The Minutes Of The Ordinary Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Monday 21st September, 2015 at Coolham Village Hall, Coolham at 7:30pm

148/15 Attendance and Apologies For Absence

Those Present: P Baxter, W Beckett, J Coad (Chair), G De Zoete, J Emrich, T Hayes, L Lovett, N King-Tours (Vice Chair), S Roggendorff

Also Present: 2 Representatives from Conergy, P Gibbs Shipley TD Football Club, Cllr N Jupp, Cllr K Rowbottom, Parish Clerk F McNeile and 6 members of the public.

Apologies: Cllr A Jupp (North Horsham Committee Meeting), Cllr G Lindsay (Holiday), Cllr P Sinton (Holiday)

Cllr Coad stated that ‘Due to the nature of matters to be discussed in item 164/15 (Employment Matters), press and public if present will be requested to leave the meeting’

149/15 To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation.

Cllr Emrich declared an interest in TD Shipley Football Club as they are a tenant of Knepp Estate.

150/15 Approval Of The Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 17th August


The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.

151/15 Matters Arising from Item 150/15 (For information only)

137/15 The Clerk confirmed that she had also reported the New Age Travellers along Countryman Lane to WSCC and received confirmation on 21st September that an enforcement order has been served. With this in place the travellers should leave soon. The police have also been made aware.

152/15 Report from the Police

The Clerk read a recent email to Council which was sent by the Police. ‘I would also like to inform you that we will no longer send out monthly performance statistics. The reason is that the statistics alone tend to cause significant confusion, and can be misleading. For statistics to be relevant there needs to be commentary around them, and currently we do not have the capacity to provide that level of detail on a monthly basis. We will provide figures at the end of this performance year (March 2016) with the relevant commentary. You can be assured that we have daily and weekly meetings whereby any spikes in crime type or specific geographical areas are highlighted, and a suitable police response is determined.’

153/15 Report from the County Councillor


154/15 Report from the District Councillors

Cllr Rowbottom reported that from a Policing perspective Horsham is now attached to Adur and Worthing which may be a concern as Worthing is a high crime rate area and Horsham is a low crime rate area. HDC are still waiting for a decision from the inspectorate but should hear any day on the outcome of the planning framework. HDC have employed a part time Dementia Coordinator whose main criteria is to make Horsham a ‘Dementia Friendly’ district. The Coordinator’s name is Sharon Cadman and she will be implementing lots of ideas to make life easier for people suffering with Dementia.

155/15 Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations

Philip Gibbs, the Chairman from Hills Farm Lane Football Club which shares the ground in Shipley with TD Shipley Football Club presented an update of the club’s plans to Council. The key points outlined were:

·  There are two teams who are both doing well in their leagues.

·  The main news from the club is that they are the first club to ‘kick off’ Walking Football which is the fastest growing sport for older people in this area. It is well known on the South Coast but not so well known this far north in Sussex. Tuesday mornings are Walking Football sessions and there are 15 fully paid up members of the Shipley Walking Football club ranging from 55 to 81 years old who are all coming back into sport for the first time in a number of years. At the present time, none of these players are from Shipley. There was a recent recruitment drive for local members.

·  The Walking Football team is now competing with teams along the South Coast but this new team has also generated a new sense of belonging for the players. These retired people are now actively involving themselves in the club; mowing grass, repairing things and lots of other jobs. This has generated interest from other organisations such as Age UK as the club is developing into more of an activity centre for older people

·  Mr Gibbs would like to see a small pavilion (5m x 6m) built and possibly a small workshop under the County Council ‘Men Shed’ initiative.

·  Mr Gibbs would like to introduce Walking Football for people with the early stages of dementia.

·  Mr Gibbs feels that Shipley is the ideal place to develop this aspect of the club and feels supported by Knepp Estate in the clubs endeavours

·  There are a few issues that Mr Gibbs would like to discuss further with the Parish Council. Access along the A272 being one of the problems which Mr Gibbs realises is a concern and has recently employed a traffic consultancy to carry out access and speed tests to ensure that any possible problems are addressed.

·  Cllr Coad mentioned problems with flooding on the A272 from the football fields. Mr Gibbs is looking to install major drainage for the entire site and has won Section 106 money towards that project. The plan is to install the drainage next year and prevent the flooding problems. Fundraising towards the £30,000 drainage project is still continuing.

·  A junior pitch is currently under construction.

·  The club may need to ask for lighting to be reconnected for early evening activities (5pm to 7pm) and site access signage.

·  Mr Gibbs will provide the Clerk with Walking Football material to put on the Council website and to be passed through to parish magazines.

·  Mr Gibbs is passionate about sporting facilities in Horsham District and may plan other sporting venues for indoor football/cricket.

156/15 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).

Cllr Coad congratulated Debbie Cannons and all the volunteers on their fundraising efforts at the BBQ Fun Day on 29th August and thanked them for their contribution to the pavilion restoration fund.

Debbie Cannons asked for an update on the Bonfire Fund Raising Event planned. The Clerk explained that the Parish Council insurer’s initial response was that they require a 100m distance between bonfire and fireworks and houses/roads/vehicles and the Coolham Playing Fields do not comply to this requirement. However, this does not mean to say that the event cannot be insured at Coolham, but it does mean that a detailed map with measurements for Bonfire distances, firework display area etc must be submitted. If the insurance company approves the event at Coolham, then there will not be any additional premiums. If the insurance company does not approve the event then an alternative location will be required. The Council also need to actively take part in checking the layout of firework displays, bonfire construction etc prior to the event. The Clerk also asked Council to consider the damage to the field if vehicles access the field during the bonfire construction.

