15.105Department of Sport, Culture and the Arts

Community Arts

BA with Honours in Community Arts

BA in Community Arts

Diploma of Higher Education in Community Arts

Certificate of Higher Education in Community Arts

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]

Status of the Courses

15.105.1All students are admitted in the first instance as potential Honours students. Transfer to the BA in the Faculty of Education may be possible at any time subject to satisfying the appropriate progress regulations.

Mode of Study

15.105.2The courses are available by full-time study only

Place of Study

15.105.3The courses involve placement outwith the University campuses.


First Year

15.105.4All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

CA 110Music 1115

SC 102Introduction to Arts Funding, Monitoring

and Evaluation110

SC 121Placement 1 – Community Arts110

SC 129Cultural Theory 1110

SC 130Dance 1115

SC 131Drama 1115

SC 133Visual Arts 1115

SC 134Team Project 110

X9 101Community Studies110

Elective Class10

Second Year

15.105.5All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

B1 239Management in the Leisure Industry 210

CM 230Community Studies 2210

X9 245Video Production 1210

X9 248Placement 2 – Community Arts210

X9 266Cultural Theory 2210

Elective Class10

Optional Classes

No fewer than 60 credits chosen from:

X3 227Music 2220

X9 249Drama 2220

X9 250Dance 2220

X9 251Visual Arts 2220

Third Year

15.105.6All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

X9 616Community Project 1stPrincipal Subject315

X9 617Video Production 2310

X9 618Placement 3 – Community Arts310

X9 619Arts: Inclusive Contexts315

X9 620Enquiry Research Methods (Community Arts)310

X9 621Personal/Professional Development Planning 310

X9 622Community Project 2ndPrincipal Subject310

Optional Classes

No fewer than 40 credits of which 20 must be chosen from List A and 10 from each of Lists B and C as follows:

List A

W3 351Music 3310

X9 623Dance 3310

X9 624Drama 3310

X9 625Visual Arts 3310

List B

SS 368Arts Management 1310

X9 627Cultural Theory 3310

List C

CM 341Strategic Approaches in Community Based

Adult Learning310

CM 342Youth Studies310

Fourth Year

15.105.7All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

CM 343Community Empowerment310

X9 719Dissertation440

Optional Classes

No fewer than 70 credits of which 30 must be chosen from List A, 20 from List B and 10 from each of Lists C and D as follows:

List A

(Classes must be taken in pairs as indicated)

W3 456Music 4a420


W3 457Music 4b410

X9 720Dance 4a420


X9 721Dance 4b410

X9 723Drama 4a420


X9 724Drama 4b410

X9 725Visual Arts 4a420


X9 726Visual Arts 4b410

List B

W3 456Music 4a420

X9 720Dance 4a420

X9 723Drama 4a420

X9 725Visual Arts 4a420

List C

SS 488Arts Management 2410

X9 727Cultural Theory 4410

List D

B1 370Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Leisure


X9 729Video Animation410


15.105.8In order to progress to the second year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated no fewer than 110 credits from the course curriculum.

15.105.9In order to progress to the third year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated no fewer than 220 credits from the course curriculum.

15.105.10In order to progress to the fourth year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated no fewer than 350 credits from the course curriculum. In addition a student must have achieved an approved standard of performance with regard to level of study and academic attainment.

Final Honours Classification

15.105.11The final Honours classification will normally be based on:

(i)the first assessed attempt at compulsory and specified optional classes which are taken in the fourth year;

(ii)if appropriate, an oral examination.


15.105.12BA with Honours: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BA with Honours in Community Arts, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 480 credits from the course curriculum. These must include no fewer than 180 credits at Levels 3 and 4 of which at least 90 must be at Level 4 and must include those for the class SC 443 Dissertation.

15.105.13BA: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BA in Community Arts, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 360 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 60 must be at Level 3 or above.

15.105.14Diploma of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of a Diploma of Higher Education in Community Arts, acandidate must have accumulated no fewer than 240 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 90 must be at Level 2 or above.

15.105.15Certificate of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education in Community Arts, acandidate must have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the course curriculum.

15.105.16In accordance with Regulation 15.1.42, a candidate may be awarded the BA or the Diploma of Higher Education or the Certificate of Higher Education in Community Arts ‘with Commendation’.


to 15.105.40(Numbers not used)

Sport and Physical Activity

BA with Honours in Sport and Physical Activity

BA in Sport and Physical Activity

Diploma of Higher Education in Sport and Physical Activity

Certificate of Higher Education in Sport and Physical Activity

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]

Status of the Courses

15.105.41All students are normally admitted in the first instance as potential Honours students. Transfer to the BA in the Faculty of Education may be possible at any time subject to satisfying the appropriate progress regulations.

