - it was a lot of fun, and pretty successful. Really, the best part was people voted with dollars, so the night had a fun, competitive edge
[18:47] /Meebo: I think it would depend on the library's policies, because they may outline that they provide it to any community group free of charge; but this would be an after hours thing
[18:48] /Meebo: could #12 be in the court of friends groups, but still use the space?
[18:48] /Meebo: I think then #12 could be a "suggested donation" rather than a set fee -
[18:48] /Meebo: Princeton actually rents two of the rooms we have--the community room, which holds about 200 people and our conference room, but we only rent to nonprofit groups in Princeton.
[18:49] /Meebo: But, we charge 50 and 25 respectively for two hours.
[18:50] /Meebo: legistics of it is hard but it could be very profitable. newton only rents to non-profit so it could be a tax issue- but could that be changed?
[18:50] /Meebo: you'd probably need a volunteer lawyer to really say
[18:50] /Meebo: But I would guess that if they decided to rent it out for a private function the charge would be significantly greater....otherwise what's the point? The library has stay open; there has to be security, lights, cleaning. There could be damage to the room.
[18:51] /Meebo: how do museums deal with it?
[18:52] /Meebo: They have the infrastructure to do it. And actually museums, don't rent out their spaces to private parties.
[18:52] /Meebo: it's a huge liability
[18:52] /Meebo: Perhaps the friends group could rent a space and it would be under their supervision. libraries do rent space to starbucks, etc. so there must be a work around. if we like this idea i could look into it
[18:52] /Meebo: aquariums do - and sometimes museums or galleries will have specific rooms for that purpose
[18:52] /Meebo: that sounds great -- Sorry to interupt, but just a heads up that I need to leave by about 7:10 tonight at the latest because I'm still at work and have to get home to let my dog out and meet someone by 8pm.
[18:53] /Meebo: My cousin had his wedding at Plimoth Plantation:
[18:54] /Meebo: so, in the matter of time, can we talk about who should do what and then continue the discussion on the specifics of the points we choose, or does someone else have another idea?
[18:54] /Meebo: no that sounds good
[18:55] /Meebo: I think a good way to outline it would be for each of us to choose 1 item from our top 5 on each side to research more
[18:55] /Meebo: maybe as you said at the beginning of this we should groups the points together
[18:55] /Meebo: that will leave one extra on each side; however we could also split up so 1 person is responsible for making the poster and 1 person for the brochure, and then the remaining two will take an extra point
[18:56] /Meebo: I would like more discussion on the private funding - could we meet about that another time?
[18:57] /Meebo: I think we need to discuss further before we start planning on who does the poster
[18:57] /Meebo: whoops - I meant public funding, sorry
[18:57] /Meebo: that sounds good - can we all place our votes on our top 5s?
[18:57] /Meebo: I'm not really in love with the public funding suggestions, and wouldn't mind doing another brainstom session on that one
[18:58] /Meebo: good, me too
[18:58] /Meebo: yes, and I will post my ideas too
[18:58] /Meebo: i like the idea of choosing 1 and do more research or elaborating . public funding is hard because i don't really understand how the budget is drawn up and the relationships involved
[18:59] /Meebo: MY private funding top 5: #1 (#4,9,14), #10, #12, #15
[18:59] /Meebo: I added Siobhan's and my votes to the wiki page
[19:00] /Meebo: Guys, off track I know, but I have emailed Mary Pergander, and she is aware of the changes to the wiki. She said she will be back in touch, but I will give her updates again, perhaps she can join us next time.
[19:00] /Meebo: what were your votes lana?
[19:00] /Meebo: did you email greta?
[19:00] /Meebo: mine are 1, 4 (combined with 9 and 14), 7, 12, and 15
[19:01] /Meebo: No, I could email her too though
[19:01] /Meebo: mine are so far 1, 15, 12, 7 and looking for the fifth...
[19:03] /Meebo: should we say that we will meebo again sometime in the next few weeks?
[19:03] /Meebo: I say -
[19:04] /Meebo: 1. make combinations to wiki
[19:04] /Meebo: when is a good time to meet again, and what do we want to have accomplished by then -- sorry to be pushing along; I think 1 week is realistic, and can talk next Mon or Weds
[19:04] /Meebo: 2. tally votes
[19:04] /Meebo: Next Monday is good, next wednesday not, because I am going to Books2eat to check it out - I can report back on it if you like!
[19:05] /Meebo: mine so far are 9, 1, (2& 7), 14, 15
[19:05] /Meebo: by next week I think we should have our votes cast on the private funding, and have added new suggestions to the public funding
[19:05] /Meebo: 3. Meet again, and discuss public funding/more brainstorming
[19:05] /Meebo: Next monday is not good
[19:05] /Meebo: monday doesnt work for me but anytime tu-fr
[19:05] /Meebo: since we do this via chage, could we meet on a weekend?
[19:05] /Meebo: sorry, chat
[19:05] /Meebo: sure how is sunday?
[19:06] /Meebo: Not next sunday, but the 15th could work for me
[19:07] /Meebo: I'm going away that weekend, how about the 22nd?
[19:07] /Meebo: I think we're pushing it off too far and will quickly run out of time
[19:07] /Meebo: what days times work for you all next week? even mornings or evenings
[19:07] /Meebo: Thursday or Friday of next week should work for me
[19:08] /Meebo: any day is good except for monday nights
[19:08] /Meebo: Next Tuesday, Wed night, and Thursday are all bad for me, but Monday and Friday are clear, really at any time
[19:08] /Meebo: I could do any morning next week or Monday, Tuesday (after 7pm), or Wednesday
[19:08] /Meebo: mornings work for me
[19:08] /Meebo: How about monday morning?
[19:09] /Meebo: that works, what time?
[19:09] /Meebo: I should be done by 9am at the latest
[19:09] /Meebo: anytime for me
[19:09] /Meebo: Is 7:30 too early?
[19:09] /Meebo: I could 7:30 am
[19:09] /Meebo: that's fine
[19:10] /Meebo: So Monday, April 9th at 7:30 am
[19:10] /Meebo: that works - lets recap what we will talk about and what to do until then
[19:11] /Meebo: post ideas on the public funding and come up with our top 5
[19:11] /Meebo: I will email Greta and Mary, and search for more on public funding
[19:12] /Meebo: great - thanks and we'll talk monday at 7:30 - will someone please put this transcript up on the wiki?
[19:12] /Meebo: sorry got to run.
[19:12] /Meebo: sure i will post it
[19:12] /Meebo: thanks - see you next monday
[19:12] : has left the chat
[19:12] /Meebo: see you next monday
[19:12] /Meebo: Great, see everybody early on Monday morning
[19:12] /Meebo: in the meantime if we have any other thoughts lets email talk to you monday
[19:13] /Meebo: sounds good
[19:13] : has left the chat
[19:13] /Meebo: sounds good
[19:13] : has left the chat