16th Academic Practice and Technology Conference, 2018
Co-hosted by the University of Greenwich and the London School of Economics & Political Scienceat the Maritime Campus, University of Greenwich, London, SE10 9LS
Tuesday 3rd July 2018
Call for Papers
An uncertain future:
Adapting academic practice for an evolvingdigitalworld
“The future is uncertain... but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity”
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate for Chemistry (1977)
The sixteenth annual Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference will take place at the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Greenwich Maritime campus. Anarchitectural masterpiece overlooking a rapidly expanding east London landscape, the venue’s location and longevitydisguise a constant adaptation to its use over the years, having previously been apalace, a hospital, a naval college and, since 1999, a campus for higher education.
Thisone-dayconference will focus on the need for adaptation of academic practicewithin a higher educationsector that many expect to remain turbulentin the years ahead. APT2018 will explore new pedagogical and technologicaladaptations that practitioners, researchers, technologists, librarians,professional services staff and student-staff partnershipsare implementing or evaluating to ensure that taught programmesremain flexible, sustainable and enhanced despite shifting market conditions andexpectations.
Conference sub-themes willexplore the varied approaches that higher educational professionals are taking to adapt practice,for example work-based learning, establishing online cohortsand seamlessly integrating technology into the learning experience. We are also interested in the use of data analyticsand other evaluation approachesthatinform curriculum enhancement, and lead to initiatives to strengthen and promote teaching excellence in preparation for subject level assessment, as well as ongoing approaches to improve student engagement and experience. Through a range ofpresentation formats for contributors, the event will showcase examples of adaptable academic practice that can inspire higher education staff to work towards a more flexible and future-proofed approach to their teaching given uncertainfuture requirements from students, policy makers and employers.
The event will be held on Tuesday 3rdJuly 2018 and feature parallel sessions of presentations, workshops, case studies, field reports and plenary lectures from guest speakers.
CONFERENCE SUB-THEMES:APT 2018 seeks contributions for workshops and talks that interpret the theme of adaptation of academic practice for an evolving digital world, or alternatively that are aligned to one or more of the following seven sub-themes:
The organising committee also welcome papers on alternative themes that explore the enhancement of academic practice through educational technology where the aim is to have a positive impact on the experience of the student, their potential employers or the best practice of the higher education institution.
The closing date for submissions is midnight on Friday 13th April 2018. More information is found at the APT2018 website, which also administers submissions:
Please submit using the proposal templateenclosed within this call for papers on pages 5-6, which should be submitted as an attachment through the conference website by midnight on Friday 13th April 2018. Some additional information is needed at the time of submission of the proposal template. Directly submit at
All proposals will be blind reviewed and will be considered in terms of academic quality, clarity of writing and alignment to the conference theme of Adapting academic practice for an evolving digital worldor alternatively one of its seven sub-themes (as described on page 2) of this call for papers.The lead author will be notified of the decision relating to their proposals by the published date. Once the paper titles and authors will be added to the conference website.
You may contact the organisers by e-mail () up to the submission deadline to discuss potential contributions. Submissions should be made using the proposal form(seepage5-6).Oncereceived,anypersonaldetailswillberemovedtoensureablindreview, considered with reference to the conference aims and themes,andyouwillbenotifiedofthedecisionbythepublisheddeadline.
SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT DATES FOR APT IN 2018:Proposal submission deadline / Friday 13th April 2018
Authors receive constructive feedback on proposals / Tuesday 8th May 2018
Re-submissions deadline / Friday 18thMay 2018
Presenters registration closes / Friday 1stJune 2018
Presenters registration closes / Friday 15th June 2018
Submit presentations for uploading to website / Thursday 28thJune 2018
Conference / Tuesday 3rd July 2018
Deadline for submission of journal papersfrom APT2018:
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching
Journal of Educational Innovation Partnership & Change
( / Wednesday 31st October 2018
(provisional date)
Friday 30th November 2018
(provisional date)
Website: /
Contact: /
Telephone / 0208 331 7683
APT2018 invites submissions for sessions into one of the following four formats:
/ RESEARCH PAPER/WORK IN PROGRESS. Presentation of a research project or its continuing work in progress represents a classical method of disseminating ideas and results, and getting the perspective and opinions of a diverse audience. It is normally the most popular presentation format at APT annual conferences. Presentations should last for around 20 mins of delivery time to enable good audience participation, with concluding discussion encouraged to ideally complete the full half hour time slot. /
/ WORKSHOP.Workshops last 60 minutes in total and involve participants in active learning. The focus should be on activity involving participants rather than presenting or explaining, so time should be allowed for discussion. Delegates should be encouraged to apply what they have learned to their own discipline or context. The workshops fall into two main formats:
i) Hands on: where participants learn a skill or technique or work in a group to produce or achieve something
ii) Practice simulation: demonstration of an effective technique for teaching, learning, assessment or feedback with time for participant experience.
Additional time at the end of workshop activities can be used for group discussion, ideally up to the full one hour time slot. /
/ CASE STUDY. Case studies provide an opportunity for presenters to share their innovative practices in teaching, learning or assessment. They are ideal for those who are reporting on completed and evaluated practices. A case study of around 20 minutes presentation time should include: the organisational and historical context, technical specifications of the project, discussion of pedagogy, implementation, evaluation (by students, other staff and/or self) and limitations. Case studies should inspire further discussion of five to ten minutes to compliment the session and ideally fill the allocated half hour time slot. /
/ FIELD REPORT. This shorter format is a non-restrictive means to encourage anecdotal reflection by the speaker on any of the conference sub-themes. A field report is an ideal presentation method for those that have championed or supported a past adaptation to teaching practice. In this format, presenters can informally summarise their experiences for discussion; be it an initiative that worked as anticipated, or still needs further consideration. Field reports should stimuate resultant room discussionsideally up to the 20 minutes time limit. /
The authors of successful submissions will be notified by Tuesday8thMay 2018.
At least one presenter must confirm their intention to attend the conference by registering by 1stJune 2018. The full programme will be published in the second half of June.
APT2018 organisers offer a free place to one student presenter per accepted paper.
Template for submissions through the APT website
Directly submit at
oralternatively through links contained within the APT2018 website (
You will need to register an account, or previously have created one through the website, to submit.
Name, title and position/of lead presenter:Name(s) of co-presenter(s):
Name(s) of student presenter(s) (if appropriate):
Your affiliation:
Your office address:
(The details above will be removed to ensure blind review)
Title of Proposal:Please indicate format (delete those that do not apply): / 1. Research paper or work in progress;
2. Workshop;
3. Case study;
4. Field report.
Theme: (delete any that do not apply) /
- Main conference theme - Adapting academic practice for an evolving digital world.
- Alternative theme - enhancement of academic practice through educational technology to benefit students, employers or HEIs.
Sub-themes: (more than one may apply; delete any that do not for your submission ) /
- Scalability in a climate of heightened student expectation
- Student engagement in a technology-enhanced learning environment
- Opportunities for educational technology in times of change
- Learning gain and analytics to inform practice
- Building bridges and new partnerships
- Ensuring teaching excellence
- Enhancing the student experience
Keywords (for use on the website):
Description of session What is the session about? / 500-1000 words max….
Structure of workshop(complete for presentation format B only)
Abstract (You will also be asked to provide this separately when submitting your proposal) / 100 words max…
Room Requirements
(All rooms will have standard internet-enabled pc running MS Office with projector and speakers)
Equipment/facilities required:
Type of space/format (e.g. horseshoe; lecture theatre; nested tables in groups; outdoor) :
Any other information that will assist in the organisation of the session:
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