Garden Plot Contract
Each person who is entrusted with a garden plot shall agree to follow these guidelines:
1. I understand that Richardson East church of Christ (C.A.R.E. or Project Eden) is not responsible for my actions. I therefore agree to hold harmless those Entities for any liabilities, damages, losses or claims that occur in connection with the use of the community garden either by me or any of my guests.
2. I will grow edible items and will donate at least 25% of my produce, based on weight or count, to a local food bank such as but not limited to C.A.R.E Corp, the food pantry of the Richardson East church of Christ.
3. I will harvest my crops when mature and not let food be wasted.
4. I will keep my plot weed free and productive on a year round basis. I will limit non produce, such as flowers, to no more than 10% of my plot. Winter gardening may include a cover crop or bare, weed-free soil.
5. I will attend at least 2 of the 6 planned garden events which may include workdays, education days, or pot luck meals.
6. I will volunteer for at a least one garden task in addition to gardening my plot. (i.e. compost duty, helping with pantry plots, event planning, etc.)
7. Pets are not allowed within the garden fence.
8. No pesticides or herbicides are permitted with the exception of organic pesticides.
9. No water timers or soaker hoses are permitted. I will conserve water by mulching, watering mornings and evenings, and not allowing the water to run unattended.
10. I will pick only my crops unless I have been given permission by the plot user to pick crops in his/her plot.
11. Parking is available in the East lot of the Richardson East church of Christ main campus.
12. This agreement allows the signer to use the garden plot for one year ending November 15, 2014. Annual dues are $40/plot, payable by check or cash to RE Church of Christ.
13. I will notify Project Eden, 972-231-8231 or 972-495-0903, if I must abandon my plot.
Name: Phone: Date:
Address______email ______
City ______Zip Code ______
OFFICE USE ONLY: Dues Paid ______Plot Assigned: