Françoise Herrmann

130 Belgrave Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94117

(415) 665 0106 (messages)


Fax: (415) 681 9003


9/84-4/90 PhD and MA. In Education (Language, Literacy and Culture)

Dissertation: Instrumental and agentive uses of the computer: Their role in learning French as a foreign language. Stanford University, CA.

9/79-8/82MA in English (Language Studies)

Thesis: Utilizing Maslow's hierarchy of needs as an organizing principle for the notional approach to second language learning. San Francisco State University, CA.

10/76-6/79(BA. English and Spanish) Licence & DEUG de langues vivantes étrangères. Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III.


PresentFreelance translation (French and English) LKA, Los Altos, CA;

Scitech, NJ, Tristan Translations, CA.

1997 Jan-Dec.Freelance translation (French) Accent on Languages, Berkeley, CA.

1993- presentFreelance Interpreter and Translator (French and Spanish). Lan Do and Associates. San Francisco, CA.

1996 Jul-Aug.The Corporate Word, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA.

1994-1999Reflections Program Coordinator- Second District PTSA (Parent, Teacher and Student Association), San Francisco, CA.

1/93-12/94Freelance Interpreter and Translator (English and Spanish), The Language Bank. San Francisco, CA.

6/89-12/92Educational researcher. San Francisco Unified School District, CA.

4/88-9/88Course associate. Stanford-Harvard Collaborative Writing project, CA.

9/85-6/87 Teaching and research fellowships. Stanford University, CA.

1/80-7/83French lecturer and tutor. San Francisco State University, CA.



-----Dictionnaire des rimes et assonances – Le Robert - Collection Les Usuels - Book review to be published in the ATA Chronicle.

----- Dictionnaire des synonymes, des nuances et contraires.Le Robert – Collections Les Usuels - Book review to be published in the ATA Chronicle.

Dictionnaire des rimes – Pierre Desfeuilles. Editions BORDAS, France. 2005. Book review to be published in the ATA Chronicle.

2006 Le VISUEL multimédia 3. Software review to be published in the ATA Chronicle.

------ANTIDOTE RX. Software review to be published in the ATA Chronicle.

------Le Petit Larousse: Dictionnaire multimédia 2006. Software review to be published in the ATA Chronicle.

------Larousse médical: Encyclopédie multimédia 2006. Software review in the ATA (American Association of Translators) Chronicle 35(7) 42-44.

------L’étonnant voyage des mots français dans les langues étrangères – Franck Resplandy. Paris, France: Éditions Bartillat, Feb. 2006. Book review in the ATA (American Association of Translators) Chronicle 35(5) 37-38.

------Le Grand Robert & Collins électronique. Software review in the ATA (American Association of Translators) Chronicle 35(4) 44-46.

----- Le prépositionnaire – Francoise Bulman. Paris, France: ViaMédias Editions and Montréal, Canada: L’instant même. Book review in the ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 35(2) 44-45.

2005 Babylon-Pro 5.0: Information and Translation in a Single Click. Web tool review in the ATA Chronicle, 34(9) 41-47.

---- Harrap’s Unabridged Pro CD-ROM French > English Dictionary. In The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 34(3) 55.

-----100 mots à sauver – B. Pivot. Paris, France: Albin Michel, 2004. In The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 34(2), 57.

----- Grand Bilingue – Dictionnaire de la santé on CD-ROM. In The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 34 (1) 49-50 .

2004 TM Systems TranStation™: The Digital Solution to Language Translation, Dubbing and Subtitling. In The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 33(8) 46-49

-----L’Encycopédie Hachette Multimédia Version Intégrale 2004 –v 7.0. In the The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 33(6) 41-45..

-----Le Larousse Expression – Multidictionnaire du français au quotidien. In the The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 33(5), 42-44

2003Collins French Dictionary on CD-ROM, French-English, English-French. In the The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 33(2), 43-46 (2004).

