15) Crime (adult, under-age)

I think, that our laws are quite good but some of them are not good for everyone. Laws and rights in the Czech Republic are presented in the Constitution of the Czech Republic and in Chart of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms. Some bad people commit a crime (break the law or do something wrong or illegal). The crime is divided into the groups:minor offences (for example bad parking, fast ride of if you steal something what has ĺower price than 5 thousand crowns) and offences (for example murder or bank robbery).

If you are caught during committing a crime, the police arrests you and you are usually put into the attachment at the police station, then the police must investigate your crime, you must make the statement because the police will question you. Police also must to hear a witness. Then if you are charged with the crime, you usually get to the court. There is ajudge (the head of the court), jury (it settles a matter if you are guilty or innocent, sometimes it is made by the judge), barrister who defends you and your rights, and you are called defendant at the court. You with your barrister must prove that you are innocent. If you are guilty you usually go to the prison and you are called a prisoner.

Some kinds of crime: murder, blackmail, kidnapping, smuggling, hijacking, bulglary, vandalism, shoplifting, etc.

You are accountable from your 15 years. From 15 to 18 you are juvenil. If you commit minor offences you can be put to a diagnostic institution then to child´s home with school or to a educationl istitution. The educational institution is similar to the prison if you commit some offence (like the prison for children).



Constitution – ústava

Chart of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms – listina základních práv a svobod

minnor offence – přestupek

offence – trestný čin

to investigate – vyšetřit

to make the statement – učinit výpověď

court – soud

judge – soudce

jury – porota

defendant – obviněný

barrister – obhájce

guilty – vinný

innocent - nevinný

reference to - poznámka

distrust of – nedůvěra

persecution – obhajova

reveal – odhalit

descendant – potomek

modification – úprava

conceal – skrýt

maintain – udržet

ancient customs – staré zvyky

trailer – maringotka

restrict - omezit

amend – přidat

flow – příliv

reinforce – podpořit

underage – neplnoletý

underagent – zástupce

receive – získat

refuge – uprchnout

turmoil – zmatek

annual fair – výroční trh

attitude – postoj

steal/rob – krádež/loupež

shoplifting – krádež v obchodě

bulgary – krádež v bytě

smuggling - pašování

arson/arsonist – žhářství/žhář

kidnapping – únos

commit a crime – spáchat trestný čin

accuse of – obvinit

charge with – obvinit

plead with – přiznat se

pass verdict on – vynést rozsudek

acquit of – osvobodit

to fine – zaplatit pokutu

investigate – vyšetřit

to arrest – zatknout

barrister - obhájce

defendant – obviněný

to prove – dokázat

decision – rozhodnutí

punishment – potrestání

minor offence – přestupek

to stab in – bodnout do

to strangle – uškrtit

sword – čepel

wound – tržná rána

swordstick – bode v holi

to spy – špehovat

income – daň

an offence weapon – bodná zbraň

self – deffence – sebeobrana

lighter sentence – mírnější trest