Title: 13 Yours to explore: working for Shell in Assen, the Netherlands

Duration: 4:31 minutes


Cindy, a Pipeline Maintenance Engineer who works for Shell in Assen (the Netherlands), talks about work and life in and around Assen and Groningen and shares with us how she has found the right balance between work and taking care of her young daughter. Cindy takes you on a tour and shows that the vibrant and old city of Groningen, with its renowned university, provides more than enough

13 Yours to explore: working for Shell in Assen, the Netherlands

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Assen, the Netherlands

Cindy dirk

Pipeline maintenance engineer

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CGI of the Earth rotating. Red dot appears on the Netherlands.

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Northeastern Netherlands

53°0’N 6°33E

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Zooms in on the red dot.

Dutch landscape with windmill.

Woman in red overall standing next to a black car, and working on a laptop on its bonnet.

“This is my office for today!

[Video footage]

Man turning a wheel on some machinery.

Cindy and man standing next to an orange car, looking at papers.

Cindy with pipes behind her.

Views of pipes in the countryside.

I always say that I sort of fell in love with the pipeline.

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View of the pipeline.

A switch went off.

I knew that "Yeah, this is what I want to do."

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Red overall with name tag CINDY DIRKX;

Cindy standing in front of pipes.

My name is Cindy Dirkx, I am a Pipeline Maintenance Engineer

and I've been working for Shell for almost two years.

[Video footage]

Cindy walking next to a canal.

Cindy standing in front of pipes.

The most exciting thing about working for Shell NAM is the diversity.

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Cindy with a colleague walking with views of a refinery in background.

We have different assets, different installations,

and that means that every day is different.

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Cindy leaning over car.

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Cindy and colleagues wearing hard hats.

Sometimes I will be on location for a whole week,

[Video footage]

Cindy and colleague standing in from of refinery.

Cindy smiling at two people

[Video footage]

Cindy walking in a multi-storey building.

Walking down a corridor.

but for some periods I will be in the office four days a week.

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Cindy carrying files and puts book on desk.

[Video footage]

Cindy with hard hat outside with male colleagues around pipes.

Pipeline maintenance engineering involves the maintenance

of all the underground pipelines that belong to the asset land.

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Close up of safety sign.

When we work on a job outside, safety is always our first concern.

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Cindy outside with male colleagues around pipes and equipment.

An internal pipeline inspection is done with an intelligent pigging.

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Close up of large hook with machinery in background.

Three men making adjustments to large machinery.

The tool makes measurements of the wall thickness.

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Close up of man’s face wearing goggles and hard hat.

Cindy doing paper work at a desk.

Cindy opening and examining files.

It takes about eight weeks to process the results

and after we receive them, we define if there are any issues

with the pipeline that need to be repaired.

[Video footage]

Cindy outside with male colleagues all wearing hard hats..

We work a lot with external expertise.

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Cindy and colleague wearing hard hats walking and talking.

Cindy standing by her car, talking on phone.

The job of our department is to arrange the correct process

of getting all the information to the external expertise party.

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Cindy and colleague wearing hard hats, talking.

Cindy and many other colleagues looking at a large machine.

[Video footage]

Assen street scene with cyclists.

People walking in a field next to a canal, wind turbines in background.

The city of Assen is a small city.

Outside of Assen, you are very close to nature.

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Insect hovering over flowers in a field.

Pastoral scene with cows in background.

You get rest, you get peace, you have a lot of space

and I think that's a big advantage of Assen.

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Camera pans from field and trees to road.

Tractor driving past cows in a field.

I live in a small village very close to Groningen

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Houses in a street, with a cyclist.

and I travel to Assen every day.

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Cindy in office, speaking.

Usually I finish work between five and six o'clock.

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Little girl standing at the window as Cindy cycles in.

Little girl eating.

When I arrive home, I first take care of my little girl.

Most of the time she's already had dinner

[Video footage]

Little girl eating,

Little girl running in playground, looking at animals.

and then we have all the time to go to the playground,

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Cindy and daughter pointing at animals.

Cindy’s daughter looking at rabbit in hutch.

Little girl next to her bike.

or get on the bike.

After our daughter is sleeping, if the weather is good,

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Cindy speaking.

She puts on her crash helmet, starts her motorbike, and rides off.

sometimes I take my motorbike and go out

for a little ride through the region.

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Pedestrians in the centre of Groningen.

Within ten minutes we are in the city centre of Groningen.

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Boats and a jetty, with houses in the background.

Building that looks like a town hall, with stalls outside.

There are many things to do; it has a great social life,

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Cindy sitting at a café table in a square with friends.

People sitting in stadium, pedestrian and cyclist going by.

Cobbled street.

it gets a lot of attention for cultural events.

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Views of old and new buildings.

We have a great university over there,

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Cindy, in office, speaking.

and Shell NAM, in combination with the city of Groningen,

[Video footage]

Views of old buildings.

Cindy sitting at a café table in a square with friends.

Cindy in overalls, with colleagues.

offers you the possibility to have a sparkling life,

but also to develop a worldwide career.

[Video footage]

Views of people in office meetings.

Men having conversations.

Within your individual development plan,

you set certain goals that you want to approach.

[Video footage]

Cindy in overalls, with colleagues outside, looking at machinery.

Cindy in office, speaking.

I think that values such as integrity

and honesty are really, really present.

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Cindy in overalls, with colleague standing in front of large machinery.

I really feel one of the team and one of the guys.

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Cindy turning wheel on large machine.

I never have the feeling that I am approached differently by anyone.

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Cindy in office, working with flip chart.

Outside view of refinery.

We have such a diverse company where there's so many disciplines

[Video footage]

Cindy in overalls, with colleagues, pipes and machines.

and so many challenges that we are developing and innovating every year,

[Video footage]

Cindy in office, speaking.

so I am sure that for each person

there will be a challenging job available.

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Cindy outside looking at machinery

Cindy in office.

My career at Shell NAM at the moment has definitely met my expectations.

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Cindy working with flip chart.

The type of work that I am performing now,

the diversity and the challenge that I find in it,

it's really above expectations.

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Cindy in hard hat.

Cindy in office, speaking.

If I take a look at my life I say, "Yeah, I have a great life"

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Cindy in garden with her daughter.

and at the moment Shell NAM is contributing to It”.

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