-----Le Robert & Collins Super Senior (2 volumes) Grand Dictionnaire Français-Anglais/Anglais-Français. Review published in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 32(8) 51-53.

-----Waiting for the electronic version of the Robert & Collins: An interview with Martyn-John Back, Director of Bilingual Dictionaries at Le Robert in France. In The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle 32(4), 50-52.

2002Harrap’s Unabridged Dictionary English-French / French-English (2 volumes). Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 31(5), 55-58.

-----Le Petit Robert CD-ROM New Edition. Review in The ATA (American

Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 31(4), 45-48.

-----TERMIUM 2001 CD-ROM. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s

Association) Chronicle. 31(4), 48-50.

-----Larousse-Chambers CD-ROM Dictionary French-English / English French. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 31(4), 51-52.

2001Le Petit Larousse 2001 CD-ROM. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 30(10), 51-52.

----- Harrap’s Shorter CD-ROM Dictionary (English-French / French-English). Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 30(8), 59-61.

-----Harrap’s Computers & the Internet Dictionary English/French, French/English. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 30(7), 53-54.

-----Harrap’s Shorter Bilingual Dictionary English-French / French English, 6th Edition 2000. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association) Chronicle, 30(1), 68-69.

2000Le Petit Larousse Illustré 2000. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s

Association) Chronicle, 29(6), 52-53.

-----TERMIUM Plus®. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association)

Chronicle, 29(3), 50-51&62.

1998TERMIUM®. Review in The ATA (American Translator’s Association)

Chronicle, 27(8), 53-54.

-----Building on-line communities of practice: an example and implications.

Educational Technology, 38(1), 16-23.

-----Educating hearts and minds: Reflections on Japanese preschool and elementary education by C.C.Lewis (CUP). Book review in Mind, Culture and Activity, 5(1), 71-72.

1997The pleasure principle revisited in virtual reality. Proceedings of the AACE-WebNet 97 Conference. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

1996Zodiac. In N. Walstrum (Ed.) A Tapestry of Thoughts, (p. 375). Owings Mills, MD: The National Library of Poets.

1995 Electronic academia: Academia in the age of Telecommunications. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications, Tel*Ed '95 (pp.100-108). Tallahasee,

Fl: SouthEastern Regional Vision for Education (SERVE) for The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

-----ListServer Communication: The discourse of community building. Proceedings of the CSCL'95 Conference. (Computer Support for Collaborative Learning) edited by J.L. Schnase. Mahaw, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN- 0-8058-2243-7

1994User friendliness revisited: Child friendliness. CAELL Journal, 5(2),


1993 Of chameleons and would-be humans. Computer instruments and agents. CAELL Journal, 4(2), 23-29.

1992Computer literacy in computer-assisted language learning (CALL): A forgotten case. In H. E.Klein (Ed.) Forging New Partnerships with Cases,

----- Simulations and other Interactive Methods (p.437-444). Needham (Boston), MA: World Association for Case Method Research and Application (WACRA).

-----Instrumental and agentive uses of the computer: Their role in learning French as a foreign language. San Francisco, CA: Mellen Research University Press.

-----An instrumental/agentive framework in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). In D. Carey, R. Carey, D.A. Willis and J. Willis (Eds.), STATE - Technology and Teacher Education Annual-1992, (p.578-580). Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

-----Metacognition in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL).

In D. Carey, R. Carey, D. A. Willis and J. Willis (Eds.), STATE - Technology and Teacher Education Annual-1992, (p. 599-601). Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

1991A case study of the instrumentalization of computers in CALL (Computer -Assisted Language Learning). In H. E. Klein (Ed.), Managing Change with Cases, Simulations and other Interactive Methods. (p. 421-427). Needham (Boston), MA: World Association for Case Method Research and Application (WACRA).


The pleasure principle revisited in virtual reality. Paper prepared for AACE-WebNet-97 (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education- World Conference on the WWW, Internet and Intranet). Toronto, Canada, Oct.31-Nov.5, 1997.

