September 2015 – July 2016Please make cheques payable to PascalsCollege
137 – 139 High Street, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1AG TEL: 020 8663 6733
Email: , website:
GCSE/GCE Exam application Form:
1) Copy of passport/ drivers licence (for identification).
2) 4 stamped, self-addressed envelopes (to despatch your examination documentation,
Statement of entry, statement of results and your certificate: large envelope for the certificate please).
3) A copy of your most recent statement of entry or results showing your UCI.
The examination centre will only create a UCI on behalf of a candidate in one of these two instances:
- The candidate has not taken any GCSEs or GCEs (AS / A2) before.
- The candidate took GCSEs / GCEs before January 2001.
4) The Fee: 50% of all fees are non-refundable
GCE: per written module (AS / A2): £120/ language Speaking: £240 / Language listening £240 / Coursework £660 per module (Note: This fee includes; Supervision, authentication and assessment (marking) by PascalsCollege. If you are studying with a distance learning organisation that will be supervising and authenticating your work, the fee for Pascals College to assess your work and submit it to the examination board is £240.00. For AQA History HIS4X if your work is being supervised and authenticated by your distance learning organisation, the fee for this module is £120.00 to PascalsCollege who will submit your work to the examination board for marking.
AQA Science(Biology, Chemistry and Physics) practical route T: £660 per module
AQA Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) Practical route X: £660 per module
CIE Biology / Chemistry / Physics: £660 per module (May 2016)
Cambridge PRE-U Level 3 Certificate £660 CIE Science Practical £600 CIE written and multiple choice modules £60
EDEXCEL (PEARSON) Biology, Chemistry and Physics: £660 per module
OCR Biology Practical modules; F213 and F216, OCR Chemistry practical modules; F323 and F326, OCR Physics modules; G483 and G486: £660 per module
OCR Chemistry Specification B (Salters) practical module (AS: UNIT 3) F333: £660 per module
OCR Chemistry Specification B (Salters) practical module (A2 Unit 6) F336: £660
OCR Physics Specification B practical modules G493 and G496: £660 per module
WJEC Biology / Chemistry / Physics: £660 per module
APPLICATION FORMAggregation / certification(please tick the appropriate option that applies): Yes No
Explanation (Modules can only be aggregated when all modules for a particular level have been taken i.e. all four modules for GCE A level written subjects, all six modules for A level science or mathematics or both modules for AS written specifications or all three modules for AS mathematics or science). Please Note modules can only be aggregated at one centre only i.e. if you are taking modules in more than one centre and wish to aggregate your units you must make the request at one of the entering centres.
Candidate Information:
Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) (Thirteen digit code that ends with a letter)
(can be found on your most recent statement of entry or results or certificate)
Candidate Name: …………………………………………………………………………………Examination Board, Subject, Examination Series, Module code
(For example: AQA, Mathematics, June 2016, G496)
Candidate Number: (for admin use)
Sex: M / F D.O.B:……./………./……...
Address: ………………………………………... Town: …………………………………..
County: ………………………………………… Postcode: ……………………………….
Contact Telephone Number: …………………………………………………………………….
Email address: …………………………………………………………………………………...
Cheque number
SalesInvoice number
Purchase invoice number
I understand and accept that the registration fee is non-refundable
and declare that I am the candidate
Candidate Signature……………………………. Date………………………………….
Pascals College Limited is registered in England and Wales, Company number: 05497689
Registered Office 137 – 139 High Street, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1AG VAT Reg no: 877 3151 03