Following discussion, it was agreed that:

·  No vehicles would be allowed onto the playing fields and that any materials required for Bonfire Construction and Firework Displays would be carried across the fields.

·  The Clerk will present to the insurance company three scenarios and for the event; a map with the event all planned at Coolham playing fields, a map with the bonfire at Coolham playing fields but the fireworks being set off from another location near to the fields for people to see, a map with the bonfire at Coolham playing fields and low level fireworks such as Catherine Wheels and Foundations.

·  The Clerk to investigate with HDC whether the second gateway in the upper field can be re-opened without planning permission.

·  Debbie Cannons to forward the Clerk a map of the planned Bonfire site and Firework Display area and risk assessment.

·  If the insurance cannot be obtained for the Bonfire and Fireworks then the event may have to be simply a Bonfire event with a separate theme such as Halloween.

·  Parish Councillors to inform the Clerk if they are able to assist with the event.

157/15 Chairman’s Announcements

HDC Planning will be contacting all Parish Clerks to arrange visits in small groups to the planning department and to understand the planning process. After meeting all of the groups, and taking into account the experiences of the Parish Councils who have been part of the six year trial, HDC will make a judgement on how paperless planning is adopted.

The Parish Council website is now up and running and although there are a few ‘tweeks’ to be completed it will be updated regularly. Cllr Coad thanked the Clerk for all her work in setting up the site.

Following recent emails that have been received, Cllr Coad asked Council whether any members knew of any land available for the Countryman Gun Club. Cllr Emrich stated that a decision has been made to close the Club and that decision was not been made lightly. It was first muted several months ago and since then there has been research into potential problems associated with lead and Knepp Estate are not happy with carrying on with the risks of cattle grazing and being susceptible to lead poisoning. Lead is concentrated in an area where clay pigeon shooting takes place. It is very sad and Knepp are very sorry that it will spoil a lot of people’s fun. It is appreciated that a lot of people have put a great deal of love and time into the site and Cllr Emrich would like to invite the Parish to come up with ideas for a community use for it. Knepp have looked at introducing some fish ponds but are not sure that will work, but there is no reason that the site could not be taken on for a community use. The last shoot will be at Christmas. Cllr Baxter commented that whilst there are other clubs available to members for shooting, lots of clubs are closing (Surrey and Shoreham were named) and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find clubs locally. No members knew of possible alternative sites.

The Clerk has suggested an ‘Away Morning’ for Councillors. The morning would be an opportunity for Councillors to meet in less formal surroundings and get to know one another better and discuss community issues that are of importance to them. Council agreed that this was a good idea and it was agreed that members would email the Clerk availability in December.

158/15 Autumn Parish Clean Up

It was agreed that the Autumn Litter Pick would take place on the morning of Saturday 21st November with Darren Rolfe from WSCC assisting teams of litter pickers. The Clerk to advertise on the website and notice boards and also to contact McDonalds for their assistance.

159/15 Neighbourhood Plan

The Clerk explained the basics principles and requirements of a Neighbourhood Plan to Council and the reasons it may be necessary. Shipley Parish has completed the first stage of a NP and has logged Shipley as a designated area with HDC. Councillors raised concerns regarding the manpower required to execute a NP, the money required and also whether the NP would genuinely be considered by the local planning authority. To date local interest in a local NP has been minimal. Cllr N Jupp informed Council that Billingshurst Parish Council recently attracted 30 people to a meeting who may be interested in assisting with their NP and the Parish Council is also advertising for donors to assist with the costs of their plan which is estimated to be £30,000. Cllr Rowbottom stressed that HDC is not imposing housing on villages and that many villages have embraced the idea of the NP and have identified sites for development and have taken control on what they want to happen to their village.

The Council agreed a media campaign would need to be launched to attract committee members and raise awareness in the Parish. The Clerk to gather information from other Clerks in the locality on their recruitment drives and initial launches, put together a mailshot and propose dates for forums in the village halls.

160/15 Planning Applications

DC/15/1741 Kingswood Eggs Ltd, Orchard Farm, Emms Lane, Brooks Green – Demolish Storage Buildings & Rebuild For Offices and Workshop With Associated Parking

After Consideration The Council Approved

Votes 8 Approved 1 Abstention

DC/15/1651 Spearhill Solar Farm, Land Off Hooklands Lane, Hooklands Lane, Spear Hill, Ashington – Installation Of Photovoltaic Solar Farm Comprising Arrays Of Solar Panels And Associated Equipment

After Consideration The Council Approved with the provision that all works traffic access the site via Billingshurst Road and Spear Hill and that the development complies with the Highways Act Section 28 and that Hooklands Road is made good and returned to its original condition following completion of the development.

Votes 9 Approved

DC/15/1755 Falconers, Sincox Lane, Shipley - Replacement Of Single Glazed Windows With Double Glazed Windows And Replacement External Door – LBC

After Consideration The Council Approved

Votes 9 Approved

DC/15/1885 Bridge Hill Farm, Thakeham Road, Coolham – Replacement Porch

After Consideration The Council Approved

Votes 9 Approved

DC/15/1860 Land North Of Thornhill Court, Billingshurst Road, Coolham – Proposed Construction Of Pond And Wetland For Recreational Fishing

After Consideration The Council Approved with the provisions that measures are put in place to manage road conditions particularly clearing and cleaning mud away and that vehicles avoid passing through the A272 and in particular the crossroads at Coolham during peak hours (8am and 9am) and (3pm and 4:30pm). The Council also requested that the current access is closed after the works are completed and that re-landscaping of this area is carried out.