Evidence of learning in a ListServer context of communication. Paper prepared for AACE- EdMedia 97 (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education- World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia). University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, June 13-19, 1997.

Electronic Academia: Academia in the age of telecommunication. Paper prepared for ISTE/Tel*Ed '95 (International Society of Technology in Education/Telecommunication in Education). Fort Lauderdale, Florida, November 30-Dec.3, 1995.

ListServer Communication: The discourse of community building. Paper prepared for CSCL'95 (Computer Support for Collaborative Learning). IndianaUniversity, Bloomington, Ind. October 17-20, 1995. To appear in Proceedings

Electronic academia: Conversations amidst the X-spurts. Paper prepared for the 1993 Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Research Association (NERA). Ellenville, NY. October 27-29, 1993.

Participatory design in a workplace called school. Poster session prepared for the Second Conference on Participatory Design (PDC-'92) in collaboration with David Allen. MIT, November 6-7, 1992.

Creating a database of book reviews as a computer-mediated activity system (CMAS). Paper prepared for the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) 1992 Annual Meeting. Portsmouth, N.H, May 6-8, 1992.

Desktop publishing across the curriculum: The Neighborhood Computer Centers. Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA). Hilton Head, S.C., March 2-3, 1992.

The computer literacy recursion in instrumental CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). Paper prepared for the North Eastern Research Association (NERA) Annual Meeting. October 1rst, 1991.

Instrumental and agentive CALL in foreign language learning. Paper prepared for the New England Research Organization (NEERO). April 24-26, 1991.

Computers and language learning: An instrumental approach. Paper prepared for the 21rst Century Project. ArizonaStateUniversity. April 7-9, 1991.

CALL: Instrumental and agentive modes. Paper prepared for the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. February 13-16, 1991.

Do you really need the computer or how to keep on dancing without stepping on each other's toes? Paper prepared for the Fourth Annual Forum for Research on Language Issues, StanfordUniversity, May 9th, 1987.

Linguistic approaches to language teaching: Jam session vs. rehearsed composition in L2 CALL. Paper prepared for the 21rst Annual TESOL Convention, Miami, FL., April 21-25, 1987.

When paradigms are lost: An alternative to traditional L2 CALL. Paper presented at the third Annual Forum for Research on Language Issues. StanfordUniversity, May 10th, 1986.

Tradition and revolution revisited: The L2 CALL situation. Paper prepared for the 17th Annual CATESOL Conference. Oakland, CA., April 18-20, 1986.

Completed manuscripts

1997Evidence of learning in an on-line discourse community.

-----Golden evidence of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning).

1996 Comunidad electrónica: El idioma de la amistad y de la fraternidad.

1995Electronic Academia: An analysis of on-line communication. (Submitted to various publishers)

-----Book review: Urban Sanctuaries: Neighborhood organizations in the lives and futures of Inner -City youth by Milbrey Mclaughlin, Merita A. Irby and Juliet Langman. 1994 Jossey Bass Inc.

-----"Good morning Gordon": Building and sustaining community, on-line. Submitted to CAELL Journal

-----What is community? An answer from the x-lists.

-----Perceptions of on-line communication: On-line reflexivity.

-----Forum c'est quoi? C'est un bazaar.

on the concept of goals: Summary and reflections

in collaboration with William Blanton, Michael Cole, Eugene Matusov and

Jozsef Toth. Submitted to MCA (Mind Culture and Activity)

-----An analysis of the conversation flow in electronic academia.

-----Case studies of the instrumentalization of the computer in CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning).

Professional affiliations

ATA - American Translators Association

NCTA- Northern California Translators Association

ISTE- International Society for Technology in Education

AACE- Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education

AERA- American Educational Research Association

References on file at the Stanford Career Planning and PlacementCenter. CPPC-StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA94305 and at the Northern California Translators Association (NCTA) P.O. Box 14015, Berkeley, CA94712-5015.