Mode of Study

15.105.42The courses are available by full-time study only.

Place of Study

15.105.43The courses involve placements outwith the University campuses.


First Year

15.105.44All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

HP 102Human Physiology110

HP 103Structure and Function of the Musculo-skeletal

SC 123Applied Sociology 1110

SC 125Psychology of Sport and Exercise 1120

SC 128Introduction to Sport and Outdoor Education

SC 223Principles of Measurement of Physical Activity110

SS 126Exploring Sport and Outdoor Education130

X9 117Marketing in the Leisure Industry 1110

Second Year

15.105.45All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

B1 234Practical Studies Sport 1225

B1 235Development of Coaching Practice (Sport)215

B1 236Placement 1210

B1 239Management in the Leisure Industry210

B1 240Sport in Society210

SC 222Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2220

X9 203Financial Management in the Leisure Industry 1210

X9 266Research/Enquiry Methods210

Elective Class10

Third Year

15.105.46Students will specialise in their third year and fourth year by choosing optional classes from two of Lists A, B and C

All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

B1 301The Coaching Process320

B1 302Sports Development 310

SC 342Placement 2310

SC 343Research/Enquiry Methods 2320

SC 345Practical Studies Sport 2320

Elective Class 10

Optional Classes

No fewer than 30 credits chosen from any two of Lists A, B and C with no fewer than 20 credits to be chosen from one list and no fewer than 10 to be chosen from the other:

List A

B1 303Special Topics in Sport and Physical Activity310

B1 306Health Related Fitness310

B1 402Conditioning for Sport and Training Theory410

B1 404Notational Analysis410

HP 302Healthy Nutrition310

X9 445Issues in Sport and Exercise Science410

List B

B1 303Special Topics in Sport and Physical Activity310

B1 304Applied Sociology 2310

B1 305Applied Psychology for Exercise and Physical

B1 403Health Promotion310

SS 347Physical Education in Secondary Schools 2310

X9 447Psychology of Elite Performance310

List C

X9 315Events Management, Fundraising and
Sponsorship in the Leisure Industry320

X9 338Marketing and Tourism Management in the
Leisure Industry320

Fourth Year

15.105.47All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

B1 401Personal/Professional Development Planning410

B1 405Dissertation440

B1 406Coaching Concepts 420

B1 407Sport in the Community420

Optional Classes

No fewer than 30 credits chosen from List A, B or C as previously selected:

List A

B1 303Special Topics in Sport and Physical Activity310

B1 306Health Related Fitness310

B1 402Conditioning for Sport and Training Theory410

HP 304Sports Nutrition310

X9 445Issues in Sport and Exercise Science410

List B

B1 303Special Topics in Sport and Physical Activity310

B1 304Applied Sociology 2310

B1 305Applied Psychology for Exercise and Physical

B1 308Mental Preparation for Performance310

B1 403Health Promotion410

SS 347Physical Education in Secondary Schools 2310

X9 447Psychology of Elite Performance410

List C

SS 460Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Self
Employment in the Leisure Industry420

SS 461Tourism Management Project A410

SS 462Tourism Management Project B420

SS 463Leisure Management Project A410

SS 464Leisure Management Project B420


15.105.48In order to progress to the second year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 120 credits from the course curriculum.

15.105.49In order to progress to the third year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 230 credits from the course curriculum.

15.105.50In order to progress to the fourth year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 350 credits from the course curriculum. In addition, a student must have achieved an approved standard of performance with regard to level of study and academic attainment.

Final Honours Classification

15.105.51The final Honours classification will normally be based on:

(i)the first assessed attempt at compulsory and specified optional classes taken in the third and fourth years.

(iii)if appropriate, an oral examination.


15.105.52BA with Honours: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BA with Honours in Sport and Physical Activity, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 480 credits from the course curriculum. These must include no fewer than 180 credits at Levels 3 and 4 of which a minimum of 90 must be at Level 4.

15.105.53BA: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BA in Sport and Physical Activity, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 360 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 60 must be at Level 3 or above.

15.105.54Diploma of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of a Diploma of Higher Education in Sport and Physical Activity, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 240 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 100 must be at Level 2 or above.

15.105.55Certificate of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education in Sport and Physical Activity, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the course curriculum.

15.105.56In accordance with Regulation 15.1.42, a candidate may be awarded the BA or the Diploma of Higher Education or the Certificate of Higher Education in Sport and Physical Activity ‘with Commendation’.